
Milestones are significant events or tasks that are to be completed during the life cycle of a case. CFSS defines some milestones to be included as demonstrate data to be included as part of the Suite. The intent of this data is to provide a base line of milestones to expedite the implementation of a solution.

Please note that Cúram supports the ability to have a milestone managed by (created or completed) or result in Cúram events. The milestones defined here are available to the user to be inserted into a case manually, or can be configured to be managed by the system based on Cúram events.

Table 1. List of Milestones
Name Description CCS CYS
Initiate investigation Indicates when an initial contact must be completed with a member of the family or alleged victim based on organization policy and practice. Yes No
Complete investigation Indicates when an investigation recommendation must be submitted for approval. Yes No
Complete safety assessment Indicates when a safety assessment must be completed for the household being investigated based on organization policy and practice. Yes No
Complete risk assessment Indicates when a risk assessment must be completed for the household being investigated based on organization policy and practice. Yes No
Initial medical exam Indicates when an initial medical exam should be completed for the child or children in the case based on organization policy and practice. Yes No
Initial plan Indicates when an initial case plan should be completed based on organization policy and practice. Yes No
Plan review/ evaluation Indicates when a case plan should be reviewed or evaluated based on organization policy and practice. Yes No
Initial service plan Indicates when an initial service plan should be completed based on organization policy and practice. No Yes
Youth referral Indicates when a youth referral should be completed based on organization policy and practice. No Yes
Youth admission Indicates when a youth admission should be completed based on organization policy and practice. No Yes