IBM Rational Method Composer Release Notes


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2009 All Rights Reserved.


Rational Method Composer is a re-release of Rational Method Composer 7.2. The sole purpose of release is to address a licensing defect which prevents Rational Method Composer 7.2 installation after December 31st, 2008.

This is a new release of IBM® Rational® Method Composer (RMC). New or enhanced features in this release are described below.

This release subsumes all previous software updates and iFixes. See Defects Fixed in this Release for more information.

Please refer to the IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide for instructions on how to install Rational Method Composer, upgrade libraries, and uninstall the product. The installation guide (install.html) can be found at [INSTALLDIR]/rmc/readme.

System requirements

Hardware requirements

Software requirements

The following software must be installed before you install IBM Rational Method Composer:

Viewing the published Rational Unified Process configurations

The software installation includes two Rational Unified Process (RUP) configurations that were published using Rational Method Composer They are available from the Start > Programs > IBM Rational > IBM Rational Unified Process 7.2.

Viewing the RUP for Large Projects website requires Java™ 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition, v 1.4.2 (J2RE) or J2SE™ Runtime Environment 5.0 (JRE 5.0). JRE 1.4.2 can be downloaded from this location: JRE 5.0 can be downloaded from

New features

New features in Rational Method Composer 7.2 include the following:

New features and key improvements


This release of the Rational Method Composer tool is localized to the following languages:

Portions of the online help may not be translated for every language.

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) content is also translated to these languages, except Danish. The scope of the translation varies by language. For languages that were not completely translated you may see a mixture of the local language and English in the method library, in a localized published web site for that language.

The following languages have completely localized the content, with the exception of whitepapers, unless noted otherwise below:

The following plug-ins are no longer offered in Traditional Chinese translation:

Localized index and glossary

During publication, Rational Method Composer automatically generates an index and glossary for the published site. However, for some countries these components may not be entirely correct. For example, incorrect letters may be used in the keyword index, and index or glossary entries may not be alphabetized correctly according to the standards of your locale.

Substituting the customized index and glossary for your locale is an effective work-around. All countries except Italy have provided customized indexes and glossaries. To use the customized index and glossary in your published site you must do the following:

Installation and upgrade issues and guidelines

Upgrading libraries to Rational Method Composer

When users run Rational Method Composer to open a library created in previous Rational Method Composer releases, the upgrade tool asks you whether to upgrade the library. The upgrade is not supported if the library is under configuration management control such as Rational ClearCase or CVS. The solution is to check out the library, copy it to a location, make all files writable, and remove any system files related to the configuration management system, then open the library to accept the upgrade question, and finally check in the library back into the configuration management system.

For more information, see IBM Rational Method Composer Installation Guide for version

Back up local libraries before upgrading to Rational Method Composer

When upgrading Rational Method Composer, if the update contains a RUP library, the RUP library on the existing install is overwritten. To circumvent this, back up your local library in the install directory before upgrading.

Back up libraries before uninstalling Rational Method Composer

Warning: When you uninstall Rational Method Composer, the bundled library library.72, located under the install root is automatically deleted. If you have customized the library and want to preserve a copy, be sure to backup the library.72 file before uninstalling Rational Method Composer.

Using the copy dialog for installations on LINUX and Vista systems

On LINUX and Vista systems, the bundled RUP library is installed under a read-only directory. When you first start Rational Method Composer, you are asked whether to copy the read-only library into another location. You are asked this only when the library being opened is that default library being opened. That is you will see this query the first time your start Rational Method Composer with a clean workspace.

Upgrading libraries for release 7.2.01

There are several ways to upgrade libraries for use with this release. Each of these is described in this section.

If you use any plug-ins shipped with RMC 7.1.1:

Note: All of the plug-ins that ship with Rational Method Composer have been renamed. Therefore, we recommend that you create a new library in your configuration management system, rather than trying to upgrade your library 'in place'.

