Associating Evidence Types with Participants, Cases and Categories

Once evidence metadata is set up for the evidence types, the evidence types can be associated with integrated case types and product delivery case types. These associations determine the evidence that can be captured at the case level. It is important that these associations are correctly made to prevent evidence from being duplicated on integrated cases and product delivery cases within those integrated cases.

Evidence types can be logically grouped into evidence categories. Examples of evidence categories are expenses evidence and household evidence. Grouping evidence types by category provides an easy way for caseworkers to view and create evidence. Evidence types can also be marked as preferred, indicating that they are commonly-used which provides caseworkers with a quick method to create evidence records for frequently recorded evidence types.

Participant evidence is configured by creating evidence types for participant categories of information and then linking these evidence types to cases. When a participant evidence type is linked to an integrated case type, that participant evidence can be reused as required with any integrated case of that type (and therefore any product delivery within the integrated case). When a participant evidence type is linked to a specific product delivery, it may only be used on product deliveries of that type. Note that participant evidence is only supported for non-dynamic evidence and is not supported for dynamic evidence.