Fixes Defects:


This patch contains the following software changes:


   Problem: When performing multiple ClearQuest multisite syncreplica and mkreplica operations concurrently, there existed a condition where a temporary file used by each process would conflict with the same file in the other process.  This resulted in various multisite error conditions some of which require help from Technical Support to rectify.  

   Fix: Temporary files used in multisite operations are now thread and process safe, so they should not conflict between multiple processes.  Multiple multisite operations should be able to run concurrently without issue.


   Problem: The "cqreg initialize" command has a typo in this output to the end user:
"...alreay exists;; value was not stored"

   Fix: This cqreg typo has been corrected.


   Problem: ClearQuest Web users cannot modify stateless records (like Customer) by using the REST URI, if the record's unique key includes special characters like forward slash (/) or back slash (\).

   Fix: ClearQuest Web users can now modify stateless records by using the REST URI if the record's unique key contains special characters like forward slash (/) or back slash (\).


   Problem: The OSLC record selection dialog for ClearQuest Web records includes all record types, as opposed to only OSLC link enabled types.

   Fix: The following needs to be added to the cqweb cqSiteConfig.pref file in the default and current value sections to cause the selection dialog to only contain OSLC enabled record types:
"appOpt$onlyShowOSLCTypesInSelectionDialog": "yes",


   Problem: ClearQuest does not have documentation about the OSLC Links Package.  

   Fix: Technote #2014777 has been created.  It can be found here:


   Problem: Installation of the ClearCase CCRC WAN Server is failing to load into WebSphere on non-English operating systems.

   Fix: The installation process was expecting the output of the managesdk command to be in English. This was not the case on a non-English operating system. The installation has been fixed to correctly parse the non-English output.


   Problem: If a user cancels the DOORS, RTC, or any other OSLC data provider login while viewing or accessing an OSLC link or data, they are not asked to login again during the current ClearQuest Web session.  It becomes necessary to log out and back in to access the linked data.

   Fix: If the user cancels login of the OSLC data provider and then tries to view that data again, they will be asked again to authenticate without having to log out of ClearQuest.


   Problem: In ClearQuest Web, the unique field name is shown twice if the drop-down list control has the type-ahead feature enabled.

   Fix: In ClearQuest Web, the unique field name is now shown once if the drop-down list control has the type-ahead feature enabled.


   Problem: ClearQuest Web is affected by a "Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF or CSRF)" vulnerability.

   Fix: The Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF or CSRF)" vulnerability has been fixed.


   Problem: When user-defined queries on the List View control for ClearQuest Web are enabled, the List View buttons are disabled on
the submit form.

   Fix: When user-defined queries on the List View control for ClearQuest Web are enabled, the List View buttons are enabled on
the submit form.


   Problem: In ClearQuest Web, the list view control doesn't work if it's in a group box control and enabled for deferred (aka lazy) loading.

   Fix: In ClearQuest Web, the list view control now works as expected if it's in a group box control and enabled for deferred (aka lazy) loading.


   Problem: Secure LDAP connections may fail with the error message "CRMMD1826E LDAP operation 'ratl_ldap_ssl_environment_init'
failed with error code 408.  Description: Unknown error" if using v2 stash encryption files.  These v2 stash files are generated with the newer versions of the GSKit such as which is shipped with IBM HTTP server

   Fix: ClearQuest is now shipped with version of the GSKit which supports the v2 stash encryption file format.


   Problem: ClearQuest Web doesn't allow users to execute a push button on a read-only form.

   Fix: ClearQuest Web now provides a site preference in order to allow users to execute push buttons on read-only forms.


   Problem: When saving a ClearQuest Web record that creates an OSLC link to a DOORS record, if the back link creation in DOORS fails, there is no indication seen by the user. 

   Fix: To prohibit ClearQuest Web from saving a record unless the OSLC back link creation is successful, the following option can be set in cqSiteConfig.pref: 
appOpt$failCommitIfBacklinkCreationFails": "yes",
When this option is set, ClearQuest will wait for a positive or negative response from the OSLC friend before a record will be saved.  This can negatively impact performance.