Related Case Participant Clusters

As discussed in the Model Definition chapter, Related Case Participants are Participants other than the Primary Client to be associated with a Case Evidence record. Related Case Participants allow case workers to do one of three things:

Related Case Participant Clusters are the User Interface representation of Related Case Participant Attributes.

The following properties can be set for a Related Case Participant Cluster
Table 1. Related Case Participant Cluster Properties
Property name Description
Name for Cluster An optional (but practically essential) localizable partial name for the Related Case Participant Cluster (partial, as whatever the administrator adds as text in this field will be suffixed by ' Details' e.g. 'Income Details').
Name for Cluster ID A Resource property identifier for the Name for Cluster property. Mandatory if a Name for Cluster is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Name for Cluster has one or more characters).
Name for Labels An optional (but again practically essential) localizable partial name to use for a number of Labels on the 3-Panel Related Case Participant Cluster. These are:
  • For the first Panel, the field label will be set to '<<Name for Labels Value>> Participant'
  • For the second Panel, the field label will be set to '<<Name for Labels Value>>'
  • If the 'One Name Field' is set to true, the field label for the first field in the third Panel will be set to '<<Name for Labels>> Name'
  • If the 'One Name Field' is set to false, the field label of the first field in the third Panel will be set to '<<Name for Labels>> First Name', and the field label for the second field in the third Panel will be set to '<<Name for Labels>> Surname'
Name for Labels ID A Resource property identifier for the Name for Labels property. Mandatory if a Name for Labels is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Name for Labels has one or more characters).
Name for Descriptions An optional (but again practically essential) localizable Label to be used in all descriptions on the Related Case Participant Panel (e.g. 'If the <<Name for Descriptions>> is a case participant, please select from the list of case participants below).
Name for Descriptions ID A Resource property identifier for the Name for Descriptions property. Mandatory if a Name for Descriptions is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Name for Descriptions has one or more characters).
Case Participant Descriptor The setting of this value will be used in the label of the Case Participant Panel(the first panel) as a suffix to the in the For Example '<<Name for Labels Value>> <<Case Participant Descriptor>>'. The Default value is 'Participant'
Case Participant Descriptor ID A Resource property identifier for the Case Participant Descriptor property. Mandatory if a Case Participant Descriptor is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Case Participant Descriptor has one or more characters).
First Name Label This value setting is used as an alternative label setting for the First Name field label of the Related Case Participant widget's Third Panel. The First Name field value will will be set to this property setting if it has 1 or more characters .
First Name Label ID A Resource property identifier for the First Name Label property. Mandatory if a First Name Label is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the First Name Label has one or more characters).
Second Name Label This value setting is used as an alternative label setting for the Second Name field label of the Related Case Participant widget's Third Panel. The Second Name field value will will be set to this property setting if it has 1 or more characters. This property is not displayed if the '<<one Name Field>>' setting is true.
Second Name Label ID A Resource property identifier for the Second Name Label property. Mandatory if a Second Name Label is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Second Name Label has one or more characters). This property is not displayed if the '<<one Name Field>>' setting is true.
Allow Modification Possible values are 'no', 'single', and 'multiple'. The functionality of this setting is described in conjunction with the "Show all Panels" property. Please refer to Show All Panels and Allow Modification for more information.
Search Type The "Search Type" property determines the search popup page that the case worker will see on create and modify pages. This property have such values as Person, Employer, Product Provider, and Service Supplier, its default setting being blank. E.g. If "Search Type" is 'Person', the caseworker will see a Person search popup when searching for related participants. If left blank, the search widget seen on the create/modify pages will be a multi popup search type, where the type of search result can be specified by the case worker at runtime.
Show All Panels Possible values are true or false. Please refer to Show All Panels and Allow Modification .
One Name Field Possible values are true or false. If this option is set to true, a single name field (called 'Name') will be presented for any new Related Case Participant created. If this value is false then both First and Second Name can be specified.
On Create Page Possible values are true or false. If true, the Related Case Participant Cluster is shown on the Case Evidence create page; if false, the Cluster is not displayed on the Create page. In most cases this should be set to true (i.e. The checkbox should be checked).
On Modify Page Possible values are true or false. If true, the Related Case Participant Cluster is shown on the Case Evidence Modify page; if false, the Cluster is not displayed on the Modify page. In most cases this should be set to true (i.e. The checkbox should be checked).
On View Page Possible values are true or false. If true, the Related Case Participant Cluster is shown on the Case Evidence View page; if false, the Cluster is not displayed on the View page. In most cases this should be set to true (i.e. The checkbox should be checked).
Online Help An optional localizable text containing Cluster information for Online Help on Case Evidence screens.