
This batch process is used to expire active reservations when their date of expiry is reached. The reservation expiry date is calculated by adding the reservation grace period to the start date of the reservation. If the reservation expiry date for an active reservation is earlier than the processing date, then the active reservation is expired. The reservation grace period is set for the provider and is configured by the user. If the reservation grace period is not set at the provider level, then the system considers the grace period set at the agency level. The grace period at the agency level is configured by the system administrator using the 'curam.cpm.reservation.agencygraceperiod' property. After the active reservation is expired, a reservation expiration notification is sent to the case owner of the case, stating that the reservation has expired. It is expected that this batch process would be scheduled to run daily.

The batch process takes no parameters.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is ExpireReservation.expireReservation.