TOSHIBA Diagnostics for POS Systems and Peripherals

Version 7.4.0 August 2015


This document provides information that assists you in installing the package on a memory key and instructs you in the general use of the diagnostics package. This one package will operate on a variety of systems. When you run them, you will also notice an easy to use graphical user interface.


I Diagnostics Version
II Supported Systems
III Supported Memory Keys
IV BIOS Requirements
V Installing Diagnostics on a Memory Key
VI Running Diagnostics
VII Running Utilities
VIII Known Issues and Limitations
IX Remote Diagnostics
X Getting Help
XI Trademarks


I. Diagnostics Version

Toshiba Diagnostics for POS Systems and Peripherals Version 7.4.0

With this release, three packages can be found on the Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions Hardware Support website at

One package is to be installed on a USB memory key. Another package is to be used for remote diagnostics. The third package is an ISO file for you to burn onto a CD. The package you choose depends on how you plan to use the diagnostics. There is additional information on remote diagnostics and the differences from the other two packages later in this document.

The CD based diagnostics package is a bootable CD. You will be able to perform the same tasks you can perform with the memory key diagnostics with the exception of saving logs to the CD. There is no ability to write to the CD while running diagnostics.

When you go to this website, you can find the diagnostic packages under the sections for the specific Machine Type and Models covered by this package. You will be asked for some identifying information before you download a diagnostic package.


II. Supported Systems

This version of Toshiba Diagnostics and Utilities provides support for the following Toshiba Machine Types and attached Toshiba Point of Sale Peripherals *:

TCx300 4810-x6x, 4810-x7x
TCx700 4900-xx6
TCxWave 6140-xxx
SurePOS 300: 4810-x3x, 4910-x3x, 4810-x4x, 4910-x4x, 4810-x5x
SurePOS 500: 4851-x14, 4951-x14, 4840-xx4, 4846-xx5, 4852-xxx,
SurePOS 700: 4800-7x2, 4800-7x3, 4800-7x4, 4900-7x5
Anyplace Kiosk: 4838-xxx
SurePOS 100: 4613-xxx

This version of Diagnostics and Utilities provides support for only Toshiba Point of Sale Peripherals* attached to the following Machine Types:

SurePOS 500: 4840-xx3
SurePOS 700: 4800-7x1
IBM ThinkPad: T42, T43, T60, T61
Toshiba Tablet: 6183-2xx

Systems that require the use of Toshiba Diagnostics for POS Systems and Peripherals Version 6.2.1.

SurePOS 300: 4810-x2x
Any system unit with less than 512 MB of memory.

* The list of supported Toshiba Point of Sale Peripherals and Devices include:

4610 SureMark Printer, MICR and Check Scanner; Cash Drawers; Presence Sensor; MSR; Barcode Scanner; Tone Indicator; Point of Sale Keyboard, Keylock; Line Display; Finger Print Reader; Fiscal Printer and Touch Screen**.

** Touch support is only available for the following models of Toshiba 4820 SurePoint display: 21x, 51x, 2WD, 2GD, 2WB, 2GB, 5WB, 5GB, and 5G6. Note: 4820-5GB support is for the USB attachment only. For the RS-232 attached 4820-5GB touch panel, only video test is available as part of this diagnostics package.

Toshiba TCx Display 6149-5CR touch screen is supported.

The supplemental diagnostics diskette should be used for all other Toshiba Machine Types, Peripherals and configurations not listed above.

NOTE: The memory key Diagnostics requires at least 256MB of memory on the System Unit. See the Known Issues section for more details.

NOTE: The Remote and CD Diagnostics requires at least 512MB of memory on the System Unit. See the Known Issues section for more details.

New with this release:

- Support for TCx300

- Support for TCx700

- Improved TCxWave TCxDisplay touch firmware update

- Improved navigation for event log


III. Supported Memory Keys

The package is provided in the form of an installation package and it installs to a memory key. Diagnostics requires 1GB or larger keys.

