Adding a Relationship and Related Person to an Integrated Case

Mary is a registered person with an integrated case. Mary contacts the agency to inform them that her son John is back in her care.

  1. Mary contacts the caseworker Paul who manages her ongoing case. She advises Paul that her son John has come back into her care having previously been living with her estranged husband.
  2. Paul accesses Mary's case evidence and sees that there is no relationship information recorded between Mary and any other person. Paul creates a new relationship evidence record relating Mary to her child John. Note that Paul searched for John and found he was already registered as a person in the system.
  3. Paul decides to apply the new relationship record to Mary's case (note that at this point, there is no reciprocal relationship from John to Mary seen on the case as John is not a member of the case). Once the evidence is applied, the Evidence Broker is triggered.
  4. The evidence broker broadcasts the new relationship evidence to any case or person / prospect person record configured for sharing and and that is also configured for sharing relationship evidence. Therefore, the new relationship record is shared to Mary's participant record.
  5. When the relationship between Mary and John is received in the person tab, the system first determines if a relationship record already exists. As there is no relationship recorded already between Mary and John, the new relationship evidence is recorded.
  6. When this relationship is added, the system then creates a reciprocal relationship evidence record for John which would is displayed on his person tab.
  7. Having applied the relationship evidence on the integrated case, Paul decides that John should be included as a case member on Mary's case. He selects to add the child John as a member of Mary's integrated case.
  8. When John is added to the integrated case, the evidence broker is triggered to retrieve any evidence held for John from his person record. The evidence recorded for John on his person record is shared to the integrated case.
  9. Caseworker Paul sees a number of incoming evidence records for John including his name, birth and death, gender and relationship to Mary.
  10. Paul accepts all this evidence on to the integrated case where it can be maintained as part of managing the ongoing integrated case.