Follow these steps:

  1. Using RMC 7.1.1, export every plug-in you created in your library. Be sure that all configurations you wanted were exported. If any were missed, export them individually.
  2. Make a copy of the library.72 that is shipped with Rational Method Composer
  3. Delete the .project file if it is present.
  4. Rename the directory name for your library, if you want it to be something other than library.72.
  5. Open this new library in Rational Method Composer
  6. Import the plugins and configurations that you exported.
  7. You may want to consider renaming you plug-ins now to conform to the new naming format. If you choose a unique 'first part' (the portion before the first 'dot' in the name), then all your plug-ins will be listed together in the library view. (See Renaming plug-ins for information about the potential actions required following plug-in renaming to be sure that you correct any directory paths in your plug-ins to resources.)
  8. Make any additional changes necessary. (See the next section for additional tasks you may need to do.)
  9. Verify that your library publishes correctly now.
  10. Check your new library into your configuration management system.

If you created your own library, and do not depend on any plug-ins shipped with Rational Method Composer 7.1.1:

Method 1 (recommended):

  1. Create a new library
  2. Make a copy of your existing 7.1.1 library (but do not copy the .project file)
  3. If your configuration management system includes any extra files in your library on your hard drive, be sure to remove those from your copy (for example, CCRC adds .copyarea.db files that you need to delete)
  4. Make all of the files in the copy of your library writable.
  5. Update the name of the directory that holds the copy of your library to be the name you want for your new library.
  6. Open this copy of your 7.1.1 library in Rational Method Composer and allow it to upgrade the library (See the next section for additional tasks you may need to do.)
  7. Check this new library into your configuration management system.

Method 2: Upgrade in-place

  1. Using your client software for your configuration management system (not Rational Method Composer), check out all *.xmi files in your library (Alternatively, check out all files in your library, but realize that when you check them back in, many will not have changed.)
  2. Open the library in Rational Method Composer and allow Rational Method Composer to upgrade the library (See below for additional tasks you may need to do)
  3. Check all changed files back in
  4. Search for any files that are new and check those into your library. (for example, you may find diagram.xmi files for some of your processes.)

Some changes you may need to make to your library once it has been upgraded to Rational Method Composer

Renaming plug-ins

Renaming plug-ins created with earlier versions of Rational Method Composer requires further manual renaming of some path names.

When renaming method plug-ins in libraries created using previous versions of Rational Method Composer, the contents in those plug-ins may contain the old plug-in names in some path names, such as node icons and shape icons. Those path names are not automatically corrected to use new plug-in names. You must manually fix them.

This problem does not occur for libraries created by Rational Method Composer

UML 2.0 activity diagrams

Rational Method Composer now will only create UML 2.0 activity diagrams. Previous versions would allow diagrams that have multiple inputs and multiple outputs (arrows) from a synch bar or decision node. Rational Method Composer will still publish such diagrams, but they are actually incorrect now. You should correct your diagrams to be valid for UML 2.0. Such diagrams can have either multiple inputs or multiple outputs from a synch bar or decision node, but not both.


Rational Method Composer is based on Eclipse and therefore offers several accessibility features that are part of the Eclipse development platform, Rational Method Composer provides CI162 Software and Web Accessibility for those with special needs to use software products successfully.

When running Window Eyes (a screen reader), you cannot type new characters in a text field of a Rational Method Composer published site that includes search capability. This is a Web browser limitation and not related to Rational Method Composer.

Rational Method Composer guidelines and improvements

Accessing sites published from the IIS 6 server

When browsing a published site that is deployed on an Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 for Windows Server 2003, you a warning message that says "error loading tree." In this case, the content view is display is blank because IIS cannot serve some published file. Follow these steps to correct the problem:

  1. Select Administrative Tool -> IIS Manager and right-click on your site name to display its property dialog.
  2. Select the HTTP Headers tab and then select MIME Types.
  3. The next step is to create five new MIME types, using the following extension/MIME type pairs:

    For each set of values, click New... to open the MIME Type window and create a new type.

  4. Close each MIME Type window and apply the changes.
  5. Restart the IIS server.
  6. Close all browsers and open a new browser to load the published site.

Browsing a published configuration from Internet Explorer 7

When you browse a published configuration using Internet Explorer 7 or a Web application server such as Tomcat or IIS, you must add this site as a Trusted Site to meet IE7 security requirements. Otherwise, the navigation view and content view are not displayed correctly.

