ERRATA for Release 3.1

NVIDIA Caffe versions

PowerAI release 3.1 includes packages for both NV Caffe 0.14.5 and 0.15.13. The versions may behave differently (e.g. in performance or convergence) with different models.

NV Caffe 0.15.13 is NCCL enabled and will be installed by default. Version 0.14.5 can be installed as follows:

NVIDIA driver download

PowerAI release 3.1 was tested with NVIDIA GPU driver version 361.93.03. That driver package can be downloaded from the NVIDIA site as follows:

Using Torch with DIGITS

Using Torch with DIGITS requires additional packages that are not part of the PowerAI release 3.1 distribution.

Torch can be made to work with DIGITS as follows: