IBM 4610 MODEL TI5 FIRMWARE UPDATES September 1999 (C) Copyright 1999 IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved IBM Retail Store Solutions 4610 SureMark Printer Firmware Notes FIRMWARE UPDATE CHANGE HISTORY Revision: DB_PRT1B.HEX Release Date: September 8, 1999 ================================== 1. Added - 2 meg EJ support in 4610 native mode and model 4 emulation mode in fulfillment of an RPQ. 2. Fixed - Model 4 emulation - If trying to run the DI offline test when the document is not ready will hang the printer. 3. Fixed - Model 4 emulation - When line feeds are sent to the printer with 0 motor steps, the printer moves one step. 4. Change - Model 4 emulation, all logos are centered. 5. Fixed - When rejecting a command during download of DBCS characters, printer resets. 6. Fixed - black, vertical bars/dots are printed at the beginning of a tab if the previous image had these dots turned on. Only in DBCS mode. 7. Fixed - when flash write error occurred (status3,#e2error is set) due to trying to overwrite an existing DBCS character, the printer will not process any more commands. This only occurs when using the RS-232 interface. 8. Fixed - with line feeds set to 0 motor steps, sometimes the printer would reset while printing. Revision: DB_PRT1A.HEX Release Date: June 10, 1999 ================================== Initial production level firmware.