Validating library integrity

In Rational Method Composer 7.1.1, you check the Rational Method Composer library integrity by using Windows | Preferences… | Method Authoring | check Debug, then go to Help | Diagnosis and repair tools. In Rational Method Composer, you can right click on a plug-in, select Validate, and result problems are displayed in the problem view. Validation is designed to make a best effort to find all possible errors, but it is not guaranteed to find all errors.

Deleting a method plug-in

Deleting a method plug-in may not delete the corresponding underlying file system folder for that method plug-in, if that folder happens to be the current directory or the parent of the current directory fro some applications. Users need to manually delete them if they want to create the same named method plug-in later.

Check in all files before renaming plug-ins in the method library if it is under Rational ClearCase control

Renaming plug-ins can corrupt the library if renaming is done when files are checked out from Rational ClearCase. This behavior occurs only when you are not on a LAN or are using a low speed connection. It is caused by a combination of checked out files in the folder to be renamed and information about paths of those files in the Rational ClearCase remote client view being out-of-synch Check in all files in the plugin folder before performing a rename operation.

How to publishing a single process

When you select a particular process, Rational Method Composer publishes only the process in the process tab, but any other views in the configuration will still be published. The main reason is that Rational Method Composer is meant to publish a HTML site for users to reference, and the assumption is that you still need other tabs to make the whole sites as a whole site, but only include the selected process.

The workaround is to copy the configuration to create a new one, delete all the tabs you do not want, and publish it by selecting that process you want. Then, create a new custom category, and only assign the desired process into the custom category, and set that custom category as the only view for publishing.

New option for import functions

There is a new option, Ignore and remove unresolved references, in the Specify import directory page of the Import method plugin wizard, and also in the Specify import file page of the Import XML wizard. If this option is selected, the import proceeds without checking the existence of required based plugins. References to the missing required based plugins are removed after the import.

Using the <div> tag in RTE for Dojo-based published sites

Using the <div> tag in RTE contents may cause conflict for Dojo-based published sites. A <div style="FLOAT> tag in your RTE contents may conflict with the Rational Method Composer new, Dojo-based published web site. A solution is to enclose this tag in another <div> tag as shown in the following example:

    <div style="float: left">
    <div style="float left">

Work products can be assigned to multiple domains

Rational Method Composer no longer enforces the to-one relationship between work products and domains. You can now assign one work product to multiple domains.

RUP content changes and guidelines

Plug-in name changes

Some plug-in names have changed in this release to improve readability and provide an improved organizational structure.

Old name New name
base_concepts core.base_concepts
formal_resources extend.formal_resources
informal_resources core.informal_resources
rup core.base_rup

















rup_se systems.rup_se



rup_ux_modeling_plugin extend.ux_model

New this release


The following table explains the terms used plug-in package names.

Term Definition
core Used for plug-in core to the RUP software development process.  Most RUP configurations should contain the core plug-ins
modernize Enterprise modernization
extend Extensions to the general RUP software development process that do not fall into the other packages.
SOA Service-oriented architecture
sytems Systems engineering
tech Technology and tool-specific extensions

Potential action required: Links to most elements are unaffected, because Rational Method Composer finds linked elements by their unique ID.  However, any links to rup plug-in resource files (images and templates primarily) in third party plug-ins need to have their links corrected to use the new plug-in names, since such elements have no unique IDs.

Publishing RUP configurations

The RUP banner used for publishing can be found in the RUP library at: core.base_rup\guidances\supportingmaterials\resources\rup_banner.jpg

RUP configurations are published with the following options:

Field name Value
Feedback URL (English)"Feedback: <Configuration name> in RMC"

<Configuration name> is either ‘Classic RUP for SOMA’ or ‘RUP for Small Projects’.

Feedback URL (localized versions)"Feedback: <Configuration name> in RMC - <language abbreviation>"

<Configuration name> is either ‘Classic RUP for SOMA’ or ‘RUP for Small Projects’.

Glossary Yes
Index Yes
Banner image Yes. Located in the library at core.base_rup\guidances\supportingmaterials\resources\rup_banner.jpg
Check external hyperlinks No
Convert broken links in plain text

Publish activity detail diagrams that have not been manually created Yes
Publish activity diagrams for unmodified activity extensions Yes
Show relationship sub-folder in navigation trees No
Show task descriptors in navigation trees Yes
Include method content in descriptor pages Yes
Include links to related descriptors in role, task and work product pages Yes

New plug-in and configuration for publishing reports

A new plug-in, extend.special_pub_views, has been added.  This plug-in is for specialized and alternative views for publication.  It contains the view used by a new configuration, “Classic RUP for SOMA - for PDF or Word publishing”, the configuration recommended for publishing to Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word

Configuration errors in tool-specific configurations

Note that configuration errors in the following configurations should be expected. These are partial RUP configurations that focus only on aspects of the process related to specific tools, and are not complete RUP configurations:

Known content and published site issues

  1. View customization does not work correctly on Linux systems. The work-around is to publish method configurations without the "Support view customization" option.

  2. Some index entries are missing. This will be corrected in a future release.

  3. Searching for a specific element-node in the tree browser via the "view in process" button can take up to three minutes if the node is deeply nested in the tree. During this time the browser is unresponsive.

Known Issues with Localized Content

  1. The "Classic RUP" published web site may contain some English text for locales that chose not to translate all plug-ins in the library. In this situation English text contributed from the un-translated plug-ins will be mixed with localized text from plug-ins that were translated.

  2. There may be some truncated text under nodes in Role Relationship diagrams for German, Japanese, Italian.

  3. The Risk List template in the Informal Resources plug-in was not translated.

  4. The Asset Architecture template in the Asset-based Development plug-in was not translated.

  5. Some graphics in some of the tutorials were not translated. This will be corrected in a future release.

  6. The index and glossary for languages other than English are not generated but rather translated directly.  RUP for small projects uses the same index as Classic RUP for SOMA, and so has some broken links to content not in the smaller configuration.

Known Rational Method Composer issues

  1. If you create one or more method elements in a library under a Rational ClearCase dynamic view and then perform a check-in operation on all checked-out files using the Find Checkouts function provided by the Rational ClearCase plug-in, the source control states of those elements in the navigator view are not updated automatically. The next time you try to create a new element, an error message is displayed with a prompt to perform a Team -> Refresh operation.

    This situation can be avoided by performing a Team -> Refresh operation in the navigator view to set the correct source control state after a check-in is done and before creating the new elements.

  2. By default, Firefox on RedHat and SUSE Linux disables updates to the browser's status bar. This default setting needs to be changed for the rich text editors to function properly on these platforms. To change the default setting, do the following:
    1. Log on with administrative (root) privileges.
    2. Locate the firefox.js file by executing the following command: find / -name firefox.js.
    3. Navigate to the directory containing the firefox.js file.
    4. Make the firefox.js file writable.
    5. Edit the firefox.js file with a text editor and change the preference "dom.disable_window_status_change" from "true" to "false". For example: pref("dom.disable_windows_status_change", false);
    6. Save and exit.

  3. On a RedHat and SUSE Linux system configured with Firefox as the default browser, you must double click on a Rational Method Composer rich text editor before any character can be entered.

  4. To include JavaScripts in Rich Text Editor (RTE) fields, JavaScripts must be inside HTML <script> tags and the <script> tags must be preceded by some other HTML code; otherwise, they will be removed. Putting the <script> tags in a block such as <p>...</p> or <div>...</div> will also work.

  5. Windows has a limited overall number of system handles. When the system runs out of system handles, Rational Method Composer will not function properly. For example, double-clicking on a method element will not bring up the editor. You need to close Rational Method Composer and close other applications to bring the available system handles to a reasonable level and start Rational Method Composer again.

  6. Publishing many sites on Windows systems may require you to restart Rational Method Composer. A small number of resource handles and some memory is consumed each time you publish a site. If you repeatedly publish Web sites, it's possible to run out of resources on the Windows operating system. In this case, users have to restart Rational Method Composer tool.

  7. When using the import HTML feature, all HTML files must be UTF-8 encoded.

  8. You must close Rational Method Composer before uninstalling or upgrading it.

  9. If many editors are opened at the same time, long editor names are truncated. The truncation is not indicated by "..." characters.

