This file is available in the English language only.
1.0 About this release
2.0 Product fix history
2.1 Debugger
2.2 Enterprise Generation Language (EGL)
2.3 J2EE tools
2.4 JavaServer Faces
2.5 Page Designer
2.6 XML tools
2.7 EJB Tools
2.8 Source editors
2.9 Validators
2.10 Web Service Deploy
2.11 General
2.12 Installation
3.0 Installation requirements and instructions
4.0 IBM Rational Software Support
5.0 Notices and trademarks
This interim fix contains fixes to IBM® Rational® Software Architect, Version
To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at
- (PK26157) When debugging code that has an assert, the debugger JVM hangs
- (PK59704) Duplicate filenames cause debugger to alternate between files
- (PK41068) EGL reportLib export to CSV exports instead to HTML format
- (PK47434) NullPointerException generating when host var ends with semicolon
- (PK47441) Out of memory error during EGL generation
- (PK49284) Submit button in a simple form defined in VGUIRecord is not shown at the .jsp web page
- (PK50105) ELA00118P missing PSB for program
- (PK50631) EGL parser hangs on a initialization of a DataTable with large sub-array
- (PK53352) Hold error with SQL Server 2005 and EGL open statement
- (PK54320) In EGL debugger a return value of a function is not updated after a step into
- (PK55666) Exception AssertionFailedException: null arg when Open In Parts Reference
- (PK55853) EGL Validation invalid messages being issued
- (PK56547) EGLSDK fails to generate SQL with join conditions producing a NullPointerException
- (PK57297) EGL: Reference Containing More Than one Level of Qualification is Ignored in Validation
- (PK58368) Several fixes to VAGEN to EGL migration tool
- (PK59213) MyRecord.Initializer cannot be resolved or is not a valid superinterface.
- (PK61077) IndexOutOfBoundsException in EGL Debugger when using subordinate array with function syslib.size
- (PK61501) NullPointerException when stepping over a transfer statement
- (PK62124) EGL Debugger stops on call to program producing message "An internal error occurred"
- (PK62403) Delays in EGL debugger startup time with network association
- (PK62729) Converting spaces in sub items to num in EGL gives different result than in VAGen
- (PK54470) Web Tooling plug-ins being disabled after loading ClearCase® Remote Client feature with Update Manager
- (PK59517) Wrong plugin versions loaded due to incorrect features
- (PK50308) selectOneRadio does not handle setting null value
- (PK43209) Null pointer error and divide by zero exceptions are thrown when editing JSP in Page Designer
- (PK47050) Modify JSP customer tags in Page Designer editor causing high CPU usage and IDE lock-up
- (PK50987) Insert out-of-order </table> tag to a JSP in Page Designer causing high CPU usage
- (PK51428) The XML Map to XSL generator fails on types that use <xsd:all>
- (PK46879) Derived attribute not set for EJB deploy files
- (PK53832) WebSphere Application Server v6.0 - optimistic update of CMP2.x does not work
- (PK53975) Code generated by ejbdeploy sqlj=true for cmp beans incorrect.
- (PK56314) Problems with read-ahead hints
- (PK56566) Order mismatch between DD and mapping file causes update error
- (PK56917) Invalid folder under "/schema" directory causes ejbdeploy to fail for EJB 1.x
- (PK60611) Arrayindexoutofboundsexception when accessing CMP entity beans
- (PK52229) Editing a large JSP causes editor slow downs and text to be entered backwards
- (PK57330) Getting error "portletRequest cannot be found" after creating a Portlet
- PK34036) Schema and WSDL validators do not run when filename has more than one "." character (For example, abcV1.3.xsd).
- (JR27171) Web services wizard does not generate the deployment descriptor
- (PK50353) Generated Java™ client proxy contains references to JMS ports.
- (PK52558) Cannot run command line tool ejb2webservice in wid 6.0.2
- (PK58273) J2EE deployment operation is very slow
- (PK56069) Pick up Eclipse JDT rewrite() performance fix
For information about the installation requirements and installation instructions for this interim fix, see the Installation instructions at:
When you contact IBM Rational Software Support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.
To determine the versions:
- Start IBM Rational Product Updater and complete one of the following steps:
- If the product is running, click Help < Software Updates > IBM Rational Product Updater.
- On Windows operating systems, click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main menu and click Programming > Rational Product Updater.
- On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main menu and click IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- Click the Installed Products tab.
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Software Architect at
For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Software Architect at
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