Generated Rule Sets

Rule Sets written for Calculated Attributes, Summary Information and Validation are collectively referred to as containing Evidence Processing logic. These Rule Sets need to access data pertaining to the relevant Dynamic Evidence Type as part of their logic. To facilitate this, for every Dynamic Evidence Type a Processing Rule Set is generated.

Rule Sets written for determining Eligibility and Entitlement for a particular Program are called Eligibility and Entitlement Determination Rule Sets. These Rule Classes need to access data from Dynamic Evidence Types which are involved in the determination. To facilitate Dynamic Evidence Types participating in Eligibility and Entitlement determination, a Rule Set called a Data Rule Set is also generated for each Dynamic Evidence Type

These Rule Sets are generated whenever changes to an "In-Edit" Evidence Type Version are saved (note that these Rule Sets are generated per-Dynamic Evidence Type, not per-Dynamic Evidence Type Version).

The following sections discuss the structure of these Generated Rule Sets in detail.