  10. Images in RTE are truncated when the image is larger than one page when published to a PDF or Microsoft Word document.

  11. Not all report templates are localized in all supported languages.

  12. Limitations of BIRT 2.2.0 result in the following behavior:
  13. By design, internal hyperlinks (element links) are not supported in published documents in PDF or Microsoft Word format.

  14. If you select Keep checked out when adding an element to source control, Rational ClearCase sometimes changes the modification time of the file. If the modification time is changed, Rational Method Composer prompts you to refresh the file. This is expected behavior. Reply yes to refresh the file.

  15. Rational Method Composer supports two types of published web sites: those using the 7.1.1-method and the Dojo-based method introduced in this release. Each method requires a different about.htm file. Use templates from sub-directories in the install directory when creating your own about.htm files. For 7.1.1, the subdirectory is '"org.eclipse.epf.publishing/docroot/." For Dojo, the subdirectory is "" The about.htm file is used in the publication dialog.

    When using a Dojo-based published site, customize the about.htm file as follows:

    1. Copy of the about.htm template file.
    2. Open the default about.htm file in a text editor.
    3. Modify the name, copyright, and so on.
    4. Do not add ccs files, links, or other information.

  16. The following limitations apply to Activity Diagrams.

  17. New Extends semantics: On the Window -> Preference… -> Method -> Authoring menu, there is an option called Use new Extends semantics.

    This option has not been documented in the online help. If the option is not selected, Extends variability works as described in the online help (see Rational Method Composer > Creating reusable method content > Method Content Variability). If the option is selected, new semantic rules for Extends are available as specified in OMG’s finalized SPEM 2.0 specification (Software and Systems Process Engineering Meta-Model) (see and for details).

    The new Extends semantics works almost like the old extends, but differs in its effect on to-many relationships. Outgoing to-many relationships of the base element are only inherited to the extending element if the extending element does not define its own relationships. The old semantics would always inherit and the you could add your own relationships to the inherited list. With the new extends semantics, the extender always overrides the inherited relationships when it defines its own. New Extends semantics differ from regular Extends semantics in this way: For one-to-many associations, such as role to responsible work product, regular extends inherit and you can only add additional items. New extend semantics is like applying other-to-one and attribute. As soon as you add your own information, the inherited piece is overridden.

  18. New Load Method Elements option:  On the Window -> Preference… -> Method -> Tailoring -> Load Method Elements menu there is an option called Load all referenced method elements when a process is loaded.

    This option affects the behavior of the Tailoring perspective when loading additional processes into an existing Tailoring Session through the Add Method Elements or Processes to Available Elements context menu of the Available Elements view. When the option is selected (this is the recommended default), Rational Method Composer analyzes the added process and updates the Available Elements views with all method content elements referenced by the process. If the option is not selected, this is not done, and the process will not appear complete because process elements that reference elements not in the Available Elements view will not be presented in the process editor.

  19. Known inconsistency issue between variability and the Include method content in descriptor pages publication option.

    The option Include method content in descriptor pages can be found in the Publish Method Configuration Wizard and in the Method -> Publishing/Browsing Preferences page for the Browsing perspective. Use this option to publish HTML pages for descriptor elements in processes that combine textual content from the descriptor with content from the method content element that descriptor is based on.  This content combination works in this way: it first takes all content that can be changed in a descriptor’s properties editor; such as name, brief description, relationships to other descriptors, or selections of steps for task descriptors; and then augments the page with additional content coming from the underlying method element.

    When the underlying method content element has been manipulated in the method configuration used for publication utilizing variability (that is, as a contributor or replacement) after the descriptor has been created, the descriptor and the content element may not be synchronized, because the descriptor by design represents a snapshot in time and must be manually synchronized. As a result the content of the published page coming from the descriptor might contradict the content of the variability-manipulated content element.  The workaround is to synchronize the descriptors against the method configuration that contains the variability elements before publishing the page (Right-click on Custom Synchronization… and select the configuration in the wizard).

  20. For sites published with Dojo and viewed with the Firefox browser, the Back button may exhibit unexpected behavior.

    When navigating from one page to another, click the Back button, the previous page is returned but not to the previous scroll location in that page. This is because there are two ways to return to a previous page. One is to retrieve the cached page and the other is to reload the page. By default, Rational Method Composer has the bookmark feature enabled and reloads the page. You can change this with an app setting in the themes/appSetting.js file.

