Agent Controller v6.0.1 - Release notes

Known Problems and workarounds

1.1 Agent Controller does not work when installed in Windows Desktop folder
1.2 Installing Agent Controller on Windows and Linux
1.3 Agent Controller installation cannot locate a default Java™ Runtime
1.4 Agent Controller log file might not have public write permission on non-Windows platforms
1.5 Classes residing on network drives are not accessible on Windows
1.6 Cannot restart the Agent Controller process on non-Windows platforms
1.7 Agent Controller install does not detect existing v4.0.3 Agent Controller
1.8 Resetting Agent Controller security after IBM Rational® Agent Controller installation.

Additional readme information associated with the Eclipse Test and Performance Tooling Platform (TPTP) Agent Controller is available in the TPTP V3.3 release notes.

1.1 Agent Controller does not work when installed in Windows Desktop folder

Agent Controller does not work when installed in the Windows Desktop folder on a Windows system. For example, the Agent Controller will not work if you specify the install directory as C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop.

To workaround this limitation, install the Agent Controller in another directory.

1.2 Installing Agent Controller on Windows and Linux

Installing Agent Controller on Windows and Linux will remove any existing Agent Controller installation. Make sure you have backed up necessary data before proceeding to the installation.

1.3 Agent Controller installation cannot locate a default Java Runtime

The Agent Controller installation may not detect any Java Runtime installed on the machine.

The default value specified in the "Java Runtime" installation dialog may point to a temporary Java Runtime shipped by the installer for installation purpose. You must provide an alternative Java Runtime installation which you want the Agent Controller to use.

1.4 Agent Controller log file might not have public write permission on non-Windows platforms

The log file <Agent Controller install location >/config/servicelog.log might not have the required permission bits (666). This will prevent any non-root Agent Controller process from writing to the log file.

To workaround this problem just run the command

chmod 666 <Agent Controller install location>/config/servicelog.log
as root after installation.

1.5 Classes residing on network drives are not accessible on Windows

The Agent Controller service is configured to log on as "Local System Account". Therefore, it might not have the rights to access mounted network drives, which are usually accessed by means of net use, by the current user ID.

To enable Agent Controller to use the classes on network drives, follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Services window.
  2. Select IBM Agent Controller.
  3. Click the Properties toolbar button.
  4. Select the Log On pane.
  5. Select the This account radio button and fill in the user ID information. This is the user ID which connected (by net use or equivalent) to the drive.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Restart the IBM Agent Controller service.
  8. Relaunch the application.

Note: This will allow the use of network drives, but will limit the Agent Controller's access rights to whatever the current user has.

1.6 Cannot restart the Agent Controller process on non-Windows platforms

The Agent Controller cannot restart on a non-Windows platform.

To work around this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Shutdown all Eclipse workbenches which are connected to the Agent Controller
  2. Issue the command
     kill -s HUP < process ID of the inetd process > 
    (must be root)
  3. Use netstat to check whether port 10002 (default) is still occupied. Wait until it is freed before restarting the Agent Controller
  4. Alternatively, you can change the port from 10002 to another value inside the Agent Controller configuration file
    <Agent Controller 
    install location>/config/serviceconfig.xml
    and restart the Agent Controller immediately.

To prevent this from happening, always shutdown all connected workbench before restarting the Agent Controller process.

1.7 Agent Controller install does not detect existing 4.0.3 Agent Controller

If Agent Controller 4.0.3 is installed as a standalone product then it will be detected and properly uninstalled when installing version 5.1.3. If Agent Controller is installed as part of WSAD v4.0.3, the v5.1.3 installation cannot detect it and will not uninstall the older version. This is a Microsoft Installer limitation.

To work around this limitation, you need uninstall WSAD v4.0.3 completely, since it is the parent product that installed Agent Controller v4.0.3. Ensure that the Agent Controller v4.0.3 is properly removed by checking the Agent Controller install directory is empty and verify that the registry values HKLM\SOFTWARE\IBM\IBM Agent Controller and HKLM\SYSTEM\*\SERVICES\IBM Agent Controller no longer exist.

1.8 Resetting Agent Controller security after IBM Rational Agent Controller installation

Security is turned on by default during the installation of the IBM Rational Agent Controller. The connection option is set to 'Any computer'.

Security settings can be turned off (or turned on) after the installation by running the SetConfig file (SetConfig.bat on Windows and on non-Window platform) which is located in the bin directory in the Agent Controller installation path.

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