Mandatory Rule Attributes

The following table describes the mandatory rule attributes that must be specified for each link rule class:

Table 1. Mandatory Rule Attributes.

This table describes the mandatory rule attributes that must be specified.

Rule Attribute Name

Attribute Type

target String The target of the link. If this is an internal link, the target should be the PAGE_ID of the UIM page that this link is to. If this is an external link, the target should be a fully qualified URL.
name String The name of the link. This name is a logical name used to reference the link in the advice text.
modal Boolean If the derivation of this attribute is set to TRUE, the link will appear in a modal. If the derivation of this attribute is set to FALSE, the link will appear in the main content pane.
external Boolean If the derivation of this attribute is set to TRUE, the link will be interpreted as a link to an external website outside of the application. If the derivation of this link is set to FALSE, the link will be interpreted as an internal link, i.e., a link to a UIM page.