Fixes Defects:


This patch contains the following software changes:


Fixes a ClearCase UCM problem where attempting to rebase a development stream from a foundation on the "INITIAL" baseline of a component to a baseline created in a different project produces the following error: "Internal Error detected in '\atria\lib\sum\sum_stream.cxx' line 605". 


Fixes a problem where was incorrectly performing mass checkout/unco of files after exclude from project.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where post-op triggers on "rebase_complete" fail to populate some ClearCase environment variables.


Resolves a ClearCase issue where a "cleartool ls" command was incorrectly returning an " Error: Pathname is not within a VOB " message when resolving symlinks.


Fixes a problem in the Base ClearCase integration with ClearQuest version 2 where a user attempts to check out multiple files at the same time, but in different directories, through Windows Explorer and receives an error stating that the record "is already being edited by this session."


Fixes a ClearCase performance problem observed on Solaris: using cleartool ls to list a nonexistent version of an (existing) element ran for an unacceptably long time.


Fixes a ClearCase documentation issue where information related to "mvfsstat" has been remove from the ClearCase information center.


Addresses a ClearCase documentation issue where the information contained in the rgy_switchover reference page was incomplete.


Addresses a ClearCase Team Explorer issue where the value of a Resource Type for a Preprocessor is ignored if it is in the format of a type manager (such as %text_file_delta).


Fixes a ClearCase problem on Linux RedHat platforms where albd_server registry files stop writing to the permanent registry files when a child process terminates and interrupts the journaling process.


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer Command Line Interface where the 'rcleartool lsco' command reported incorrect user names in output on a file that is checked out.


Addresses a ClearCase issue where the ClearTeam Explorer produces a "Could not initialize class" error intermittently when performing various operations.


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer where a deliver operation, in which the contents of the development stream has had a rename operation performed on it, results in an error indicating the renamed object was not recognized as such.


Fixes a ClearCase UCM problem where the 'mkbl ' command created identical composite baselines.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where rebasing a very long list of baselines in the ClearCase Project Explorer causes the application to crash.


Addresses a ClearCase MVFS issue where a user applies a defect fix and processes hang for several minutes because of RPC calls to the VOB and view servers as MVFS attempts a close process.


Addresses a ClearCase MultiSite performance issue where the process of importing a non-ownership preserving large replica into ClearCase using a "multitool mkreplica -import" command takes a long time to complete. 


Fixes a ClearCase UCM problem where moving a project VOB from a Windows VOB server to a Linux VOB server could corrupt change set data.


Addresses a ClearCase issue on Windows platforms where error codes are overwritten during the process of logging internal messages so that users may receive a misleading "errno == ‘Bad file descriptor’" value in Raima library error messages.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where db_server prints "Ok" instead of "Error" for many Raima database errors.


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer where the conversion of a hijacked resource (non-latest version) to a checked out resource after a view update operation checks out an incorrect version of the resource.


Improves performance of Windows Project Explorer rebase -recommended; performance is now comparable to cleartool rebase performance.


Fixes a ClearCase problem with 'cleartool chtype' which failed when changing an element type with consecutive identical versions.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where the cleartool diff option "-blank_ignore" did not report the differences correctly under certain conditions.


Fixes a problem in ClearCase Project Explorer, where creating a composite baseline could cause the application to crash with the error "MFC application has stopped working."


Fixes a ClearCase Scheduler problem where a 'cleartool space -update' command hangs on the Daylight Savings Time transition day.


Fixes a ClearCase Credmap server problem where, under very heavy load conditions, db_server processes die with a SEGV.


Fixes a ClearCase problem on Linux platforms where a time delay or a deadlock on /etc/mtab occurs if the VOB is stored on NFS and the underlying NFS storage is not yet mounted.


Fixes a ClearCase Mainframe Connectors problem where running RCCBUILD when no log directory already exists results in missing log data.


Resolves a ClearCase MVFS issue where the MVFS specdev will not unload when ClearCase is stopped if the ODMDIR environment variable is not set.


Fixes a ClearCase problem on Windows 7 platforms where running a build process and attempting to make a baseline is fails due to a deadman lock timeout which is possibly caused by a cleartool.exe crash.


Fixes a ClearCase problem on Solaris 8 platforms where the process of scrubbing logs in a branded zone returned the following error: "mvfslog: Error: Unable to set log info: Not owner."


Fixes a ClearCase UCM problem in the ClearTeam Explorer where a deliver operation fails when the "Automatically remove integration view's load rules before Deliver" preference setting is enabled.


Fixes a ClearCase performance problem on Linux platforms where the ClearTeam Explorer was incorrectly deleting the .copyarea.db file. 


Fixes a CearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer where performing a "Compare with Predecessor" or "Compare with Another Version" operation on directories that are symlinks produces an error.


Addresses a ClearCase MultiSite performance issue on UNIX platforms where a "multitool mkreplica -import" process attempts to reset cleartext permissions on files that do not exist.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where the .ccase_svreg file grows without limit on snapshot view updates.


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer Command Line Interface where 'rcleartool mkelem' failed to update the parent directory of the new elements.


Fixes a a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer Command Line Interface with 'rcleartool lsview': when listing a view with many files, the command times out after 60 minutes.


Fixes a problem with rcleartool lsview command displays an error when the specified view is not owned or created by the user.


Fixes a CCRC problem where "Automatically check for view updates" failed to run.


Corrects errors in ClearCase documentation concerning backup and upgrade procedures.


Corrects errors in the ClearCase documentation about the obsolete_rgy_entries file.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem where a multitool syncreplica import process fails on XDR decoding when the operating system has no available memory.


Fixes a problem where CCRC WAN server cannot handle user logins whose password starts or ends with a space


Fixes a ClearCase problem where cleartool operations are querying the license server during database transactions which can cause a deadman lock time-out.


Fixes a problem where, when clearaudit is used to audit non-clearmake builds, cleartool catcr prints the versioned derived object ID twice.


Fixes a ClearCase problem on UNIX platforms where a "cleartool mkattr" with an attribute value of 4230 characters or greater causes a cleartool shell stack corruption and produces a segmentation fault.


Addresses a ClearCase licensing issue where users who have mixed-case UNIX usernames may consume multiple licenses when using ClearCase with Rational Common Licensing in an interop configuration.


Fixes a problem where, if an admin VOB has a large number of types, creating a hyperlink takes a long time.


Addresses a ClearCase UCM issue where canceling a rebase operation in a different view from the one where the rebase was started, when the views do not share a region, does not delete the rebase activity and leaves the original view still set to this activity.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem where ClearCase operations (such as describe and lsepoch) fail with a time out error when mkreplica -export is running.


Fixes a ClearCase albd_server problem where starting ClearCase can cause an error initiating the registry service which results in a core dump.


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer where copying and pasting a resource from an Eclipse project that is not under ClearCase source control over another version of the same resource which is under ClearCase source control where the target is hijacked fails.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where VOB and View storage on a loopback virtual file system will cause commands such as "cleartool space" to fail.


Fixes a problem on AIX where cleartool umount became unresponsive and hung.


Fixes a problem where CTE was not displaying the  "Chinese character" in Naming service correctly for element/version creator information.


Fixes a CCRC problem where, if a user logs into Windows CM Server with mixed case username, checkin operations failed.


Fixes a problem where ClearTeam Explorer did not display all component VOBs in a composite baseline.


Fixes a ClearCase problem where copying label type information from an adminVOB to a clientVOB incorrectly opens transactions in both VOBs concurrently.


Resolves a ClearCase issue in the ClearTeam Explorer Command Line Interface where an exclamation point character is interpreted incorrectly when it is used in a login password.


Fixes a problem in the ClearCase integration with ClearQuest where the ClearCase Project explorer crashes with a memory reference error when attempting to open a ClearQuest-enabled UCM stream.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem where performing a "syncreplica -import " fails with an "Error from VOB database" message when attempting to import a rename baseline oplog when modmaster is enabled at the importing replica.


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the ClearTeam Explorer Command Line Interface where 'rcleartool rmname -force' did not uncatalog elements that had checkouts.


Fixes a problem in the ClearCase UCM integration with ClearQuest on Linux systems where multiple cqintsvr_main processes consume multiple ClearQuest licenses.


Fixes a ClearCase issue on UNIX and Linux platforms where executing nmap against a VOB server while a clearmake build is running causes both the build and server processes to fail.


Fixes a ClearCase Mainframe Connectors problem where typing the option "=x" to escape the menu at ClearCase menu 2.2 causes the TSO client to hang.


Address a ClearCase performance issue where db_server loops in usercount() and consumes system resources.


Addresses a ClearCase issue where logging into ClearQuest from the ClearTeam Explorer used an additional license for an admin session that was not always needed and was not properly released.


Fixes a ClearCase performance problem in ClearTeam Explorer that occurs when a large number of files are added to source control.


Fixes a ClearCase Mainframe Connectors problem where synchronizing ClearCase element versions from zOS to AIX converts some special Chinese characters, such as "$", into double question marks ("??"). 


Fixes a ClearCase problem with clearmake -n where, if the build script in a child make is a single line, clearmake appears to ignore the -n option. 


Fixes a ClearCase problem where the ClearTeam Explorer version tree showed the wrong version of an element when an unloaded version was opened.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem with type-creation operations where -global -acquire does not propagate the changed globalness flag of acquired types.


Fixes a ClearCase problem on Linux Red Hat systems where a VOB shared memory mutex never recovers and database processes loop with a "db_VISTA -926 timed out waiting for lock" error.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem where mkhlink incorrectly created administrative VOB hyperlinks to non-mastered objects.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite error where a syncreplica import process produces a "Nonsequential oplog ids detected" error even though the oplog exists and is in the correct order.


Fixes a ClearCase MultiSite problem where syncreplica import skipped replays of mklabel operations.


Fixes a ClearCase UCM problem of excessive memory consumption that was seen when running a sequence of cleartool commands in the interactive shell.


Addresses a ClearCase issue where the albd_server does not cleanup all associated sockets when it encounters errors on the creation of a forked process.


Fixes a ClearCase issue encountered on UNIX platforms where mntrpc_server does not correctly handle user elevation and demotion when checking VOB storage prior to mount.


Addresses a ClearCase Team Explorer performance issue where "Select all" operations performed on the returned results of a "ClearCase Search" operation are slow and can sometimes make the client unresponsive. 


Fixes a ClearCase problem in the clearmake utility where clearmake fails to wait and retry when a VOB is locked during a build in a shareable_dos view.


Fixes a problem with MVFS on AIX, where opening the root of the AFS filesystem caused a panic.