Data Attributes

A Rule Attribute is generated for each Data Attribute in the corresponding Dynamic Evidence Type Version. The name of the Rule Attribute is the same as that of the Data Attribute. The type of the Rule Attribute is dependent on that of the Data Attribute, but this is not a one to one mapping. The table below summarizes the mapping from Data Attribute Types to Rule Attribute Types.

Table 1. Data Attribute Type to Rule Attribute Type Mapping
Data Attribute Type Rule Attribute Type
Boolean java.lang.Boolean
Date curam.util.type.Date
Time curam.util.type.DateTime
Integer java.lang.Number
Float java.lang.Number
Money java.lang.Number
String java.lang.String
Codetable Inbuilt Codetable type in CER

Also, for Data Rule Sets the "Volatile" setting of the Data Attributes are also considered when determining the Data Type of a Rule Attribute. A Data Attribute which is marked as Volatile would have the type determined as described above, but inside a Timeline. This is to facilitate the Rule Object Propagation mechanism to create a Timeline of values while populating each Attribute.