Fixes Defects:


This patch contains the following software changes:


   Problem: Under some circumstances, error messages from  the IBM Rational ClearCase/Cadence integration may be displayed a character(s) at a time, and the error messages may be broken up across multiple lines in the Library Manager window.  The error  messages may also contain control characters in them.

   Fix: The Integration has been changed so that messages are now printed out in their entirety.  The integration also was modified to remove the control characters ("bold" and "unbold") in the error messages.


   Problem: When working in the IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer, when you select an Rational ClearQuest activity and then select "Show Change Set", a version that has been checked out by another user may show as "Pending".

   Fix: A fix has been made to handle when a file is check out in a view that can't be accessed from the client machine.


   Problem: When working in IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer (CTE), options at the bottom of the CTE checkin preferences dialog window are not visible because the dialog window is truncated and the scroll bar will not scroll to the bottom of the dialog window.

   Fix: The CTE checkin preferences dialog window now functions properly.


   Problem: The ClearCase cleartool relocate command may stop processing with a bus error or segmentation fault under certain scenarios where attributes are placed on other meta data types.

   Fix: The cleartool relocate command now properly handles attributes placed on other meta data types.


   Problem: In IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer, Default Deliver operation repeatedly complains about the integration view that is no longer available, even after the user creates a new integration view to be used for the Default Deliver operation.

   Fix: When the user creates a new integration view during a Default Deliver operation in IBM Rational ClearTeam Explorer, the new view is recorded as the default integration view for the subsequent Default Deliver operations.


   Problem: While working in the IBM Rational ClearCase/Cadence integration, you may find that the label dialog box is empty when attempting to label a hierarchy.

This is caused when your Cadence environment has customized the Virtuoso menu options and are calling functions in the ClearCase/Cadence menu items.

   Fix: This change corrects the scenario and the all of the appropriate cells will show up in the Label Dialog box.


   Problem: While rebasing an IBM Rational ClearCase stream which has foundations on multiple composite baselines, the user may receive multiple occurrences of the message
"cleartool: Warning: Unable to get explicit composite baseline"
which has unclear meaning and makes the other command output extremely difficult to read.

   Fix: More detailed error reporting can be enabled by setting a special environment variable, CCASE_EXPANDED_MSGS to any non-empty string. If CCASE_EXPANDED_MSGS is empty or non-existent, the behavior and messages are unchanged.