IBM® Intelligent City Planning and Operations enables exploration and discovery of geospatial and temporal relationships among city data records, producing insights into city operations that inform better city-wide decision making and planning.
IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations is an application of IBM Intelligent Operations Center . Users can search data records, limit searches to time and place, and display the search results on a map. Users can also define analysis operations on the data records to discover clusters of facts and relationships, and display the clusters on the map.
IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations uses data from various information sources, including data from city departments and from other agencies, such as private service providers, and treats the data as facts about the city. These facts can include historical information, incidents, infrastructure, planning and scheduling information, or permits information. IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations can also use real-time information sources to track and analyze events. Most facts that have space and time parameters can be imported, analyzed, and displayed.
Installing IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations requires the installation of the product prerequisites and components.
/opt/IBM/ISP/mgmt/scripts/ status all topology_password
After you download the IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations installation package, run the installation program.
You will need the host names and passwords for the servers in your environment, and the IBM Intelligent Operations Center topology password to complete the installation procedure.
If you plan to use the Licensing and Tax Investigation application for business license fraud investigation, you must first install IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations, then install the Licensing and Tax Investigation application.
Installation takes approximately sixty minutes to run, and the installation progress bar might not move. You can run a tail on the install_summary.log file, for example, tail -f /tmp/ICPO_Install/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/install_summary.log, to ensure that the installation is running.
On completion of installation, detailed logs are stored in the /tmp/ICPO_Install/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/temp/log and a summary installation log, install_summary.log, is in /tmp/ICPO_Install/Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM.
If required, you can run the installation program again, but you must also delete the Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/temp/topology/ioc_topo_icpo.xml file, which is created during installation. For example, if you want to rerun the installation program to deploy the Licensing and Tax Investigation application, delete the ioc_topo_icpo.xml file, set the ICPO.DEPLOY property in the file to DeployAnalysis, and run the installation program again.
If you deployed the Licensing and Tax Investigation application, install the IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform connector and configure the Licensing and Tax Investigation application.
Load sample data if you want to view IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations functionality before importing live data.
Set values appropriate to your environment in the file before installing IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations.
Property | Sample Value |
DB.1.HOST | |
DB.1.ACCOUNT | root |
DB.1.ACCOUNT.PWD | root user password |
APP.1.HOST | |
APP.1.ACCOUNT | root |
APP.1.ACCOUNT.PWD | root user password |
EVENT.1.ACCOUNT | root |
EVENT.1.ACCOUNT.PWD | root user password |
MGMT.1.ACCOUNT | root |
MGMT.1.ACCOUNT.PWD | root user password |
WAS.ADMIN.ACCOUNT | waswebadmin |
PORTAL.ADMIN.UID | wpsadmin |
TAM.WEBSEAL.ADMIN | sec master |
IOP.ADMIN.USER | ibmadmin |
IOP.ADMIN.GROUP | ibmadmins |
ICPO.DEPLOY | Default to deploy IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations only. DeployAll to deploy both IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations and the License and Tax Investigation application only if you have not previously installed IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations. DeployAnalysis to deploy the License and Tax Investigation application only after previously installing IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations. Delete Linux/Disk1/InstData/VM/temp/topology/ioc_topo_icpo.xml before installing with the DeployAnalysis parameter. |
You can load sample data to view IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations functionality before loading live data.
To load sample data:
If Tivoli® Access Manager WebSEAL is installed on a different node from IBM Intelligent Operations Center, you must perform additional installation steps.
To install in alternate topologies:
When you experience problems during installation, you might need to perform troubleshooting tasks to determine the corrective action to take.
Installation fails because the Portal server fails to stop correctly, and then tries to restart and connect to a port that it is already using.
# Restart Portal Server
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the wp_profile1 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: WebSphere_Portal
ADMU3201I: Server stop request issued. Waiting for stop status.
ADMU3111E: Server stop requested but failed to complete.
ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error:
ADMU3060E:Timed out waiting for server shutdown.
ADMU1211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace option.
ADMU0211I: Error details may be seen in the
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the wp_profile1 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: WebSphere_Portal
ADMU3028I: Conflict detected on port 10025. Likely causes:
a) An instance of the server WebSphere_Portal is already running
b) some other process is using port 10025
ADMU3027E: An instance of the server may already be running:
ADMU0111E: Program exiting with error:
ADMU3027E: An instance of the server may already be running:
ADMU1211I: To obtain a full trace of the failure, use the -trace option.
su ibmadmin
cd /opt/IBM/ISP/mgmt/scripts/
./ stop wpe <password>
./ start wpe <password>
Installation of IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations might fail during a change of ownership operation.
Fail to execute operating system command: chown - R ibmadim:ibmadmins
After an apparently clean installation you might see an error message from the WebSphere Portal console or an error in an installation log file.
SEVERE: [jcc][t4][2043][11550][4.14.88] Exception
Error opening socket to server localhost/ on port 50,000 with message:
Connection refused. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001 Throwable occurred:
[jcc][t4][2043][11550][4.14.88] Exception Error opening
socket to server localhost/ on port 50,000 with message:
Connection refused. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001
During installation, you might receive an INVALID Deployment Scenario warning.
