1.0 About this release
2.0 Installation information
3.0 Product fix history
3.1 Cumulative fixes
3.2 Debugger
3.3 J2EE tools
3.4 JavaServer Faces
3.5 Page Designer
3.6 XML tools
3.7 Data tools
3.8 Source editors
3.9 Validators
4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
5.0 IBM Rational Software Support
6.0 Notices and trademarks
Important: This version of the readme file contains limited information. For a complete and updated version, see the file available online at: www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/rwd/6012/html/readme_6012.html.
This fix pack includes fixes to the version release of IBM® Rational® Web Developer and support for the following browsers:
You can install this fix pack as an update to version 6.0,, 6.0.1, or of Rational Web Developer already installed on your computer.
This fix pack is a cumulative update that contains previously released fixes as well as new fixes for problems in the components listed in this section. APAR numbers, if applicable, are in parentheses.
This fix pack includes the cumulative fix Rational Web Developer fix pack and the following updates and interim fixes:
- (PK41050) WebSphere® v5 server attach failed to attach to WebSphere Application Server v5.1 server started in debug mode.
- (PK41140) Missing on-line help contents for WebSphere Application Server debug launch configuration.
- (PK45384) Suspended thread failed to get displayed when breakpoint is hit.
- (PK40557) If a manifest file for an imported module contains a classpath entry to something other than an archive file, EARImport fails with a ClassCastException error.
- (PK43274) Hang when starting.
- (PK44353) Validation framework does not validate files with names containing multiple dots (".").
- (PK40048) odc:tree shows plus ("+") symbol for empty collections.
- (PK40879) Faces JSP validator displays an unexpected error when using a custom tag.
- (PK43363) Setting both width and height of a tabbedPanel component to a percentage value causes the content to not be displayed in design mode.
- (PK31256) The generator will end an existing Factory class without any notification to the user.
- (PK37348) XSLT mediation does not create correct choice elements in XSL file.
- (PK40384) XSLT mapping issue.
- (PK40645) Null pointer error when using XPath expression editor.
- (PK40723) XML mapping tool is creating extra transformations based on the attribute/element name.
- (PK41253) Not all elements are displayed for "choice" in XSLT mapping editor.
- (PK41573) Interim Fix 004 for Rational Application Developer v6.0.1.1 generates incorrect namespace in XSLT when applied to WebSphere Integration Developer 6.0.2.
- (PK41632) Problem in converting from DTD to XSD file during DTD import; duplicate attributes are erroneously generated.
- (PK42347) WSDL export/import problem.
- (PK44982) Rational Application Developer XML mapper in WebSphere Integration Developer v6.0.2 Interim Fix 005 XSL generation issue.
- (PK46574) GUI change for XML mapping editor choice artifact.
- (PK28363) Documentation issue: creation of a stored procedure is not supported for databases other than DB2®.
- (PK21699) Syntax error under the included JSP when JavaScript™ referencing multiple custom tags with JSP expressions.
- (PK40742) Cannot disable Code Assist for Java™ when editing JSPs inside the source editor of the Page Designer.
- (PK34036) Schema and WSDL validators do not run when filename has more than one "." character (For example, abcV1.3.xsd).
For details on known limitations, problems and workarounds for this release, see the updated version of this readme file at: http://www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/rationalsdp/rwd/6012/html/readme_6012.html.
IBM Rational Software Support provides you with technical assistance.
When you contact customer support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.
To determine the versions:
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Web Developer at www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/web/support/index.html.
For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Web Developer at www.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/web/.
Before you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
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