Fixes Defects:


This patch contains the following software changes:


   Problem: Rational ClearCase Infocenter documentation does not warn about backing up and restoring the albd.conf when upgrading to ClearCase 8.x

   Fix: In the ClearCase 8.0 and 8.0.1 Information Centers, the upgrade instructions in the "Backing up your environment resources" topic have been revised.


   Problem: Using a keybinding shortcut for version tree or history in ClearTeam Explorer produces an empty view

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified to provide keybindings for the commands in the ClearCase category  found in Windows->Preferences->General->Keys.


   Problem: ClearTeam Explorer  login fails when password has a ":" in it.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer will now properly handle logins when the password contains a ":".


   Problem: Rational ClearCase db.conf '-deadman' value is only upward tunable.

   Fix: The -deadman option only took values of 1 minute and higher. The solution was to allow any positive value.


   Problem: When a user of ClearTeam Explorer refactors or renames  a file containing a Rational Software Architect model  fragment, never renames the file.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified to properly handle the renaming and refactoring of Rational Software Architect model fragments.


   Problem: ClearTeam Explorer is not displaying a Merge arrow in the ClearCase version tree after a merge using the vtree context menu merge action.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified to properly display Merge arrows after a merge.


   Problem: When using the IBM Rational ClearCase Unified Change Management (UCM) / ClearQuest integration, established over OSLC; if the ClearQuest integrated record type name uses Korean (and possibly other double-byte character sets), a blocking error will occur when attempting to set or change activities from the ClearCase Explorer or the ClearTeamExplorer (CTE):
 "The ClearQuest record, "DB00000001", was not found."

   Fix: The Record type in the OSLC request URL has been converted to UTF-8 so that this error will not occur.


   Problem: Rational ClearCase Mainframe Connector rccbuild.exe can not upload @filename with pathname (such as c:\\\dir1\dir2\@filelist.lst) to mainframe. A syntax error is displayed.

   Fix: rccbuild.exe can  upload @filename with pathname (such as c:\\\dir1\dir2\@filelist.lst) to mainframe successfully.


   Problem: When a ClearTeam Explorer user is doing a diff in the ClearCase Version tree (diff vs other) and hits the escape key before the second selection is made, a null pointer exception is issued.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified so that it no longer generates a null pointer exception if the user hits the escape key before making the second selection.


   Problem: Rational ClearCase db_server string file errors do not contain enough information.

   Fix: The error messages now report helpful information.


   Problem: Rational ClearCase vob_sidwalk -execute results in Segmentation Fault on Solaris.

   Fix: Rational ClearCase vob_sidwalk no longer fails with Segmentation Fault on Solaris.


   Problem: Due to an Mullti Version File System (MVFS) problem Rational ClearCase users running on Linux can encounter kernel panics in the function in_group_p called from acl_permission_check.

   Fix: The Multi Version File System for Linux has been modified so that these kernel panics no longer occur.


   Problem: In ClearTeam Explorer, the show/hide branch control would somtimes obscure the head of a merge arrow, making it difficult to tell the direction of a merge.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified to slightly reposition the arrowheads so that they are no longer obscured.


   Problem: In ClearCase, the cleartool rmview -uuid command could fail to remove view records from a VOB when multiple VOBs on the same server host are owned by different accounts.

   Fix: In ClearCase, the cleartool rmview -uuid command now works properly when removing view records from a VOB even when multiple VOBs on the same server host are owned by different accounts


   Problem: When certain ClearCase properties (such as a config spec) are changed, some of the ClearCase properties such as "config spec rule", never update when viewed in the ClearCase properties sheet.

   Fix: Some of the ClearCase properties for a versioned file or folder were being retrieved from a cached location so that the property sheet would never show any change.  This has been remedied.


   Problem: Rational ClearTeam Explorer  "Advanced Deliver Preview" sheet, when delivering by baseline is selected, it is possible for the user-input option to have an enabled "Ok" button which allows the deliver to be attempted without any actual user input into the text area.

   Fix: Steps now taken to a) disallow the Ok button to be enabled for empty user input text area, and b) ensure correct enable state for the Ok button when switching between tabs on the baseline-deliver sheet of the Deliver Preview Dialog.