Toshiba has tested the package on:

PNY USB 2.0 1-GB Memory Key
Part number: P-FD01GU20-RF
Transcend USB 2.0 4-GB Memory Key
Model number: TS4GJF500
SanDisk USB 4-GB Memory Key
Part number: SDUFD2AD-4096
FRU: 41Y8279

For Toshiba internal orders please order FRU P/N 41Y8279 to obtain a supported USB 2.0 4-GB Memory Key


IV. BIOS Requirements

Please check the BIOS level on your Toshiba GCS Point of Sale system unit. Also check the level of BIOS available from the Toshiba GCS Hardware Support website. If the BIOS available on the web site is a newer version, please download it and install it on your system unit. There are installation instructions with the BIOS update download.

Note: In order to run the diagnostics package from the memory key, the memory key must be identified to the system unit as the first boot device. Please check the boot order set on the machine by checking the system configuration. The memory key is identified as a USB HDD.

Refer to the document titled Setting BIOS Boot Orders for details on how to set the boot order in BIOS for each TGCS system unit supported by this diagnostics package.


V. Installing the Diagnostic Package on a Memory Key

It is a simple process to install the package on a memory key.

NOTE: It is good practice to maintain a backup of the system on which you build the memory key. For safety sake, you may want to run this installation program on a machine whose data can be easily recovered.

CAUTION: All memory key contents are deleted during the installation process. Please remove any files you want to preserve to a secure place outside the memory key.

To install, follow these steps:

- Download the Diagnostics package from the support website. This ZIP file includes both Diagnostics image and README files.

- Extract Diagnostics image and execute on a computer with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP or Windows 7/8 and follow the on-screen instructions.

- The installation process will tell you if there is insufficient space to install the diagnostics on the memory key.

- The program will tell you when it is finished.

- The remaining free space is available for user files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the memory key contains a protected area, you'll need to remove it prior to running the diagnostics install package. A protected area on a 256MB key will prevent installation due to lack of available space. Use of a protected area on keys larger than 256MB has not been tested.


VI. Running Diagnostics

Refer to section IV. BIOS Requirements for details about setting the boot order which is required for booting from the memory key.

Note: There is a mode of operation when the 2x20 line display is only console output device which is known as the minimal user interface. Please see the file in the DOC folder named MinimalUserInterfaceREADME.htm for a description of how to use it.

The instructions below describe running the TGCS Diagnostics from a USB memory key.

Start with the machine powered off. Insert the memory key into a USB port. Power on the machine and the diagnostic program will start.

Note: There is a change from previous releases in how the memory test is requested.

You will be presented a message asking you to press the ENTER key or touch the touch panel (if one is attached) to request the memory test to run. You are given 5 seconds to take an action. If the ENTER key is pressed or the touch panel is touched twice, the memory test will run. When it finishes, you will be asked to press any key to cause the system to reboot.

If no action is taken, the system will boot into the rest of the diagnostics package and you will be presented with the license screen.

System units 4838-xxx, 4840-xxx, 4846-xxx, 4851-514, 4852-xxx, equipped serial touch device. Before the license screen, system will calibrate the touch device automatically. If auto-calibration failed, user will be prompted to touch 3 points as indicated on screen for manual calibration. If no user interactions, the system will proceed with default setting. If users missed the manual calibration, they can always reboot the system and try again. Users may also use a mouse for navigation.

You will be presented with a graphical user interface from which you can choose to run:

- Diagnostics for the system unit devices (video, hard drive, network card, serial ports, etc.)

- POS peripherals tests (scanner, magnetic stripe reader, cash drawer, etc.)

- Utilities (4610 Printer Utilities, VPD, USB Firmware flash, etc.)

If you are running on a system not having a video display attached, the memory test is not available to you.

If you have a 50-key or 67-key POS keyboard on your system and no mouse and no touch screen attached, you can navigate the diagnostics. When the diagnostics package starts, you will be presented with a set of screens to identify keys on the keyboard that will be used to move the mouse cursor. The entire process is described in detail in the document POSKybdNavigate.pdf. This document is found in the diagnostics\documents folder on the memory key.

When you run diagnostics for the System Unit, it is possible to get a result from any of the individual system unit tests of "Cannot Run".

This result message means that the test support was not able to retrieve current status from the device in question and that the specific test could not be run. For example, it a USB Port Test resulted in "Cannot Run", the diagnostic test attempted to get the current status from the USB port under test but the system returned an error to the diagnostic test. This does not represent a failure but could very well be related to transition times in the system.

