Integrating Analytics 8.0 into Platform Application Center 8.0.1 May 2011 Platform Computing Inc. ============================= Contents ============================= 1. Introduction 2. Prerequisites 3. Analytics reporting server and Database privileges configuration 4. Platform Analytics 8.0 Report Builder configuration 5. Platform Application Center database connection setting 6. Platform Application Center configuration 7. Copyright ============================= 1. Introduction ============================= This README describes how to integrate Platform Analytics 8.0 into Platform Application Center 8.0.1. ============================= 2. Prerequisites ============================= - Platform Application Center 8.0.1 is installed and configured. - Platform Analytics 8.0 is installed and configured. - Users are registered in Tableau Server as the interactor role, and these users have the same user name as users in Platform Application Center. ================================= 3. Analytics reporting server and Database privileges configuration ================================= 1. Log into the Analytics reporting server host as the Tableau administrator. 2. Extract the Report Build package. The package file name depends on the Windows platform for the Analytics reporting server host: * Windows 32-bit: * Windows 64-bit: For example, unzip 3. Navigate to the extracted analytics8.0_reports\bin directory and run the pac_tab_config.bat file. For example, C:\analytics8.0_reports\bin>pac_tab_config.bat Note: There will be an input prompt while the script is running. Remember the Database password you set and this will be used in "5. Platform Application Center database connection settings" ================================== 4. Platform Analytics 8.0 Report Builder configuration ================================== 1. Log into the Analytics reporting server host as the Tableau administrator. 2. Extract the Report Build package. The package file name depends on the Windows platform for the Analytics reporting server host: * Windows 32-bit: * Windows 64-bit: For example, unzip 3. Navigate to the extracted analytics8.0_reports\conf directory and edit the rptbuilder.conf file. 4. Enable and specify the value of the required parameters. 5. Save the modified rptbuilder.conf file. 6. Navigate to the extracted analytics8.0_reports\bin directory and run the report installer to set the database connection parameters and publish the Platform Analytics 8.0 reports. cd analytics8.0_reports\bin rptInstall.bat 7. Start the Platform Analytics 8.0 Report Builder. analytics8.0_reports\bin\perfadmin start parb 8. When you require to change the user name and password of the Tableau administrator in the analytics8.0_reports\conf\rptbuilder.conf file, navigate to the extracted analytics8.0_reports\bin directory, run the tabconfig.bat to set the user name and password of Tableau administrator. cd analytics8.0_reports\bin tabconfig.bat =================================== 5. Platform Application Center database connection setting =================================== 1. Log into the Platform Application Center server host as the LSF administrator. 2. Source the Platform Application Center environment: For csh or tcsh: /opt/pac/cshrc.platform For sh, ksh, or bash: . /opt/pac/profile.platform 3. Navigate to the $PERF_TOP/1.2/bin directory and run the database configuration application to set the connection parameter. cd $PERF_TOP/1.2/bin ./ Note: You must have access to the Linux X-Windows console to run The location of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver file is: $GUI_CONFDIR/../3.0/tomcat/webapps/platform/WEB-INF/lib/postgresql-8.3-jdbc3.jar 4. Change the password and the JDBC URL parameter. 5. Click "Test" to check that the connection parameter works. 6. Click "OK" to save the changes. ============================= 6. Platform Application Center configuration ============================= 1. Log into the Platform Application Center server host as the LSF administrator. 2. Source the Platform Application Center environment: For csh or tcsh: /opt/pac/cshrc.platform For sh, ksh, or bash: . /opt/pac/profile.platform 3. Navigate to the $GUI_CONFDIR directory and edit the pmc.conf file. 4. Specify the value of the MAIL_SERVER and TABLEAU_SERVER parameters. 5. Save the modified pmc.conf file. 6. As root, restart Platform Application Center to apply the changes. pmcadmin stop pmcadmin start ================================================== 7. Copyright ================================================== @1994-2011 Platform Computing Inc. Although the information in this document has been carefully reviewed, Platform Computing Corporation ("Platform") does not warrant it to be free of errors or omissions. Platform reserves the right to make corrections, updates, revisions or changes to the information in this document. UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY STATED BY PLATFORM, THE PROGRAM DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL PLATFORM COMPUTING BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR SPECIAL, COLLATERAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY LOST PROFITS, DATA, OR SAVINGS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM. -------------------------------------------------- We'd Like To Hear From You -------------------------------------------------- You can help us make this document better by telling us what you think of the content, organization, and usefulness of the information. If you find an error, or just want to make a suggestion for improving this document, please address your comments to Your comments should pertain only to Platform documentation. 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