Dynamic Evidence Type Versions

As mentioned earlier, the Dynamic Evidence Type Version contains much of the structural and behavioral details for a Dynamic Evidence Type from a particular point in time. Dynamic Evidence Type Versions store such information in the form of metadata, and in doing so provide the details necessary to generate Case Evidence pages for collecting and recording Evidence data. Each Case Evidence data record in respect of a Dynamic Evidence Type is linked to the Dynamic Evidence Type Version used to create it.

Versions are recorded in the EvidenceTypeVersionDef entity where metadata is stored as a blob in XML format. Editing metadata is only supported via the Dynamic Evidence Editor, provided with the Dynamic Evidence administration component. Modifying this XML metadata directly is not supported and may result in incorrect system behavior; in addition there is no guarantee that the structure of this XML metadata will not change between releases of Cúram.

Dynamic Evidence Type Versions are linked to Dynamic Evidence Types in a many to one relationship; each Version belongs to one Dynamic Evidence Type, and a Dynamic Evidence Type can have many Versions, each with different Effective From dates.

Versions can be accessed by expanding individual Dynamic Evidence Type list items on the Dynamic Evidence Type List page. This shows a list of Versions for the selected Dynamic Evidence Types sorted by Effective From date in descending order. If there is Version of a Dynamic Evidence Type in an ' In Edit ' status, it is placed at the top of the list (see Dynamic Evidence Lifecycle for more information on the status of Dynamic Evidence Type Versions). A number of actions can be performed on Dynamic Evidence Type Versions:

View Metadata
This action launches the Dynamic Evidence Editor in a new tab to view the metadata for the selected Version. Users may explore the metadata but cannot save any changes, i.e. The Save button and various other Palette buttons will be disabled.
Edit Metadata
Launches the Dynamic Evidence Editor in a new tab to edit the metadata. In this mode, users can save changes they make. This action is available only for Dynamic Evidence Type Versions with a status of ' In Edit'.
Note: While using the Editor, users can access the same Dynamic Evidence Type Version record from two places: the Dynamic Evidence Editor and the Dynamic Evidence Type List Page. If the status of the edited Dynamic Evidence Type Version is changed via the administration page (for example, by activating it), subsequent attempts to save metadata from the Editor will result in an error.
Edit Effective From
Allows the Effective From date of a Dynamic Evidence Type Version to be modified. This date is a mandatory property and cannot be left blank. The action is available only for Dynamic Evidence Type Versions with a status of ' In Edit '.
New InEdit Copy
This action copies the selected Dynamic Evidence Type Version and creates a new version of it with a status of ' In Edit '. This action is only available for the latest Dynamic Evidence Type Version with a status of 'Active' in the list, and only if that Dynamic Evidence Type has no Versions already with a status of ' In Edit ' i.e. Only the latest Active Dynamic Evidence Type Version can be copied and extended (although it is of course possible to change the structure of the new Dynamic Evidence Type Version metadata using the Dynamic Evidence Editor, subject to the normal restrictions on the evolution of Dynamic Evidence Type Versions).
As mentioned earlier, only Dynamic Evidence Types with at least one Active Version can be used as Case Evidence in a Program. The ' Activate ' action marks a Dynamic Evidence Type Version as Active, and this action is available for all versions with a status of ' In Edit '. When activated, a Dynamic Evidence Type Version can be linked to a Product or Integrated case, and thus can be used in the case worker workspace for recording Case Evidence data.

Behind the scenes, Dynamic Evidence Type Version activation is complex, and goes through two stages.

In the first, the selected Dynamic Evidence Type Version changes its state to 'PendingActivation ' to allow Rulesets to be generated and published. Once this is completed, the Dynamic Evidence Type Version status changes automatically to 'Active '.

Note: Because of its intrinsic complexity, the Activation process for Dynamic Evidence Type Versions uses Cúram Deferred Processing, which is asynchronous in nature. As a result, the user may have to use the Refresh Button on the Dynamic Evidence Type List Page to see the relevant status turn from ' PendingActivation ' to ' Active '.

A number of additional artifacts are generated on activation of a Dynamic Evidence Type Version, such as user interface Tab configurations, CER Rulesets, etc. (see Generated Artefacts for more information).

Activating a Dynamic Evidence Type Version is the last step before the Version becomes 'live' and Case Evidence data can be recorded in respect of it. To ensure the validity of the Version and metadata, a set of validations is automatically performed upon activation. Validation problems are displayed in the confirmation dialog presented to the administrator on activation. All validation problems must be fixed before the Dynamic Evidence Type Version can be activated.

The following validations are performed:

  • A new Dynamic Evidence Type Version must have an Effective Date later than the Effective Date of the latest Active Version in the same Dynamic Evidence Type, i.e. The Effective Date cannot overlap with previous Active Versions.
  • A new Dynamic Evidence Type Version must have an Effective Date that is later than the latest recorded Case Evidence record in respect of previous Active Versions in the same Dynamic Evidence Type, i.e. The Effective Date cannot overlap with previously recorded Case Evidence data.
  • The XML metadata is structurally validated against a predefined schema.
  • Additional validations on the XML metadata that cannot be expressed in an XML schema (including cross version validations to enforce constraints on metadata evolution over time) are also performed.
This action deletes the selected Dynamic Evidence Type Version and all related artifacts generated upon activation, e.g. Dynamic UIM pages and localizable resources, CER Rulesets, Tab configurations etc. A Dynamic Evidence Type Version cannot be deleted if it has associated ' In Edit ' or ' Active ' Case Evidence records. Such Case Evidence records must first be deleted in order to delete the Dynamic Evidence Type Version.
Note: This is of particular interest when testing new Dynamic Evidence Type Versions in a test or staging environment before putting them live in a production environment; when testing new versions (which will generally be revisions to previous versions), all test Case Evidence records in respect to the previous Versions must be deleted before their corresponding Dynamic Evidence Type Versions can be deleted.