If you get the "cannot run" result message, try running the test again.

If you receive the "cannot run" message every time, please report the issue to Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions.

Navigating PC-Doctor with an A/N Keyboard or PC Keyboard:

If you have a keyboard attached to your system unit with no mouse and no touch panel, you will need to use the keys on your keyboard to navigate through PC-Doctor.

Use the TAB key to move from tab to tab.

Use TAB key or ARROW keys to move from field to field or from button to button on a screen.

Use the SPACE BAR to select button and cause the action to happen (the equivalent of a right-click using a mouse).

There are results or reports screens in PC-Doctor where you need to scroll up, down, right, or left to see all the information.

Use CTRL-UP ARROW to scroll up. You can also use the PgUp key.

Use CTRL-DOWN ARROW to scroll down. You can also use the PgDn key.

Use CTRL-RIGHT ARROW to scroll to the right horizontally.

Use CTRL-LEFT ARROW to scroll to the left horizontally.

Capturing Screen Shots of Diagnostics Package Screens while running Diagnostics from Memory Key

You may find it useful to capture screen contents from the Diagnostics package so you can share that screen view to document an issue or to send it in in response to a TGCS Support request. The Diagnostics package running from the memory key provides screen capture capability.

After you accept the license after booting the memory key, you can press SHIFT-ALT-P to capture the image of the screen currently showing on the video display. A file named SCREENx.PNG, where x is a number from 0 on up, is saved on the root of the memory key. If you captured 3 screen images, the files SCREEN0.PNG, SCREEN1.PNG, and SCREEN2.PNG are saved on the root of the memory key. You can view these files with any image viewer. If you report issues to Toshiba, you may be asked to capture some screens to send to Toshiba to document the problem.

If you have the Ethernet communication card in your 4610-1xx/2xx printer, you must properly set up the printer to be able to use the Diagnostics Package. See the Setup_Ethernet_Enabled_Printer.htm file for details. Once the printer is setup, the utilities and tests defined below are available to you.


VII. Running Utilities

Follow the instructions in the section on Running the Diagnostics Package above. The available utilities are identified on the main screen. Note that not all utilities described here may be displayed for your particular configuration. Displaying the utilities is hardware specific.

Click on the Utilities box. The available utilities are USB Firmware, POS Printer Updates Utilities, VPD (Vital Product Data) Update, Reset Line Scanner, Reset Omni-Directional Scanner, Keyboard Firmware Utilities, EEPROM Utilities, Touch Panel Firmware Update Utility, 4820 Video Firmware Update, 4820 Display Configuration, 4820 Display VPD Utility, Touch Panel Configuration Utility, and NVRAM Utilities. More information can be found in the HELP on each screen.

The available POS Printer Updates Utilities are Font Download, Logo Download, Message Download, Microcode Update or Flash Update, Memory Allocation, and Printer Configuration.

Click on the Microcode Update box to begin the process of updating the printer microcode. The firmware file is automatically identified for you. If this is the file you want to update the printer with, then click on DOWNLOAD. You will be given the opportunity to choose a different file containing the printer microcode if you placed additional printer microcode files on the memory key. If you dont know the name of the file you wont be able to find it!! Once youve identified the file, press the DOWNLOAD button to update microcode. Do not power off the system while the microcode is being applied. You will be informed when it is finished. Rest assured that the utility will prompt you if the microcode to be sent is older than the one currently in the printer. The Microcode Update utility will restart at the completion of the firmware update activity. If you had to ADD any RS-232 attached devices, then you must ADD them again at this point.

To put the new printer microcode file on the memory key, you will have to get it from the TGCS hardware support website at (

Click on the Toshiba Suremark Printer selection. Find your specific printer in the list that is presented. Download the Toshiba 4610 SureMark Printer, Microcode files for Firmware Update onto your work computer. The specific file to load is identified as OPOS/JavaPOS/Diagnostics. After downloading the ZIP file, unzip it. Run the Update_Diagnostics.bat file to place the printer firmware files onto the memory key in the Utilities subdirectory.

Please refer to the Toshiba 4610 SureMark Printer Firmware Install Instructions for additional details on putting the printer firmware files on your memory key and installing the printer firmware.

