Property Administration Settings

This section describes the configurable property files implemented as part of CFSS and its solutions.
Table 1. List of Application Properties
Name Description CCS CYS
ccs.release Defines the welcome message, which can include the CCS version being released to the organization. Yes No Environmental property that determines whether the case visitor should be added as case participant or not. No Yes
curam.casevisitor.include.primaryclient Environmental property that determines whether the primary client of a youth service case can be added as a visitor in their own visitation plan. No Yes
Defines the number of days prior that the end date of a placement should occur (0 or 1) on a previous placement. Yes No
Indicate whether the display of approved intake cases should be disabled on the case worker's homepage. Yes No
curam.ccs.intake.performance.timeframe Defines the number of hours that an intake approval should take. Yes No
curam.ccs.investigation.milestone.configid Defines the administration configuration ID of the investigation against which a milestone is configured. Yes No
Defines the whether the organization's admission validation settings apply to all facilities. No Yes
Defines the maximum length allowed for an attachment description on the list page. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.ccs.afcars.fostercare.filelocation Defines the location where a generated AFCARS report will be stored. Yes No
Defines whether permission (approval or rejection) is required to complete a placement of a participant in out of home care. Yes No
Defines whether the days in care since the last active removal or the accumulated days in care for all removals are to be shown in the child services case. Yes No
curam.cfss.caseReview.nextDueDate Defines the number of days between case reviews. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.casesearch.excludedcasetypes Defines the Cúram case types not to be included when doing a case search in CFSS. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.incomesupport.installed Indicates whether or not Cúram Global Income Support Services Suite is installed with Cúram Family Services Suite. Yes Yes
Indicates if multiple ongoing cases are allowed for any child services case (e.g. intake, investigation, etc). Yes No
Defines the Curam concern roles not to be included when doing a participant search in CFSS. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.physicaldescription.heightUnit Defines the unit of measure to be presented when capturing height details for a person. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.physicaldescription.weightUnit Defines the unit of measure to be presented when capturing weight details for a person. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.provider.proximity.unit Defines the unit of measure to displaying when showing the distance to a provider. Valid values are KM and MILES. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.service.approval.task.deadline Defines the service approval task deadline configuration. No Yes
curam.cfss.workflow.casereview Defines the deadline duration for the task sent regarding a case review. No Yes
curam.cys.integratedcase.allow.multiple The environmental property that determines whether the system should allow a user to create a single or multiple youth service case(s). No Yes
Enforces the age validation on the Youth Service case creation process. No Yes
Defines the number of hours allowed between an initial health evaluation and full medical examination. No Yes
Defines the number of hours left for full a medical examination to be completed upon initiation. No Yes
Defines the default number of hours to apply as the deadline for phone notification task. No Yes
curam.cys.temporaryrelease.hour.limit Defines the default "Return Date/Time Setting" to present when creating a Temporary Release. No Yes
curam.cys.temporaryrelease.limit Defines the number of days of Scheduled Temporary Release to display in the list. No Yes
curam.facility.securitysearch Defines the default timeframe to display in the Security Search View. No Yes
curam.roomassignment.assignroom.task Defines the number of hours that should pass before sending a task to facility worker to assign a new room to a youth being admitted to a facility. No Yes
Defines the due date of the investigation recommendation based on the investigation start date. Yes No
curam.maintain.prior.placement Defines whether the previous placement must be maintained when a new runaway placement record is created. Yes No
curam.prior.placement.offset Defines the number of days a previous placement should be held when a child runs away from that placement. Yes No
curam.ccs.investigation.servicedelivery Defines whether stand-alone services are available from a Child Services investigation. Yes No Defines whether common intake is enabled. Yes No
curam.ccs.maxRecord.size Defines the maximum number of records to be displayed on CCS pods. Yes No
curam.ccs.intake.advisor.enabled Defines whether the smart panel should include the intake advisor. Note: This application property is not currently in use. Yes No
curam.ccs.socialrelationship.enabled Defines whether social relationship details (e.g. strength of a relationship between two individuals) can be captured. Yes No
curam.cfss.iveeligibility.enabled Defines whether IV-E eligbility is enabled. Note: This application property is not currently in use. Yes No
Defines whether validations for Admissions process have been enabled. No Yes
Defines the number of records returned for CFSS specific search processes. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.ccs.common.plan.indicator Defines whether the Plan page group should be enabled to present the case plan functionality implemented in previous versions of CCS. No Yes
Defines whether Lucene enhanced participant search functionality has been enabled for the CCS All Participant Role search. Note: This application property is not currently in use. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.premodify.version.update Defines whether versionNo has to be considered prior to modification of a record. Yes Yes
Defines the chunk size to be processed in the Create Contact Compliance batch process. Yes Yes
Defines whether the Create Contact Compliance batch process should sleep while waiting for other batch processes to complete. Yes Yes
Defines how long the Create Contact Compliance batch process chunks should sleep while waiting for other batch processes to complete. Yes Yes
Defines the interval in milliseconds that the Create Contact Compliance batch process will wait before attempting to read the chunk table again. Yes Yes
Defines whether the Create Contact Compliance batch process should process any unprocessed chunks found after all the streams have completed. Yes Yes
curam.cfss.cys.common.plan.indicator Defines whether the Plan page group should be enabled to present the case plan functionality implemented in previous versions of CYS. No Yes
curam.cfss.ccs.common.intakeNarrtaive This property defines how long (in minutes) before the intake narrative in the smart panel will be automatically saved. If the value set to zero, the auto save feature will be disabled. Yes No
curam.ccs.PDFCreation.enabled This property determines whether the closure of an ongoing case will result in the creation of a communication. The XML server must be up and running if this property is enabled. Yes No
curam.cfss.ccsIntake.participantMerge This property determines whether the concernRoleID of a prospect person that has been merged with a registered person should be updated to have registered person displayed as case participant instead of the prospect person in an intake. Yes No
curam.cfss.ccsInvestigation.participantMerge This property determines whether the concernRoleID of a prospect person that has been merged with a registered person should be updated to have registered person displayed as case participant instead of the prospect person in an investigation. Yes No
curam.cfss.ccsIntegrated.participantMerge This property determines whether the concernRoleID of a prospect person that has been merged with a registered person should be updated to have registered person displayed as case participant instead of the prospect person in an integrated case. Yes No