
This batch process is used to create placement evidence for placements in respect of services that are configured to be paid based on placement data. The batch process first identifies the eligible placements, i.e., those placements for which evidence needs to be created. If the placement end date is not specified, the batch process uses the placement payment frequency and calculates the next occurrence till the next payment date. If the placement end date is specified and if it happens to be before the next payment date, then the batch process considers the placement end date and calculates the next occurrence till the placement end date.

For example, if there is a placement from 1st March to 15th April and the payment date is on every 29th, then the system should create placement evidences from 1st March to 29th March and 30th March to 15th April. Where evidence doesn't already exist, then it is created and added to the CPM Placement product delivery case, which triggers reassessment of the case. The batch processes 'CreatePlacementEvidence' and 'ReassessOutstandingCases' have to be scheduled to run before running 'GenerateInstructionLineItem' and 'GenerateInstrument' batch processes for placement based payments. The financials batch jobs 'GenerateInstructionLineItem' and 'GenerateInstruments' can then be used to generate payments to providers.

Batch Process Class and Method: The class and method for this batch process is CreatePlacementEvidence.createPlacementEvidence.