This file is available in the English language only.
1.0 About this release
2.0 Product fix history
2.1 EGL (Enterprise Generation Language)
2.2 J2EE tools
2.3 JSF tools
2.4 Web services
2.5 Data tools
2.6 Web tools
2.7 Server tools
2.8 UML diagrams
2.9 Page Designer
2.10 XML tools
2.11 UML modeling
2.12 SODA integration
2.13 UML to Java transformation
2.14 Portal Server Tools
2.15 Source Editors
2.16 Web Site Designer
2.17 Universal Test Client
2.18 EJB Tools
2.19 Java Tools
3.0 Installation information
3.1 Installation instructions
3.2 Hardware requirements
3.3 Software requirements
4.0 Customer support
5.0 Notices and trademarks
This interim fix supersedes Interim Fix 003 and contains fixes to IBM® Rational® Software Architect, Version
To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at
- (PK28418) Floating forms should not be hidden when conversing a fixed form.
- (PK28812) Display/Converse calls in a called program always erase the contents of the display.
- (PK26350) Cannot execute EGL SYSLIB.CALLCMD in a pagehandler.
- (PK26700) The VGJ system command processing6 libary was not compiled for USS.
- (PK26608) Ambiguous References in preprocessor for EGL migration.
- (PK28338) EGL debug probem with numeric fields.
- (PK30242) EGLSDK error IWN.VAL.6711.e.
- (PK24361) Cannot specify: setError to a field within a record.
- (PK27451) EGL-EJB generate While loop ends up in an infinite loop.
- (PK25460) External Cursor gets closed when an internal query is executed using the same SQL Record.
- (PK25539) EGL * low-level field is generated private in Java.
- (PK25779) EGL build error during migration from WSED 5.0.1 to EGL
- (PK26293) Saved filters are lost after rebooting the application.
- (PK26610) In EGL 6.0.1, Class Cast Exception OR Null Pointer Exception when an EGL record is used in a comparison.
- (PK26910) Invalid argument exception occurs when setting Korean characters ( DBCS ) as an argument.
- (PK29333) EGL Decimal problem IWN.VAL.6716.E.
- (PK26522) Invalid EGL Web Services client code is generated.
- (PK25273) 4GL to EGL conversion utility fails when trying to convert a 4GL modules that reference multiple databases.
- (PK24923) EGL issue to bind an EGL variable to the attribute in Version 6.0.1.
- (PK28113) EGL error VGJ0701E occurs when using Begin Database Transaction().
- (PK21609) Errors occur after EGL Migration is run.
- (JR23837) In some rare cases, MANIFEST.MF entries could not properly be resolved in the EAR when the entries were nested inside directories.
- (PK32354) Problem with the J2EE tooling recognizing the source folder in J2EE module projects.
- (JR23837) ArchiveUtil.deriveEARRelativeURI() failing with case problems.
- (PK24730) Restore the capability to add EJB Projects as Web Library Projects.
- (PK25418) In the Web Editor, errors occur when editing the Web Resource Collection for a security constraint.
- (PK28706) In ifix 002, text of <webcontent> element in websettings is deleted.
- (PK25909) The context root is not updated as .websettings file can only be read upon opening project.
- (PK22308) The wizard to remove remote interface does not work.
- (PK26371) Components within Facets within Components within a dataTable have wrong client ID.
- (PK28123) TRP Data is saved in Pagecontext and is not removed.
- (PK30246) Values in Map returned getParameterMap via JSF.
- (PK28876) Converter locales are not dynamic.
(PK32348) ibm-webservicesclient-*.xmi are generated under JavaSource instead of WEB-INF (PK27141) Can't publish WSDL with relative path to UDDI. (PK08939) Cannot hit a WSDL under HTTPS Protocol behinda a firewall. (PK20909) CP/IP Monitor cannot route a SOAP request to the correct port if there are multiple Web Services running. (PK24895) WSED cannot handle inline schema with no target namespace.
- (PK24551) Cannot specify the package owner in the SQL Stored Procedure Wizard - DB2® v8r1 for z/OS®.
- (PK26892) Stored procedures that are created outside of the application fail to build.
- (PK18088) Comments in the JSP are not being ignored by the JSP compiler.
- (PK24816) Cannot publish app to server 6.
- (JR24479) Cannot lauch server using server configuration saved in the application.
- (PK30007) Model TMS.emx has references to TMS.Right_0.emx (temporary model created during merge).
(PK26328) Design mode and preview mode give different results in the page designer. (PK29366) Double byte characters are corrupted if the file opened was modified outside the application.
- (PK31408) the Add Child selection is no longer on the context menu in the BO editor Annotation tab
- (PK21590) WSDL Model problem.
- (PK29747) Interface mapping does not show multiple operation MSG parts.
- (PK26063) WSDL Validation incorrectly flags a schema imported inline.
- (PK26267) Local namespace prefix declarations not resolving in the WSDL editor.
- (PK26331) XSL- XML Mapping and namespace problem.
- (PK24343) Namespaces for generated XSLT are incorrect.
- (PK23307) XML TO XML Mapping wizard Problem.
- (PK24469) XML TO XML Mapping wizard Problem.
- (PK27316) Inconsistency with the "contains references to the following models" warning.
- (PK25784) Unnecessary opening of models with dependencies.
- (PK21281) Association is connected to a wrong class after endpoint has been moved.
- (PK38125) When opening a model, you would receive an "unable to create part" error message.
- (PK32124) when opening a models with custom UML profiles, you would receive the warning message: "The model being opened <modelname> contains references to the following models that are unavailable: 2002\Ecore".
- (PK23582) CDA Plug-in performs a syncExec from the plug-in's stop method.
- (PK23506) The initial value of int type attribute is not transformed correctly.
- (PK25810) Portal Projects fail to run on PTEv5.1.x when base portlets are turned ON from Portal tab in PTE server configruation.
- (PK26290) PortalConfig_1.3.xsd needs to be registered in the XML catalog.
- (IC49902) Outline view fails to update correctly when modify jsp page via design.
- (PK18203) Incorrect JSP Translation for Include with Import Statement.
- (PK25905) Double byte characters are corrupted if the file opened was modified outside of the application.
- (PK30397) Performance problem in the Page Designer and Source Editor with embedded CSS.
- (PK28791) JSP ${item.level} works in preview but fails at runtime.
- (JR23955) UTC uses an incorrect class loader to locate bean classes.
- ( JR24283) No Class Found error during EJB DEPLOY with XMLSECURITY.JAR.
- (PK27266) ejbdeploy.user.install.dir sys property should always override.
- (PK24736) SSC: ejb mediator query problem updating SDO.
- (JR23907) Generate Java wizard cannot generate code in WEB.
- (JR23935) Java Beans for XML Schema generates wrong code.
For information about installing Interim Fix 003a for IBM Rational Software Architect Version, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at
For hardware requirements for this interim fix, refer to the installation instructions.
This interim fix supersedes Interim Fix 003 and can be installed on top of Rational Software Architect Fix Pack updated with Interim Fix 001 and Interim Fix 002 or Interim Fix 003.
When you contact customer support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.
To determine the versions:
- Start IBM Rational Product Updater and complete one of the following steps:
- If the product is running, click Help < Software Updates > IBM Rational Product Updater.
- On Windows operating systems, click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main menu and click Programming > Rational Product Updater.
- On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main menu and click IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- Click the Installed Products tab.
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Software Architect at
For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Software Architect at
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2004, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this documentation in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.
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