"INVALID Deployment Scenario : Please re-enter a supported value (Default,
DeployAnalysis, Deployall). Installation terminating..."
stops.Change the setting for the ICPO.DEPLOY parameter, save the file, then set the parameter back to its original setting. Then run the installation program again.
Or, delete the Linux directory and extract the installation bundle again. You must then specify the properties in the file again, and start the installation program again.
To enable analyzing and optimizing city operations with IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations you must configure connections to the required databases and import data from appropriate sources.
Set the system properties to conform to your environment and needs.
Property | Description | Characteristics |
STATUrl | Location of the Spatial Temporal Analysis Toolkit (STAT) services, a set of services to run spatial and related queries. | Do not edit the value for STATUrl. |
AddressGeocodingURL | Location of the server that provides geocoding services. | Obtain the URL from your GIS
administrator or
the service provider. You must restart the asset_stat_rest_ear application on all applicable servers for a change to take effect. |
MaxRowsToFetch | Maximum number of rows to fetch from a single data source per query. | The default value
is 25. MaxRowsToFetch is
the maximum number of rows that will be fetched for any layer on a
single query. If you want more or fewer results returned, modify this
value. You must restart the asset_stat_rest_ear application on all applicable servers for a change to take effect. |
TotalRowsToDisplay | Maximum number of rows for all data sources that can be displayed on the map. | Set the value of TotalRowsToDisplay to greater than the value of MaxRowsToFetch. For example, if MaxRowsToFetch is set to 50, and 10 data layers are selected, set TotalRowsToDisplay to 500. |
MapCenterLat | Default latitude for the center of the map when first displayed. | At installation, MapCenterLat is set for the sample data set. Modify MapCenterLat to match your location. |
MapCenterLong | Default longitude for the center of the map when first displayed. | At installation, MapCenterLong is set for the sample data set. Modify MapCenterLong to match your location. |
CityName | Default city name. | At installation, CityName is set for the sample data set. Modify CityName to match your location. |
StateName | Default state name. | At installation, StateName is set for the sample data set. Modify StateName to match your location. |
BaseMapURL | URL for base map provider | Obtain the URL from your GIS administrator or the service provider. |
BaseMapType | OpenLayers layer type for the map | Obtain layer type from your GIS administrator or the service provider. |
BaseMapName | Name for base map | Obtain the name from your GIS administrator or the service provider. |
BaseMapDefaultZoom | Default zoom level for map when first displayed. | The default is value is 19, which works well for Esri. Set to 12 for OpenStreetMaps. |
To enable search and view data from all of your data sources, you must import data into the IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations database and enable the data for search.
For data to be viewed on the map and to be searchable, the data must be defined and structured as a layer by using the import wizard.
When you install IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations a cron job imports sample data from the database that you specified in the file. You must import the data that you want to search and view on the map, depending on your city's resources and requirements.
To import data:
You must create the staging database that IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations uses to prepare data for import into the IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations database.
The staging database provides flexibility in defining the sources of the data that IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations can use. You can create more than one staging database if you need to keep some data separate, such as for different municipal departments. The staging database can be either DB2®, with or without DB2 Spatial Extender, or Microsoft SQL Server.
You can import data by using a database import command, such as db2se import_shape, or data can be written to the staging database by an external process, such as a message queue.
The data import wizard enables mapping source table columns to required columns, and selecting other columns to include in the data import. A cron job is created during installation and updated by the data import wizard to periodically poll the tables in the configured staging database to select rows for import. You configure a staging database by defining it as a source for a data layer by using the data import wizard.
You can import shape files as data.
To import shape files:
db2se import_shape dbname -filename shapefilename -srsName srs
-tableSchema schema -tableName tableName -spatialColumn column
-userid userid -pw password
Geographic data must conform to the specified geographic coordinate system.
You can import and display data that is not contained in shape files.
You can import non shape-file data by using a database import command, such as db2 import, or you can have data written to the staging database by an external process, such as a message queue.
To perform searches that specify a given number of blocks from a specified location, you must import data about blocks.
To import block data:
Before you can import layer data, you must define the data source structure.
To define data layer and data source structure:
The Data Import Wizard prepares an import definition to bring data into the staging database.
Data queries in IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations are based on data layers, which gather related facts.
A layer is set of facts or data items that share a characteristic such that you might want to view the facts together on the map. Each fact has spatial attributes that locate the fact on the map, and can have temporal attributes such as start date and time. Facts can be events, such as emergency calls, or businesses, or can be fixed assets or infrastructure, such as hotels or train stations. The facts in each layer come from a database view that includes the common attributes that make a layer and attributes specific to each fact.
Area-based data layers have certain limitations from fact-based data layers.
You can update data in the IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations database manually.
You can delete data for a layer, the data source for a layer, or a layer.
If a data layer is no longer required, you can delete the data from the database. Delete the data before you delete the data source and data layer.
The data source definition still exists after deleting the data, so you can still import data if required. If no longer required, you can delete the data source definition. You must delete the data source definition before deleting the data layer.