To run the Font Download Utility, click on the Font Download box on the bottom of the screen.

You will be asked to identify the file containing the font. You will be given the opportunity to browse for the file on the memory key. Once youve identified the file, you will need to identify the Font Type and the Font Number from the lists displayed on the screen. Press the download button to load the font. Do not power off the system while the font file is being applied. You will be informed when it is finished.

Note that the Font Download Utility erases the font area into which you will be downloading before the download of double byte fonts occurs. For all other fonts, you must erase the target font area prior to downloading the font.

In the Font Download Utility, you can print the font file to see what it looks like on your printer. You accomplish this by pressing the Print button after you have chosen the font file. If you are downloading a DBCS file, you will be able to do a test print with compressed characters.

The printer places the font file in memory that can be erased. If you wish to erase all the font data in the printer, you need to press the Erase Fonts button on the bottom of the screen. You will be asked if you really want to do this since it will remove all the font data from your printer. You should use this option if you want to change the fonts completely in your printer.

Note: If you erase the fonts in your printer and then attempt to print the fonts, nothing is printed since no fonts remain in the printer. A message will tell you that no fonts are in the printer.

Press the download button to load the font. Do not power off the system while the font file is being applied. You will be informed when it is finished.

To run the Logo Download Utility, click on the Logo Download box on the bottom of the screen.

You will be asked to identify the file containing the logo. You will be given the opportunity to browse for the file on the memory key. Once youve identified the file, you will need to identify the Station Type, the Bitmap Position, and the Logo Number from the lists displayed on the screen.

Press the DOWNLOAD button to load the logo file. Do not power off the system while the logo file is being applied. You will be informed when it is finished.

In the Logo Download Utility, you can print the logo file to see what it looks like on your printer. You accomplish this by pressing the Print button after you have chosen the logo file.

The printer places the logo file in memory that can be erased. If you wish to erase all the logo data in the printer, you need to press the Erase Logos button on the bottom of the screen. You will be asked if you really want to do this since it will remove all the logo data from your printer. You should use this option if you want to change the logos completely in your printer.

To run the Message Download Utility, click on the Message Download box on the bottom of the screen.

You will be asked to enter the message you want to place in the printer. Once you type in the message, you will need to assign a message number to it using the drop down list identified as Message Number. You can assign a message number from 1 to 25.

Press the DOWNLOAD button to load the message. Do not power off the system while the message is being applied. You will be informed when it is finished.

In the Message Download Utility, you can print the message to see what it looks like on your printer. You accomplish this by pressing the Print button after you have entered the message.

The printer places the message in memory that can be erased. If you wish to erase all the messages in the printer, you need to press the Erase Messages button on the bottom of the screen. You will be asked if you really want to do this since it will remove all the message data from your printer. You should use this option if you want to change the messages completely in your printer.

To run the Printer Memory Allocation Utility, click on the Memory Allocation box at the bottom of the screen. You are presented with a table showing current printer memory allocations and you have the option of changing the allocations.


For 4610-1Nx and 4610-2xR:

If ANY of the character set font areas are reallocated then ALL memory partitions will be erased not just the character set font area you are reallocating.

If ANY of the other areas (logos, messages, user memory, scan image storage, electronic journal storage) are reallocated, then ALL of these other areas will be erased.

For the 4610-TI9:

If ANY of the memory partitions are reallocated then ALL memory partitions will be erased not just the partition you are reallocating.

To run the Printer Configuration Utility, click on the Configuration box on the bottom of the screen. There are many configuration tasks available to you: Scanner Calibration, Print Adjustment Values, MCT Adjustments, Set Serial Number, Reset Statistics, Set Printer Type, Set Factory Defaults, Dump MCT Values, Engineering Use Only, Low Paper Sensor, and Set Receipt Width.

Note that not all configuration options are available for every supported printer. The options available for the printer you have attached will display.

The Scanner Calibration Utility allows you to calibrate the check scanner on the TI-8 and TI-9 printers. Click on the Scanner Calibration button to begin the calibration. You will be instructed to perform the required steps for calibration.

Print Adjustment Values prints the adjustment titles and their values on the receipt printer.

