Configuring Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation criteria can be configured in the Administration application. Configuration involves specifying the name of the criterion, type of response for the criterion and the score for each response. Below are a few sample criteria.

  1. Criterion - Was there adequate staff attention?

    Response Type - Boolean.

    Table 1. Scores
    Response Score
    Yes 1
    No 0
  2. Criterion - Please rate the cleanliness of the facility.

    Response Type - Rating 1 to 5.

    Table 2. Scores
    Response Score
    1 0
    2 1
    3 2
    4 3
    5 4

Scores are specified for the responses in order to determine the outcome of the service evaluation.

After setting up the evaluation criteria, these have to be related to the service offering (see Section 5.9 Configuring Evaluation Criteria for a Service Offering)

Performance measure values for a service offering can be also determined based on the outcome of service evaluation. A prerequisite for this is to relate the performance measure to relevant evaluation criteria in the Administration Application (see Performance Measures and Evaluation Criteria Configuration).