Deleting the data does not remove the layer from the user interface. Before you delete a layer, remove access for all users and set the polling interval for the data source to 0 to prevent further updates.
Deleting the data, data source, and data layer require specific information from the database that is deleted by successive deletions. Running these deletion actions out of order can prevent subsequent cleanup.
Specify the layer name, database, and portal to be updated.
Manage user and group access to viewing data layers and to managing resources.
IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations maintains the list of resources, and of the users and groups that have access to those resources.
The user ID wpsadmin has access to all of the resources be default, and therefore can grant or deny access to other users and groups.
To manage user roles and security:
Create analysis views to reveal relations and correlations among data.
To connect to permitting software you must create an adapter.
IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations includes a sample adapter to permitting software,, in installation_directory/topology/ioc_topo/icpo/Samples/
As installed, IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations can use the sample permitting adapter to return data from the sample permit applications. The sample adapter does not connect to any permitting system and does not save changes to the sample permit applications. The sample adapter is only an example of how you can create a permitting adapter.
To configure a permitting system adapter:
You can add or delete named area types or categories.
To add or delete a named area type:
'Area with shopping and restaurants');
To delete the same
named area type, run the following statement:DELETE FROM CITY_HUB.NAMED_AREA_TYPE WHERE NAME='Retail Center';
To add or delete a category:
insert into COOPT.LAYER_TYPES (TYPE_NAME) values ('Dining and Shopping')
delete the same category, run the following statement:delete from COOPT.LAYER_TYPES where TYPE_NAME = 'Dining and Shopping'
To enable the Licensing and Tax Investigation application you must install and configure the connector, configure messaging, and import data from theIBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform.
Enabling the License and Tax Investigation application requires that you customize your IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations system based on your specific requirements and data intelligence. To make the necessary customizations, the IBM services team must be certified to develop with the IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform SDK and have access to the SDK.
To enable importing data to use with the Licensing and Tax Investigation application, install the IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform connector.
To install the IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform connector:
To enable importing data that might be relevant to a business license fraud investigation from IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform, configure messaging for the Licensing and Tax Investigation application.
To configure messaging for Licensing and Tax Investigation application:
An analyst can identify potentially fraudulent business activity and send alerts to IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations.
To send fraud alerts from IBM i2 Analyst's Notebook:
You can examine log files to help resolve common problems.
View log files to monitor system status and correct errors.
If you need to report problems with the DataUpdateProcessor process, gather the log files and include the files with the problem report.
Importing data can fail if date columns are not mapped to existing fields or date and time formats are not correct.
If a data layer that uses a different coordinate system from other layers is imported, that data is not displayed on the map.
IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations imports data layers from a staging table. That staging table must contain a valid (1003) ST_GEOMETRY column, and the geometry type must be consistent for all records in that staging table, and therefore for that layer. If a layer is imported with the wrong coordinate system, the data layer is not displayed on the map correctly.
Delete the data layer, correct the coordinate system in the staging table, and import the data layer again.
New content is not displayed until the browser page is refreshed.
User or group access might prevent a user from viewing a layer.
Faulty layer definitions can prevent users from selecting filters or layers.
User response: Optional. When you have particular actions that are performed by particular users, use one or more of the ts*Response elements.
Missing keys can result in fact duplication.
A query that includes blocks as a parameter fails.
If users report problems viewing data, verify the database connection.
Depending on how your administrator configured IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations, you can analyze and monitor city operations, review permits, discover unlicensed businesses, and plan infrastructure maintenance.
To analyze and plan city operations:
You can select, search, and filter data, which is viewed as layers and displayed on the map.
The results of the query are displayed on the map, and each layer is listed in the map legend with an identifying icon and the number of facts that are returned for each layer. If more facts are available for a layer, you can click the green arrow to retrieve more facts, up to the maximum number of facts configured by your administrator.
If a pie chart icon is displayed, you can view a distribution of the data for that layer, depending on the attributes configured by your administrator.
You can reveal relations and correlations by using analysis views.
To reveal relations and correlations:
You can save and retrieve information about a fact, including comments and locations, in a bookmark.
You can filter and manage data that is displayed on the analysis map.
Icon | Description |
![]() |
Bookmark. You can include metadata and comments about a fact in a bookmark. Saving information about a fact (bookmarks) |
![]() |
Data layers. You can select which data to display or hide. Searching and filtering data sources (layers) |
![]() |
Area-based facts. Display information relevant to specified areas. |
![]() |
Configuration. Configure data sources. Configuring IBM Intelligent City Planning and Operations |
![]() |
Analysis views. Create or modify analysis views. Revealing relations and correlations (analysis views) |
![]() |
Permitting. Review and approve permit applications. Reviewing permit applications |
If your administrator has configured the system with the required connections and applications, you can review permit applications or investigate unlicensed business.
Review and evaluate permit applications for various activities in your city to reveal conflicts over time and space.
To analyze and monitor permits:
Examine fraud alerts from IBM i2 Intelligence Analysis Platform to reveal unlicensed businesses and lost revenue opportunities.
To view fraud alerts: