This file is available in the English language only.
The IBM® Rational Rose® Model Import feature provides users with the ability to migrate, with a high degree of fidelity, their existing Rational® Rose models and related artifacts into IBM Rational Software Modeler, IBM Rational Software Architect, or IBM Rational Systems Developer. After importing a Rose model that is linked to an IBM Rational RequisitePro® project, you can re-establish the RequisitePro requirement links.
To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at
Relative paths are now converted to absolute paths. If an external doc reference contains a pathmap symbol, the pathmap symbol will be resolved if it is not prefixed pathmap for example, not occurring at the start of the file path. (non prefix pathmaps are not supported).
For a prefixed pathmap, the user will be prompted to update pathmap symbol
table. The value for the pathmap symbol should be derived from the Rose pathmap
values and all recursive calls should be resolved.
The following fixes are included in this release of the Rational Rose Model Import feature:
For information about installing the Rational Rose Model Import feature, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at
No additional hardware requirements are necessary to install this feature.
You can install this feature for use with IBM Rational Software Architect, Version, IBM Rational Software Modeler, Version, or IBM Rational Systems Developer, Version Before you install or update the feature, you must install Interim Fix 001, 002 and 003 for IBM Rational Software Architect Fix Pack, Interim Fix 001, 002, and 003 for IBM Rational Software Modeler Fix Pack, or Interim Fix 001, 002 and 003 for IBM Rational Systems Developer Fix Pack
This feature offers support for the import of Rational Rose models used in Rational Rose Version 2003.06.00 or later. This corresponds to version 8.0 or 8.1 Rose models, and petal version 47 or later. For more information, see the "Supported Rose Petal versions" help topic in the product information center.
There are currently no release-specific problems or limitations.
When you contact customer support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.
To determine the versions in Rational Software Architect or Rational Software Modeler, complete the following steps:For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Software Architect at For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Software Architect at
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Software Modeler at For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Software Modeler at
To determine the versions in Rational Systems Developer, complete the following steps:
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Systems Developer at For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Systems Developer at
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