Activating the Dynamic Evidence Type Version

Up to this point, we have been dealing with a Dynamic Evidence Type Version which is in a status of 'In Edit'. This means that it has not yet been approved for use in a Product or Case, and indicates that an administrator is still working on its definition. Note that this is another difference from Non-Dynamic Evidence Types; as the latter are developed rather than configured, they are assumed to be available for use in a Case once they are deployed on a system i.e. they have no 'In Edit' status.

For our Sample Income Dynamic Evidence Type to be available for use in a Case, it must have at least one 'Active' Dynamic Evidence Type Version.

To do this, do the following:

You will notice that the 'Status' column of the Dynamic Evidence Type Version is now 'Pending Activation'. After some time, if you refresh this page, it will change to 'Active'; the Dynamic Evidence Type is now available for use in a Case. The next logical step, then, is to link this Dynamic Evidence Type with a Case Type.