    1. Open the themes/appSetting.js file in an editor.
    2. Locate the line: theApp.settings.enableBookmark=true.
    3. Change the value to false to enable page caching.

  21. Tailoring Perspective: Tool button "Unsuppress Selected Element" does not toggle.
  22. The Unsuppress Selected Element button works as designed. You can suppress an element with the Suppress tool bar button in the tailoring process editor and the Suppress in session view bar icon on Available Element view.

  23. In XML, method configuration export/import, if RTE content has a link to an HTML file as a resource, and the linked HTML resource file has its own linked-in resources, then their validity is not checked during the export/import process. The consequence is that the linked-in resources may not be copied to target locations during export/import. You must separately check that they have been copied to the right locations, and manually copy them if necessary.

  24. Deleting a configuration project from a workspace (through the Navigator) does not refresh the Library view. This happens only if the library contains unresolved references in certain cases.

    Workaround: Right-click Refresh in the Library view or reload the workspace library. A more efficient method is to delete method elements from the Rational Method Composer library view, and then go to the Eclipse navigator view to delete those corresponding Eclipse projects.

  25. XML tags may be displayed as the result of a Search Help operation. This is a known problem with the Eclipse help infrastructure.

  26. Only two properties re shown in the Documentation page of capability pattern, delivery process, tailoring process. This works as designed.

    For top-level capability patterns, delivery processes, and tailoring process, all other documentation fields also appear on the process' description tab, and you must use that tab to make any change.

  27. A capability pattern is not shown in the Configuration view after an Activity is contributed to a sibling Activity. This works as designed.

    A capability pattern with any contributing activity under it is intended to be used as a building component for other capability patterns, and is not browsable.

  28. Publishing to PDF or Microsoft Word can cause a memory issue.

    When publishing a method configuration to the PDF format or Microsoft Word, Rational Method Composer may fail with running out of memory error. If that happens, please exit Rational Method Composer, and then use these methods to resolve the issue.

    1. Increase memory resource. Go to the Rational Method Composer install directory, edit the rmc.ini file, and find the line read as -Xmx768m
    2. Change the number 768 to 1024, or 1536, or even more (but do not exceed the amount of physical memory on your machine. Also, make sure your machine has large enough virtual memory configured, usually 1.5 x physical memory on your machine. Please check with your IT staff on how to do this.

    3. You can split your method configuration into several smaller ones. For examples, if your original method configuration defines four view tabs, you can duplicate the method configuration into four smaller ones, in each of them, just leave one tab, and then publish those four smaller method configurations one at time. Another example is to create method configurations specifically for processes only, that is, place a large process or a group of small processes as the only contents in a method configuration, then publish that configuration to PDF or MS Word.

    Note that: you can use a combination of both methods 1 and 2 above.

  29. NL Help files for BIRT 2.2.0 are not localized.

  30. You cannot manipulate tailoring session data in the Authoring perspective. This works as designed.

  31. Publish perspective: In a specific scenario, select a tree node, but the content view is not synchronized. Dojo does not send the selected event if the tree node is already selected.

    Workaround: Double-click the selected note to select it, then click to select.

  32. You cannot publish to the same directory after viewing the published website that includes applets with a browser.

    Workaround: Close all browser instances and close all Rational Method Composer editors that have RTEs.

  33. In an Activity Diagram, the Arrange All function on the context menu may not correctly rearrange read-only connections.

  34. There are limitations on inherited task descriptor pages.

    Task descriptor pages will display the inherited, suppressed descriptors referenced by the task descriptor. That is, if any associated role descriptors or work product descriptors are suppressed, they are not displayed in their parent activity page because they are in a suppressed state, but on the task descriptor page, they are erroneously displayed.

    Note that this limitation applies only to suppressed inherited descriptors. Those descriptors are included on he descriptor page even though they should not be. This limitation does not apply to other non-inherited elements. If the descriptor is not inherited from a base activity, then they it is not included on any page.