MCT Adjustments allows you to set the Character Alignment, Backlash Adjustment, and the DI Front Load Adjustment values. For an explanation of these values, see the SureMark Printer User Guide. You can choose one of these adjustments by clicking on the item from the drop down list. Click OK and you will be directed to perform actions in setting these adjustments.

Set Serial Number allows you to set the serial number of your printer. This is used when major parts of the printer are replaced and the serial number needs to be set again.

Reset Statistics allows you to reset statistics the printer keeps on its many components. By clicking on the Reset Statistics button, you are provided with a list of components from which you can choose one. Click OK when youve chosen the component. This utility is used when a component is replaced. The statistics provides an indication about the frequency of use of the components.

Set Printer Type allows you to identify the type of printer. This should be used when major HW parts have been replaced and the printer no longer contains Product Information. You can also set double-byte mode, compatibility mode, and EPSON emulation mode. If you are working with a TI8 or TI9, you will be asked to identify the printer as a TI-8 or a TI-9 printer. Be aware that when you use this utility, the system on which the printer is attached to must be restarted after the printer type is set.

When you are working with a 2xR or a 1xR, you will be shown the current settings of the printer (compatibility or native mode, DBCS mode or SBCS mode). You will be given the opportunity to change these settings.

Dump MCT Values allows you to dump the MCT values currently in the printer. This capability is useful for problem determination since this allows you to capture the MCT values in a file and you can send the file to the hardware support group.

Set Factory Defaults allows you to erase all user data from the printer and set all MCT locations to the same values that newly manufactured printers have.

Set Receipt Width allows you to set the width of the receipt paper on the 4810-1xR. You are shown the current setting for these printers and have the option of setting the width to the other option. The two receipt widths available are 80mm and 58mm. If you are changing your printer from one width to the other, there is a 58mm paper guidethat must be placed or removed, depending on your needs. Note: If you used this utility to set the receipt width to 58mm and you want to test the 58mm receipt print and if you have previously loaded DBCS fonts into your printer, you will need to disable the DBCS mode to be able to see the correct printing on the 58mm receipt for the test. Once you have completed the receipt test, you can enable DBCS mode again.

The Keyboard Firmware Update Utility allows you to update the firmware for the Compact ANPOS keyboard or the PS/2 attached Modular keyboard. Initially, the utility chooses a firmware file to be used. If you added more keyboard firmware files to the memory key, you can browse for those additional firmware files available in the utilities\flash\ps2_keyboard_firmware subdirectory by clicking on the BROWSE button. You can place keyboard firmware files on the memory key in the utilities\flash\ ps2_keyboard_firmware subdirectory. Once you have selected the firmware file to install, click on the DOWNLOAD button and the firmware file will be downloaded to the keyboard.

The Touch Panel Firmware Update Utility allows you to update the firmware for the touch panel. The level of the firmware currently installed will be displayed in the screen. You can browse for firmware files available in the utilities/flash/touch_panel subdirectory by clicking on the BROWSE button. You can place touch panel firmware files on the memory key in the utilities/flash/touch panel subdirectory. Once you have selected the firmware file to install, click on the DOWNLOAD button and the firmware file will be downloaded to the touch panel hardware

The 4820 Video Firmware Update Utility allows you to update the firmware for the touch panel video controller. The level of the firmware currently installed will be displayed in the screen. You can browse for firmware files available in the utilities/flash/4820_video subdirectory by clicking on the BROWSE button. You can place touch panel video firmware files on the memory key in the utilities/flash/4820_video subdirectory. Once you have selected the firmware file to install, click on the DOWNLOAD button and the firmware file will be downloaded to the touch panel video hardware

The Touch Panel Configuration Utility allows you to configure beeper settings and unintended touch rejection settings for the 4820-21x/51x

The NVRAM Utilities allows you to clear and dump the content of the Non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM) present in most SurePOS 700, TCx300, and TCx700 systems. To dump the content of the NVRAM to a file click on Dump NVRAM button. The file will be stored in the utilities\nvram subdirectory

EEPROM Utility allows you to clear and dump the contents of riser card EEPROM present in some SurePOS 700 systems. To dump the contents of the riser card to a file click on DUMP button. The file will be stored in the utilities\nvram subdirectory. This utility is displayed when the system unit you are working with allows this function.

