Chapters in this Guide

The following list describes the chapters within this guide:

Configuring the Citizen Context Viewer
This chapter describes the features of CCV configuration, the role of the CCV administrator, and a high-level overview of CCV security. It describes in detail the application properties which define the communities, dealings, family members, and multidisciplinary teams displayed in the CCV. It also provides a summary of the configuration options for care and protection information, with subsequent chapters providing more detail.
Configuring the Cases Displayed
This chapter describes the application properties which determine the product delivery and integrated cases displayed in the care and protection component of the CCV.
Configuring the Service Plans Displayed
This chapter describes the application properties which determine the service plans displayed in the care and protection component of the CCV.
Configuring the Social Enterprise Folders Displayed
This chapter describes the application properties which determine the social enterprise folders displayed in the care and protection component of the CCV.
This chapter provides a reference table summarizing the CCV application properties.