
For the objectives to be configured for youth services:

Table 1. Configured Outcome Management Objectives
Name Description
Provide youth specific supportive activities to enhance his or her psychological, social and educational needs These could include voluntary and paid services, such as mentoring, tutoring and after school sports activities. The purpose of these activities is to maintain the proper nurturing environment for a child under the auspices of the organization.
Provide services to meet unique accessibility requirements of the client or family member Interpretation service (such as translation and sign language) requests and other accessibility requests can be captured via this objective.
Provide restorative and therapeutic services that meet the youth or family members psychological needs Youth often require restorative or therapeutic services is intended to provide services to address these needs, like art therapy, psychiatric counseling, community service, etc.
Provide activities and/or services to provide vocational training and work experience for a youth This would include vocational training in areas such as business, trade or technical. This can also include work programs/ work release for youth that provide on the job training and experience for youth.
Provide evaluative services to assess the needs of the identified person This objective is intended to better understand the needs and requirements of the client and his/her family via third party evaluations of the person in question to identify their needs to achieve permanency.
Provide Gang/Intervention services This is specialized treatment for the youth focused on reformative treatment aimed at the youth as a gang affected participant who intends to change his or her life.
Provide activities and/or services to meet the educational needs of an identified person This objective focuses on activities and services specifically related to the educational needs of a participant in the case.
Provide education and support in the maintenance of the home environment This objective addresses issues associated with basic home management activities, such as cleaning the home, budgeting, etc. These services assist the client in achieving independent living skills.
Provide supportive services and assistance in the preparation of a youth preparing to enter adulthood This objective focuses on activities and services geared towards preparing a child for independence.
Provide appropriate medical services for the identified person This objective focuses on medical related activities, such as physical exams.
Address any accessibility issues for a person with a disability This objective addresses accessibility issues or barriers specific to persons with disabilities, such as providing handicap accessible facilities.
Address issues of substance abuse and addiction This objective focuses on treatment for substance addiction.
Victim Meditation Mediation and contact with youth and victim.