Defining Approval Criteria for Service Offerings

One of the important tasks of a CPM administrator is to configure approval criteria for service offerings. Approval criteria are certain conditions that providers and/or their provider members should have met before they are allowed to provide services to the organization's clients.

A number of different approval criteria can be selected for service offerings including background checks, accreditations, home studies, licenses, trainings, and other approval criteria required. When configured at the administrative level for a service offering, approval criteria automatically applies across all providers who offer the service.

Informational messages are displayed to warn the user in the event that any approval criteria have not been met. The user can choose whether or not to continue to approve the service offering. For example, if at the admin level, license and background checks are configured as approval criteria for a child care service offering, informational messages are displayed to the resource manager when attempting to approve a provider to deliver child care, where the required license or background checks are not in place.

When approving a service offering at the provider level, informational messages are displayed to warn the user that the necessary approval criteria has not been met. The user can choose whether or not to continue to approve the service offering. For example, if at the administrative level, license and background checks are configured as approval criteria for the child care service offering, informational messages are displayed to the user which detail the approval criteria that have not been met for provider licenses and background checks.