  35. From Eclipse, in Window | Preferences… windows, the following nodes on the tree on the left side of the screen have no impact to Rational Method Composer functionality: Ant, Connectivity, Java, and Plug-in Development (these refer to Eclipse plug-ins).

  36. When selecting zh_TW libraries (and pre-published sites), both  zh_TW and zh_CN are installed even though only Traditional Chinese has been selected.  This is due to a limitation in the product installer.

  37. For Rational Method Composer, when publishing web sites in an NL locale, be sure the site host and browsers use the same locale. Otherwise, the search function will not work.

  38. When using Rational Method Composer with the Rational ClearCase SCM adapter, be sure the Rational ClearCase property Case Preserving is in effect. To enable the property, click Start > Control Panel > ClearCase.  From the ClearCase Properties menu, select the MVFS tab, and select the Case Preserving option.

  39. Use this workaround for workspace-based libraries under Rational ClearCase control. When using a workspace-based Rational Method Composer library, and the library's method plug-ins are under Rational ClearCase control, renaming those method plug-ins fails due to an Eclipse 3.3 limitation. Please use the following procedure to work around the problem.

Using Rational Method Composer with Rational ClearCase

Rational Method Composer can be integrated with IBM® Rational ClearCase to provide version control to all resources in a method library. This integration is described in the On-line Help pages under the heading "Using version control."

ClearCase plug-ins can be added to Rational Method Composer, which will allow it to function in the following environments:

Consult your local ClearCase Administrator to determine the appropriate plug-in and configuration for your environment. Refer to the On-line Help for procedures for installing and configuring these plug-ins.

Fixed defects

Defects fixed in this release

The following table lists significant defects that have been addressed in this release.

APAR ID Description
PK50100 Could not resolve proxy 'uma://....' messages after creating or deleting CPs
PK48864 Referenced tasks with conflicting variability
PK47502 Deliverable parts fail to publish in work product descriptor
PK46841 Path to method element changes after clicking the TD
PK46020 Japanese font corruption in Activity Diagram
PK45300 Impossible to have same presentation name in 1 DP
PK43455 Images of the DP are not extended
PK42749 WBS isn't visible when extending to a DP
PK42333 Team Allocation tab in a CP become empty
PK41528 Fields of a CP don’t seem to be updated
PK41091 Support material guidances are not visible
PK40478 Published Develop Components activity diagram is displayed incorrectly. However, the diagram displays correctly in Rational Method Composer
PK39283 Import XML generates a 'null' error message
PK38662 Unchecking Primary Performer from Custom Synchronization menu causes 'Open Activity Detail Diagram' to be grayed out
PK38258 Authoring:  Suppressed artifact still shows in ADD
PK38243 Directory Not Found Error if Names for Capability pattern is in Japanese
PK38242 URL with Japanese characters causes URL corruption
PK38163 Search function hangs when downloading index.jar file.
PK37972 Search Function (All the words)
PK35998 On browsing certain links in a published web site, the published web site freezes
PK35885 RMC: Cannot use target="_blank" with text copied from a Word document
PK35822 RMC: Task does not appear in discipline in published site
PK35772 RMC search function issue
PK34837 RMC: Unable to print expanded details from preview tab
PK34703 Inconsistencies within the "Work Product Usage" tab
PK34670 RMC: Content is allowed to exceed 256 character limit
PK33543 Words which have 'Umlauts' (Ä,Ö,Ü) appear at the end of the list
PK33110 RMC: unable to set shape icons to images already present in preview field
PK26349 RMC RUP content error

Defects fixed in release 7.1.1

The following table lists significant defects that were addressed in release 7.1.1.

APAR ID Description
PK36477 Predecessor relationships among the work breakdown elements in processes were not preserved correctly when exported to Microsoft Project
PK34942 Relationships between tasks and primary performer roles were not properly realized and published in some cases
PK35284 Tasks from activity detailed diagrams saved in Rational Method Composer 7.0.1 were incorrectly reordered after migrating to 7.1
PK35654 Activity diagrams of processes or containing activities with localized foreign characters were missing from the published web site

Legal Notices

Legal notices for IBM Rational Method Composer are provided in the file notices.html in the installation directory. Please refer to this file for applicable legal notices.


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