The Role of the CCV Administrator

The role of the CCV administrator is to configure the components of the CCV structure. This task includes maintaining the CCV application properties. Each property indicates information that could potentially appear in the CCV. It is important, therefore, that the CCV administrator understands or is provided with information on the configuration settings most suited to meet the business objectives of the organization. Where relevant, this guide provides sample business examples to demonstrate the impact of configuration settings.

Some of the CCV application properties are directly linked to code tables. CCV administrators must therefore have access to the relevant code tables and have a high-level understanding of what the codes stand for. This guide provides information on the sample codes that are used to display information in the CCV. Note, however, since code tables are customizable, these codes may vary across organizations. Multidisciplinary team configuration is maintained as part of social enterprise folder administration. The CCV administrator should understand the relationship between a social enterprise folder and its multidisciplinary team.