
While editing the metadata for a Dynamic Evidence Type Version, a Calculated Attributes Rule Set should be specified using the "Calculated Attributes Rule Set Name" option in the Evidence Properties Panel in the Evidence Editor.

The logic to compute the value of a Calculated Attribute is typically based on the data from the relevant Case Evidence record or from Case Evidence records related to it, and this is why there is a requirement to have an "evidence" Rule Attribute in Calculated Attribute Rule Sets. When a Calculated Attribute Rule Set is invoked during Case Evidence maintenance, this Attribute will be populated with a Rule Object containing the data for the Case Evidence record for which the Calculated Attributes have to be computed.

Using a Starter Rule Set

If the specified Rule Set does not exist, a "starter" Rule Set with the given name will be generated. The generated starter Rule Set will have a class called "CalculatedAttributes" which has the base Rule Class and the "evidence" Attribute mentioned in the previous section, and will be associated with the Dynamic Evidence Calculated Attributes category.

This Rule Set should be further edited by the administrator to define Attributes corresponding to each Calculated Attribute. When the Dynamic Evidence Type Version is activated, the Calculated Attributes Rule Set is also activated.

Using an Existing Rule Set

Sometimes, an existing Rule Set is specified as the Rule Set to be used for Calculated Attributes. Typically, this happens when a new Dynamic Evidence Type Version is created and the previous Dynamic Evidence Type Version already had a Rule Set specified for Calculated Attributes.

In this case, the existing Rule Set is not modified automatically. If no new Calculated Attributes Rule Set has been added and the logic to compute the Calculated Attributes does not need to change, then the existing Rule Set can be used. If an additional Calculated Attribute is added to the new Dynamic Evidence Type Version, a corresponding Rule Attribute would have to defined in the existing Calculated Attributes Rule Set.