Add Calculated Attribute

Calculated Attributes are Dynamic Evidence Type Version Attributes which, rather than being provided by the case worker, are calculated by the system at runtime (and are as such read-only). Values for Calculated Attributes are evaluated via the execution of a CER Calculated Attributes Rule Set.

Clicking on the 'Add Calculated Attribute' button in the Model Palette creates a new Calculated Attribute for the Dynamic Evidence Type Version, displays it in the Model Canvas, selects it, and opens the Properties Panel for Calculated Attributes.

All Attribute property settings relevant to Data Attributes are also relevant to Calculated Attributes with the exception of Default Value, Volatile and Mandatory settings (in general, any properties which affect the editing of the Attribute do not apply to Calculated Attributes as they are read-only in nature). Please refer to the Data Attributes property settings for more details.

As mentioned in the section on Evidence Properties, the Rule Set Name for Calculated Attributes is configured on the General tab of the Dynamic Evidence Type Properties Panel. For more information on the use of CER Rule Sets for Calculated Attributes, please refer to Calculated Attributes Rule Sets.