USB Firmware Update Utility allows you to update the firmware for all other Toshiba POS I/O devices attached via USB. Note: When USB firmware update is complete, the utilities section in Diagnostic is restarted.

BIOS Update: This applies to the TCxWave 6140 , 4852-x7x , 4900-7x5, and 4810-x5x. This utility allows you to update the BIOS on this system unit.

To use this utility you will need to download the BIOS file from the support website. You can place the BIOS update files in /utilities/flash/bios folder on the memory key. Once you have selected the BIOS update file to apply, click on the DOWNLOAD button and the BIOS will be updated.

Touch Calibration Utility: This applies to the TCxWave 6140. The touch panel can be calibrated using this utility to set the association of the touch points to the mouse cursor. When you select this utility, you are shown targets, one at a time, in the corners of the display. Touch each target for a few seconds when they appear to perform the calibration. After the calibration is completed, you are given the opportunity to test the touch calibration or accept the calibration settings as they are.

Monitor EDID Report: This applies to the following system units:

· 4800-x2x, x3x, x4x

· 4810-x3x, x4x, x5x

· 4838-1xx, 3xx, 5xx, 7xx, 9xx

· 4846-xxx

· 4852-x2x, x6x, x7x

· 4900-xxx

· 6140-xxx (Display port only)

This report identifies the capabilities and configuration of the video device. To see this report, press the Utilities button on the main diagnostics panel. Press the Monitor EDID button. EDID stands for Extended Display Identification Data. You may be asked to send this information to TGCS support.

Limitations: For the 4800-7x1, 4800-7x2,4800-743/783 system units, Monitor EDID information is available only for the primary video display. Some monitors may not have EDID available because it is empty or corrupt. Users will see "Error: EDID file is empty or corrupted."

When using dual monitors in some cases, the Monitor EDID Utility might show the same EDID information of the primary monitor on the second monitor.

When a DisplayPort dongle is attached to 6140-xxx, Diags might show "Error: EDID file is empty or corrupted." under DP1 tab for monitor EDID on the dongle. This could either means the monitor on the dongle has corrupted EDID, or no monitor attached to the dongle at all. Without a DisplayPort dongle, Diags correctly identifies there is no second video attached.

The information of the second monitor is not shown in some system units. To get the information, shutdown the system and unplug the secondary display. Plug the video cable of that monitor into the primary display and restart the system.

If you still do not see the EDID, the monitor may have invalid EDID information. If the monitor in question is a 4820 SurePoint display, report the issue to TGCS. Otherwise, contact the monitor manufacturer.

APA LineDisplay Font Update Utility The APA LineDisplay Font Update Utility allows users to update the font on the USB APA LineDisplays. Users can also visually verify the fonts by displaying the fonts on the linedisplay for a specific address. The default font file directory is /utilities/fonts/linedisplay_apa.


VIII. Known Issues and Limitations

a. If HDD Test detects a possible defect in the drive, test progress indications will come to a halt and it may take a few extra minutes before the program returns control to user while the error condition is analyzed. This is not a defect but normal program operation. Please be patient.

b. A reported defective device on a USB Port may be due to a defective USB port. Power off the system, move the device to a different USB Port, RESTART the system to rerun the test.

c. Cash Drawer test may not be available in 4800-1xx and 4800-2xx systems due to firmware limitations.

d. Port- D Loopback Test failure on SP500-xx4 may be due to BIOS SETUP value for this port and by the presence of an integrated VFD Display. From BIOS SETUP select Integrated Peripherals then select Cash Drawer. Change setting to Disable then press F10 to Save. Disconnect the integrated VFD Display if attached. Reboot and retest Port D. Restore original Port D Setup selection and VFD connection if applicable.

e. Port- D Loopback Test failure on SP500 (4840, 4851, 4852, 4846 and 4861) may be due to BIOS SETUP value for this port and by the presence of an integrated VFD Display. If the Integrated VFD Display is present, the Port D Loopback Test will fail because the integrated VFD display shares the same port as the Port D connector. This is expected and is not to be seen as a failure. If there is no Integrated VFD Display attached to the system and the Port D Loop Test is failing, check the BIOS settings. From BIOS SETUP select Integrated Peripherals then Serial Port D Function. Remember current setting. Change to VFD/RS-232 then press F10 to Save. Reboot and test Port D. Restore original Port D Setup selection, if you changed them.

