Add Data Attribute

This button creates a new Data Attribute for the Dynamic Evidence Type Version, displays it in the Model Canvas, selects it, and opens the Properties Panel for Data Attributes. This panel allows the administrator to set the following properties:

Table 1. Data Attribute Properties
Property name Description
Attribute Name This mandatory property sets the Model name for the selected Data Attribute. The value of this property is treated as the internal identifier for the Data Attribute across the entire Dynamic Evidence Type Version meta data, and as such must be unique across all Attributes in the Dynamic Evidence Type Version. The Attribute Name is never used in the generation of screens for Case Evidence pages, and so the case worker will never see its value.
Attribute Names must follow a specific naming format:
  • They must start with a lowercase English alphabetic character
  • They can only contain lowercase or uppercase English alphabetic characters, numeric characters and underscores.
  • They must not contain any reserved words such 'relatedEmployment' or 'comments' as these are reserved identifier in the Dynamic Evidence Editor.
Attribute Type This property sets the data type for the selected Data Attribute.

The following Data Types are available:

  • String (default) - any character value
  • Integer - whole numbers
  • Date - a calendar date
  • DateTime - a calendar date and time
  • Money - a currency value
  • Boolean - true or false
  • Float - a floating-point number
  • Codetable - a Cúram codetable code

The Attribute Type fundamentally affects many aspects of the Data Attributes administrative and runtime behavior:

  • It governs what Type Safety Validations will get executed for values entered into a Field in respect of this Attribute; all Case Evidence Attribute values are validated by the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure before they can be saved to the database to ensure that they are valid values for the specified Type.
  • It governs what User Interface widget is used to display the Attribute Value, both at administration time (in the User Interface tab of the Editor) and at runtime (on Case Evidence create, modify and view screens in respect of this Dynamic Evidence Type Version).
  • It controls the Attributes available for selection in Standard Validations, Summary Details, General Evidence Properties, etc.
  • It determines the data type options available in the relevant Attribute Properties panels
  • And many others - where the behavior of Dynamic Evidence is affected by the Attribute Type, this is documented separately in this guide

Attempting to change the Attribute Type of a Data Attribute which is already referenced somewhere in the Dynamic Evidence Type Version (e.g. It is on the User Interface, or referenced in Validations, or referenced in Summary Information, etc.) will cause the Editor to confirm with the administrator whether or not they want to proceed. If they choose to proceed, the Editor will remove all references to it (e.g. In Business Start and End Dates, Validations, Summary Information, etc.), and will update the User Interface based on the new Type.

Default Value

This optional property sets the default value to be pre-populated on Case Evidence create pages for the selected Data Attribute. Default values must be valid for the selected Attribute Type, and the Editor will not allow default values with incorrect formats for the selected Attribute Type to be set by the administrator.

Note: In most cases, the Default Value is a free from text field, but this changed for the following attributes.

drop down containing 'true' and 'false' where the Attribute Type is set to 'Boolean'.

drop down containing code table items where the Attribute Type is set to 'Codetable'.

text field with date picker where the Attribute Type is set to 'Date'.

Locale specific format can be typed in for the data types such as Date, Integer, Float and Money and typing locale specific Currency Symbol can be typed in case of Money attribute.

Volatile This property setting indicates whether values for this Data Attribute can logically change over time, and is currently solely used in CER Ruleset processing; this property has no effect on the runtime Case Evidence screens.

For example, a 'Vehicle' Evidence Type may have two attributes - vehiclePurchasePrice and vehicleFairMarketValue. In this example, vehiclePurchasePrice is non-volatile (it has a value at Case Evidence record creation time, and this value cannot ever change), whereas vehicleFairMarketValue is volatile (the fair market value will likely decrease over time).

If set to True, the Volatile Property will cause this Attribute to be generated as a Time line Attribute in generated Dynamic Evidence Data Rule Sets, allowing its value to change across succession sets. If set to False, the Attribute will be generated as a non-time line Attribute which can have a single value over time.

The Volatile property cannot be changed between Dynamic Evidence Type Versions for a Dynamic Evidence Type; once this property is set in a Dynamic Evidence Type Version and that Version is activated, it must continue to have the same value for all subsequent Dynamic Evidence Type Versions.

Mandatory This property setting indicates that the selected Attribute should be considered Mandatory in Case Evidence create and modify pages. This property does not apply to Boolean or Codetable Data Attributes, Calculated Attributes or Related Case Participant Attributes. If set, the caseworker must specify a value for Fields in respect of this Data Attribute, and such Fields will be displayed with an asterisk beside them to indicate to the case worker that they are required. Note that all Mandatory Attribute must appear in the User Interface!
Calculate on create If Blank This property is used to specify a calculated attribute to be used to populate this data attribute if it is left blank on create. A drop-down box enables linking the Data Attribute to a Calculated Attribute. The drop-down lists Calculated Attributes in the Evidence Type that are of the same data type as the Data Attribute. Once a Calculated Attribute is selected it will be used to calculate the value of the Data Attribute if it is left blank on the Create page.
<<Data Type>> Options Data Attributes have a number of options that can be applied to them that govern their behavior. These vary for each Attribute Type. The options are described in Data Attribute and Calculated Attribute Type Options .
Description This property configures a non-localizable Model description value for the selected Attribute. This is for annotative purposes only, and is never displayed to the case worker at runtime.