Calculation of Attribution Periods

The period during which an evidence record is active and being used for assessment is called its attribution period. For example, the attribution periods for employment evidence records might be based on the fiscal year, rather than the actual start and end dates of an employment. Calculating an attribution period is only relevant where using Cúram rules and not where using Cúram Express Rules.

The responsibility of calculating the attribution periods is placed on the system rather than the user. The user simply has to enter required business dates, such as a business start and end date, and activate the evidence. The system calculates attribution periods for the active evidence record based on these business dates and on the requirements of any product deliveries which share the evidence.

More than one attribution period will be created for evidence that is shared across multiple products. This is to accommodate the different attribution period criteria for these products. For example, an integrated case may have employment evidence that is shared across three product delivery cases. An attribution period is calculated for each product delivery case based on its individual rules so that the same evidence record can be used for assessment on all three cases.

Attribution that is calculated using participant evidence is calculated in the same way as that calculated with case evidence. When a piece of participant evidence is used to create an attribution period; an individual attribution period will be created for every product that uses the participant evidence.