f. Network test requires a wrap plug or a connection to a network. The diagnostics depend on a physical link to the network or wrap-plug to perform this. Otherwise the diagnostics will not detect network communications and will report the test results as "Fail".

g. For 4800-7x1 systems, the following issues exist:

h. Due to a firmware limitation on the RS-232 4610 printers the Print command in the Logo download panel may take up to three minutes to return an error when the selected logo is not present. Please be patient.

i. The Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) test may be available for a system with a Compact Anpos Keyboard without an MSR. Dont use the test in this case. If you do run the test, exit the test to continue running diagnostics.

j. On a 4613 system units:

k. For the 4838-5xx, 7xx, and 9xx system units,

When any 12-inch or 10-inch 4820 display is attached to the secondary video port, an Out of Range message appears on the 4820 display during boot-up and remains on the display. It also shows the same images the primary display is showing. This is a hardware limitation.

l. USB attached 4610 printers having USB firmware level 2.08 must be flashed to a newer firmware level before running any diagnostic tests on the printer.

m. The Impact Station Test for the 4610 printer can require a bigger paper depending on the printer configuration values. The paper should be at least the size of a regular check. If the test cannot complete with a small paper, use a bigger one. This is not considered a hardware defect.

n. For the 4610 POS printers, if you have the diagnostic printer test running or if you have the printer utilities running, do not put the printer into offline test mode. This will cause loss of communication with the printer by the diagnostic software. If you want to run the printer hardware offline test mode, stop the Toshiba Diagnostics for POS System and Peripherals before starting the printer hardware offline test mode.

o. On the 4852, if you connect an RS-232 printer to COM port C and add it at 115200 Kbps, the Printer Statistics might not show up and other POS Printer updates might not work including Microcode Update. To prevent this from happening, move the printer to a different COM port prior to running diagnostics.

p. Two keyboards may be recognized by this Diagnostics package after you have updated the firmware in the Toshiba Modular Keyboard attached via USB. One keyboard may reflect the old firmware level and one keyboard may reflect the updated firmware level. Ignore the keyboard entry reflecting the old firmware level and proceed with your verification tests using the entry reflecting the updated firmware level.

q. On the 4840-5x3,4846-5xx, and 4840-5x4, when a second video display is attached to the system unit, the Diagnostics package may not show anything on the display. This does not indicate a hardware problem. Users should use the operation of the second video with their normal operational environment as the indicator of a problem. If the second video has been working and stops operating during normal operation, the video display should be checked first. Attach a known working video display to the second video port and start the normal operational environment to determine if the video display or the system unit is having a problem. The Diagnostics package can be used to diagnose problems with the primary integrated display or the system unit.

r. In a configuration where a PS/2 keyboard and a USB POS keyboard are attached to a system unit and you want to test the POS keyboard, you will need to unplug the PS/2 keyboard, boot the Diagnostics package, and test the POS keyboard. If both keyboards are attached, the Diagnostics package may not recognize the POS keyboard. This configuration is not a typical configuration.

s. For the 4846-5xx system units:

t. For the 4800-7x2 system units that have a secondary video card installed, you may experience problems with the Diagnostics package booting on the system. Due to a limitation in the Diagnostics package, you need to go into BIOS Setup on the system unit and change the primary video adapter to be Intel. After saving that BIOS change, boot the Diagnostics package and run the tests you need to run. Be sure to change the BIOS Setup to restore the previous video setup.

