
The following properties can be set in respect of Data Attributes with a data type of 'String':

Table 1. String Type Properties
Property name Description
Minimum Length This property sets the minimum character length for the Attribute when entered by the case worker. Entering a value with a lesser number of characters than the value of this property will result in a validation error at Case Evidence record save time. Locale specific format can be typed in for Minimum Length.
Maximum Length This property sets the maximum character length for the Attribute when entered by the caseworker. Note that at runtime, case workers will not be able to physically enter more characters into a Field in respect of this Attribute than is specified in this property value.Locale specific format can be typed in for Maximum Length.
Compress Embedded Spaces This property indicates that any extra whitespace embedded in the Attribute string, and that all leading and trailing whitespace, be removed from the value entered by the case worker before storing it. For more details please refer to Cúram Server Modelling Guide , in the section on Domain Definitions Options.
Remove Leading Spaces This property indicates that any leading spaces should be stripped off the Attribute value entered by the case worker.
Remove Trailing Spaces This property indicates that any trailing spaces should be stripped from the Attribute value entered by the case worker before storing it.
Convert to Uppercase This property indicates that the contents of this Attribute value entered by the case worker should be converted to uppercase before storage.