Related Employment Clusters

The Related Employment Cluster provides a container for Related Employment Attributes. A Related Employment, when dragged on to the evidence canvas, adds a cluster containing fields such as Participant and Employer. At run time, to create or modify an evidence record, the case worker will be shown a wizard, which mandates that the case worker select an employment record from a list before being able to create the Evidence record. Based on the employment record selection in the wizard, the Related Employment cluster displays its associated Participant Name and Employer Name in the second page of the wizard.

Table 1. Related Employment Cluster Properties
Property name Description
Title An optional Cluster Title for the default locale. Note that most Clusters have Titles, but they are not in fact enforced to be mandatory by the Dynamic Evidence infrastructure.
Title ID A Resource property identifier for the Title property. Mandatory if a Title is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Title has one or more characters).
Description An optional Cluster Description for the default locale. Cluster Descriptions, if provided, appear below the Title at runtime.
Description ID A Resource property identifier for the Description property. Mandatory if a Description is provided (this property is only displayed in the Editor if the Title has one or more characters).
Number of Columns A mandatory numeric dropdown containing values from 1 to 4, the Number of Columns dictates how Columns will be used to lay out all contained Fields in this Related Employment Cluster in generated create, modify and view pages in respect of this Dynamic Evidence Type Version. Typically, this value is set to 2 (and sometimes 1) for most Dynamic Evidence Types.
Related Employment Attribute The name of the Model Related Employment Attribute that this Field populates.
On Create Page Non Editable property which defaults to true, which displays the Related Employment Cluster on the Case Evidence Create Page.
On Modify Page Possible values are true or false. If true, the Related Employment Cluster is shown on the Case Evidence Modify page; if false, the Cluster is not displayed on the Modify page. In most cases this should be set to true (i.e. The checkbox should be checked).
On View Page Possible values are true or false. If true, the Related Employment Cluster is shown on the Case Evidence View page; if false, the Cluster is not displayed on the View page. In most cases this should be set to true (i.e. The checkbox should be checked).
Online Help An optional localizable text containing Cluster information for Online Help on Case Evidence screens.