Alternatively, you can use an earlier version of the Diagnostics package (version 4.x). No need to change the BIOS Setup if you use the earlier Diagnostics package version.

u. For the 4800-741 or 4800-781 system unit, if you have a modular keyboard attached to the USB port on the front of the POS system unit, the Diagnostics package may show errors for the keyboard or may not recognize the keyboards presence. You should attach the keyboard to a USB port on the back of the system unit to use the Diagnostic packages tests and utilities for the keyboard.

v. In POS Keyboard test, if you have a Modular CANPOS keyboard attached via PS/2 to the system unit, the top two rows of keys will not be seen on the keyboard test panel. This is not a hardware error. When you press any key in the top two rows on the keyboard, you will see a change in the scan code output field on keyboard test panel.

w. For 4838-xxx, MSR can stop working if MSR IRQ is set to 5. In BIOS, changing MSR IRQ to 10 will enable correct communication with the Toshiba POS Diagnostics tool.

x. For the 4900-7x5 system units. When SATA MODE is set to IDE Mode in BIOS, the storage test for hard drive and DVD drive is unavailable in "System Components" section. Changing SATA MODE to RAID Mode will enable it.

y. For 4900-775/785, Dump Switch Test will only work once. If you want to test additional times, power cycle the system and rerun the test. The power cycle will rearm the dump switch.

z. When running the Sound Card Test in PC-Doctor, disregard the warning messages "Error querying PCM volume from mixer" and "Error modifying PCM Volume from mixer". The volume does not need to be adjusted for the Sound Card Test.

aa. In the PC-Doctor Sound Card Test, the Microphone Test will not work on 4810-340. This does not mean the microphone does not work. Use another method to verify.

ab. System units with 512MB of memory and uses more than 64MB memory shared with video will have difficulty booting CD-ROM Diagnostics and Remote Diagnostics. Users will be required to use the USB memory key version of Diagnostics.

ac. When you are booting the Toshiba Tablet for diagnostics, the device may continue to boot from the hard drive. If you experience this symptom, perform the following steps: Press and hold the Volume Up button while the system boots. You will enter the "Boot Menu" screen. In this menu, you can select which device to boot. Select USB Memory to boot the Diagnostics key. You can navigate using the volume up and down and to select the device you want, use the windows button on the front. Please also read Setup_BIOS_Boot_Order.htm in the /diagnostics/documents folder for the Toshiba Tablet

ad. On 6183-2xx, users may experience hangs when clicking on the "POS Devices" button in the Diagnostics utility. If you see this, please reboot and try again.

ae. On RS485 50 key keyboard with LCD in the POS Keyboard Test, there is a delay for a small number of key presses. Users will see a key on the on-screen keyboard layout change to black when a key is pressed and is slow to change the key back to white when the key is released. This does not mean you have a hardware issue. Users will need to wait a few seconds and then continue.

af. On 4836-137, users may experience failure to boot Diagnostics. If you see this, please reboot and try again.

ag. When a DisplayPort dongle is attached, but no second video is physically attached to the dongle, the utility Monitor EDID will show a tab "DP1" for a possible monitor EDID on the dongle, and message "Error: EDID file is empty or corrupted." will be shown under the tab, because it could not retrieve any data.

ah. In System Components Test for 4800-xx2, users will not be able to run the monitor and video card test on the secondary display. This does not mean the secondary monitor and video card does not work. Users that want to test their secondary monitor can attach to the primary video port.

ai. When using Fiscal Printer SJ6 , Diagnostics requires the printer to be in the INTER state. Users will not be able to communicate if the printer is in the OPER mode.

aj. On 4840-5x3, Diagnostics requires Windows BIOS to boot on the system unit.

ak. Running Loopback Test on 4900-xx6, Port C and D are always activated since there is an external card available to add Port C and D. If your system does not have Port C and D, please press Cancel when you are asked to run External Register Test and External Loopback Test.

al. On 4852-570 when testing with second external screen, if the main display does not show anything. Verify that the BIOS setting "DVMT Total Gfx Mem" (under Devices) is set to 256M or Max. If the "DVMT Total Gfx Mem" is set to 128M the primary display may not properly initialize when there is an external secondary screen.


IX. Remote Diagnostics

This release of Toshiba Diagnostics for POS Systems and Peripherals provides you the capability to run the diagnostics remotely. Refer to the file titled REMOTE_README.htm for details on remotely running the diagnostics.


X. Getting Help

There is a help button at the top of the diagnostic user interface giving details about running diagnostics if you have questions about any particular aspect of running the diagnostics.


XI. Trademarks

* IBM is a registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation.

* TGCS is a registered trademark of Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, Inc.

* Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

* Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

* PC-Doctor is a registered trademark of PC-Doctor, Inc.