Add Related Case Participant

Related Case Participants are Participants other than the Primary Client to be associated with a Case Evidence record. Related Case Participants allow case workers to do one of three things:

In many cases it is sufficient that the Case Evidence record be associated with an existing Case Participant, and so it is possible for the administrator to configure Related Case Participants so that only the first of these options is available to case workers.

Clicking on the 'Add Related Case Participant Attribute' button in the Model Palette creates a new Related Case Participant Attribute for the Dynamic Evidence Type Version, displays it in the Model Canvas, selects it, and opens the Properties Panel for Related Case Participant Attributes.

This panel contains the following properties:

Table 1. Related Case Participant Attribute Properties
Property name Description
Attribute Name This property sets the Model name for the selected Related Case Participant Attribute. The value of this property is treated as the internal identifier for the Related Case Participant Attribute across the entire Dynamic Evidence Type Version metadata, and as such must be unique across all Attributes in the Dynamic Evidence Type Version. The Attribute Name is never used in the generation of screens for Case Evidence pages, and so the case worker will never see its value.
Attribute Names must follow a specific naming format:
  • They must start with a lowercase English alphabetic character
  • They can only contain lowercase or uppercase English alphabetic characters, numeric characters and underscores.
  • They must not contain any reserved words such 'relatedEmployment' or 'comments' as these are reserved identifier in the Dynamic Evidence Editor.
Participant Type The Participant Type controls the type of Representative created if the case worker chooses to register a new Case Participant (i.e. The third of the Related Case Participant options).

The following values can be selected for Participant Type:

  • Person
  • Employer
  • Service Provider
  • Unknown
Participant Role Type This property, possible values for which are taken from the CaseParticipantRoleType codetable, specifies what type of Case Participant Role record will be created when the Related Case Participant Attribute is entered in the Case Evidence create or modify screens as runtime.
Participant Type Options This property allows administrators to display only a subset of Case Participant Role Types in the second panel of the Related Case Participant Cluster (i.e. The panel which allows case workers to search for a Participant to associate with this Case Evidence record). Possible values are taken from the CaseParticipantRoleType codetable.