Evidence Approvals

Evidence approval checks provide an extra step in the apply evidence change process to ensure that case evidence changes are correct. When a user selects to activate evidence or remove evidence, the system determines whether or not the evidence change requires approval from the case supervisor. If approval is required, the case supervisor is notified that the evidence cannot be activated or removed until the case supervisor approves the evidence change. The case supervisor can choose whether to approve or reject the evidence changes. If the case supervisor chooses to approve evidence changes, the case supervisor is brought directly to the approve evidence change conformation page. If the person submitting the evidence is the same as the user to whom the evidence approval task will be assigned the evidence is automatically activated.

The evidence framework provides support for configuring evidence approval checks for an evidence type. A percentage is entered for an evidence approval check which denotes the percentage of evidence changes which will require manual case supervisor approval. For example, 80 percent of evidence changes for the income evidence type can require approval. This means that 80 percent of all income evidence records must be manually approved before they are activated or before they are removed. If no evidence approvals are configured, the system interprets this to mean that evidence approvals are not required.

The evidence framework provides a list of all evidence records on a case that have been submitted for approval. The status of each evidence record is shown to provide a history of which evidence records have been rejected and which have been approved

Evidence approval checks do not apply to evidence maintained in the person tab. This is because the evidence does not have in edit state and therefore there is no ability to approve or reject the evidence before it is applied. Therefore in order to enable approvals for these evidence types, the evidence should also be configured on the integrated case.

Note: Evidence approval checks can also apply to different levels of the organization structure, including users, positions, and organization units. This is covered in more detail in the Cúram Organization Administration Guide.