   Problem: Rational ClearTeam Explorer Version Tree throws an exception after the user does an undo checkout of a version and there is a trigger to remove an empty branch

   Fix: Fixes a problem in ClearTeam Explorer, where Version Tree throws an exception after the user does an undo checkout of a version and there is a trigger to remove an empty branch


   Problem: Rational ClearTeam Explorer Show Checkouts incorrectly displays no checkouts for view

   Fix: Fixes the problem in ClearTeam Explorer, where the Show Checkouts view incorrectly displays no checkouts for the view


   Problem: During a Rational ClearTeam Explorer merge on checkin, the user may get the following error: "Objects being compared or merged must be versions of the same element" if any of the folders containing the file being checkin is a symbolic link.

   Fix: Fixes a problem in ClearTeam Explorer where during a merge on checkin, the user may get the following error: "Objects being compared or merged must be versions of the same element" if any of the folders containing the file being checkin is a symbolic link


   Problem: When cancelling a logical model merge (LMM) of an IBM Rational Software Architect (RSARTE) model from IBM Rational ClearCase ClearTeam Explorer (CTE) a new merge session is immediately started.

   Fix: Fixes a problem in ClearTeam Explorer, where canceling the Compare/Merge session during command line logical model merge invokes the Compare/Merge editor again,


   Problem: When the user performs a logical model merge from a view and the model has checkouts in the source view, Rational ClearTeam Explorer displays too many error messages about this unsupported use case.

   Fix: Fixes a problem in ClearTeam Explorer,  where multiple error messages are displayed when the user tries to perform a logical model merge from a view and the model has checkouts in that view.


   Problem: When merging IBM Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSARTE) models that have more than 100 fragments the performance seen in Logical Model Merge (CLILMM) from the command line is very bad.

   Fix: Fixes a problem with ClearTeam Explorer where Logical Model Merge takes a long time when the model has a large number of fragments (more than 100).


   Problem: ClearTeam ExplorerLogical Model Merge incorrectly identifies contributor versions when changes are made to fragments only with no changes to the model file

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified so that it will now corrrectly  identifiy contributor versions when performing Logical Model Merges.


   Problem: IBM ClearCase will generate an error message in the form "Unknown host '27000@licenseserver" if it cannot contact a remote view server process and Rational Common Licensing or FlexLM licensing is being used.

   Fix: IBM ClearCase has been modified so that it will no longer generate this error message.


   Problem: When performing a Logical Model Merge in ClearTeam Explorer, a remotely renamed model fragment appears as a view-private file after the merge completes.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified so that remotely renamed model fragments are properly checked in during the completion of a directory merge.


   Problem: In ClearTeam Explorer, the find checkout operation can take a considerable amount of time and there is no way to cancel the operation.

   Fix: ClearTeam Explorer has been modified to provide a mechanism to cancel find checkout operations and to improve the performance of painting the checkout table.


   Problem: Logical Model Merge in ClearTeam Explorer makes extraneous checkouts during merge making results hard to understand

   Fix: Fixes a problem in ClearTeam Explorer so that Logical Model Merge operations no longer makes extraneous checkouts.


   Problem: A Rational ClearCase VOB database server may run out of file descriptors after multiple down-revision clients attempt to access a VOB that does not accept old clients.
The database log file may have errors such as:
Error: Process not running on registry specified hostname
or other errors resulting from running out of file descriptors

   Fix: The VOB database code now closes database files after rejecting connections from old client software, so that it will not run out of file descriptors


   Problem: ClearTeam Explorer does not list loaded VOBs in the list in the Apply Label wizard.

   Fix: ClearTeam explorer now lists both loaded and unloaded VOBs and elements in the Apply Label wizard.


   Problem: A user of IBM Rational ClearCase is, in some cases, unable to open a checked out 2 gigabyte file without the O_LARGEFILE option on AIX.

   Fix: IBM Rational ClearCase has been modified to allow opening of 2 gigabyte files on AIX without explicitly setting the O_LARGEFILE in those cases.


   Problem: Using ClearTeam Explorer, the Undo Checkout dialog shows an incorrect number of artifacts when invoked on the root of a Logical Model

   Fix: Fixes a problem in ClearTeam Explorer where the Undo Checkout dialog shows incorrect number of artifacts when invoked on the root of a Logical Model


   Problem: IBM Rational ClearCase users would see the the output of cleartool commands truncated if they used the -fmt option and specified options with the form '%[hlink]p\n'.
 Rational ClearCase output use of '%[hlink]p\n' truncates -fmt output.

   Fix: Cleartool now dynamically allocates its output buffer and reports a buffer overflow error if there is insufficient memory.


   Problem: Users of the IBM Rational ClearCase/Cadence integration  may find an 'Invalid state of file...'  error message at random times.

   Fix:  The IBM Rational ClearCase/Cadence integration has been modified to correctly display the 'operation name' in the error message 'Invalid state of file...'