Reuse or Modify Cúram-shipped Dynamic Evidence Type Versions

In other situations, a Cúram-shipped Dynamic Evidence Type Version (for a particular Dynamic Evidence Type) might match customer requirements exactly, or may require a small amount of modification to meet customer requirements. In such cases, customers should use the 'New InEdit Copy' action to clone the appropriate Cúram-shipped Active Dynamic Evidence Type Version. This may be counter-intuitive for situations where no changes are going to be made by customers, but it is an important step to ensure that customers usage of such types are unaffected by future releases of such Types from IBM. If you plan on using a Cúram-shipped Dynamic Evidence Type Version in your project, you should create a new InEdit copy of it first.

The newly cloned Dynamic Evidence Type Version must be assigned an effective date appropriate for the business requirements of the program being implemented (see the section on Dynamic Evidence Timelines for more details). Note that the effective date of Cúram-shipped Dynamic Evidence Types will normally be set to a date in the distant past, for example 1st January 1900.

Note: If in the future, a Cúram-supplied Dynamic Evidence Type needs to be bug-fixed by IBM, or if an enhancement needs to be made to it, this will always be done via the release of a new Dynamic Evidence Type Version i.e. previously-shipped Dynamic Evidence Type Versions will not be changed in-place. In such cases, the Cúram-shipped Dynamic Evidence Type Version effective date will be incremented by 1 day from the previous version. This is to ensure that customers will always be able to analyze what changes have been made in order to decide whether or not to apply them to their customized Versions.
Note: Where a Cúram-supplied Dynamic Evidence Type is to be used in a customer Program (Product Delivery, Integrated Case, etc.), please note that Dynamic Evidence Type Versions which are not required in a project implementations should be canceled. This will ensure that no Evidence Records are inadvertently recorded against them in a runtime environment; if they exist on a product system, there is always a possibility that a Caseworker can try to enter an Evidence Record for a received date that overlaps with this Cúram-shipped Dynamic Evidence Type Version, and this is likely not to be the desired behavior.