Editing the Dynamic Evidence Type Version

Dynamic Evidence Types, unlike Non-Dynamic Evidence Types, can have multiple versions which vary over time. With Non-Dynamic Evidence, a single Evidence Type has a fixed set of attributes and relationships for the duration of its existence, and these can only be changed in tandem with a re-development and data migration exercise.

Dynamic Evidence, however, allows for information recorded in respect of an Evidence Type to evolve in response to the evolution of legislative and administrative Evidence requirements. Each Version of a Dynamic Evidence Type is effective from a particular date, and remains effective until the next version.

As part of creating a Dynamic Evidence Type, the system also creates a default Dynamic Evidence Type Version (as in order to be useful, a Dynamic Evidence Type must have at least one Evidence Type Version associated with it), and it is at the Evidence Type Version level that we define attributes and other details for the Evidence Type.

To define such details, we must launch the Dynamic Evidence Editor. To do this:

In the next sections we will define two key aspects of a Dynamic Evidence Type - the Model and the User Interface.