
This batch process is used to generate reminder notifications which have not been generated previously for roster submission, by either using the XSL or the XML templates for the roster event RosterNotificationEvent.ROSTER_SUBMISSION_REMINDER. When the 'Roster Submission Reminder Required' indicator is set to true, the system sends the notifications to the relevant providers, a certain number of days (configured by the user) prior to the roster submission due date, only if the reminder has not already been sent.

The 'Roster Submission Reminder Required' indicator is configured by the system administrator using 'curam.cpm.attendance.service.submissionreminderrequired' property. When this indicator is set to true, then the system considers 'curam.cpm.attendance.service.rostersubmissionreminderperiod' property to get the number of days prior to which the reminders have to be sent. This property is also configured by the system administrator. For example, if this batch process is run on 18th and the property 'curam.cpm.attendance.service.rostersubmissionreminderperiod' is set to 2, then the notifications are sent for all the rosters that have submission due date as 20th. It is expected that this batch process would be scheduled to run daily.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is RosterSubmissionReminder.createNotification.