This file is available in the English language only.
This interim fix contains fixes to IBM® Rational® Software Architect, Version
To view the latest version of this file, see the readme at
- (PK19243) Unencrypted passwords are generated in the file.
- (PK19402) Validation of program names containing "$" causes errors.
- (PK20072) Cursor position is set incorrectly when there is an array.
- (PK20896) EGL builds take a long time.
- (PK21322) Accessing sub-items of fixed records in global arrays in pageHandlers results in an exception in the EGL debugger.
- (JR23498) When printing to a file, the new output overwrites previous output instead of being appended.
- (PK21765) The "Home" key causes the cursor to return to the initial cursor field instead of the first data entry field on the map.
- (PK22169) BACKTAB, PGUP and PGDN keys do not work when running console user interface (CUI) and text user interface (TUI) programs.
- (PK22693) Removing a dateFormat property from a field in a TUI form causes problems with the form.
- (PK22782) Generating or debugging an EGL program is slow to start.
- (PK22869) The default.dateFormat property is not used by the EGL debugger and is not generated to the file.
- (PK23274) When retrieving COBOL records using the SQL retrieve function, the database type DATE should be mapped to EGL type CHAR(10).
- (PK23396) When using the form editor, adding a record with an INT or DATE data type gives an error that the width is invalid.
- (PK24105) When editing a table entry field with a decimal type, the precision value is missing in the dialog box.
- (PK24332) Errors show in the Generation Results view when the build descriptor option is set to validateSQLStatement=YES.
- (PK24417) Updated runtime JAR files (fda*.jar) are not copied to the EAR project when generating Java into EJB or Application client projects.
- (PK20082) During VisualAge® Generator migration to EGL, EZEMODF is converted into mathLib.modf which has different behavior.
- (PK16937) When using the form editor, values from the field width column of the dialog box are used for the type definition instead of the fieldLen property.
- (PK17123) Validation error IWN.VAL.6653.E occurs when assigning double-byte characters to an item of type char.
- (PK17348) When using the EGL form editor, the menu option Edit > Undo Create doesn't remove the field on the form.
- (PK18278) Following migration from VisualAge Generator V4.5, validation errors occur.
- (PK18922) When building EGL projects migrated from VisualAge Generator, an OutOfBound Exception occurs when the VAGen Compatibility option is cleared.
- (PK20002) Data parts created by the EGL Data Parts wizard maps the CHAR FOR BIT DATA type to NULL instead of EGL type HEX.
- (PK20144) In TUI applications, the ERASE TO END OF FIELD action does not set the field's modified flag.
- (PK22052) The code generated for a function call may not compile when itemsNullable is set to YES in the build descriptor.
- (PK23299) SQL Retrieve does not prompt for a user ID and password if the password or user ID is not set in the preference page.
- (PK23168) When starting the debugger, validation of the build descriptor fails due to the EGL build path not being set up correctly.
- (PK23855) When generating programs for zosbatch, the default value for the resourceAssociation attribute is incorrect.
- (PK24051) If a char(1) contains a byte that is not a character in the local codepage, and it is compared with " ", the comparison will incorrectly evaluate to true.
- (PK24284) The COBOL source generated from an EGL prepare statement computes an incorrect length, causing the statement to be truncated.
- (PK24348) EGL dataTables with variable substructure are not generated correctly.
- (PK23303) When using the EGL form editor, the options displayed for changing the field alignment are incorrect.
- (PK18206) Intermittently, the deployment descriptor editor will not open for an enterprise application (EAR) project.
- (PK21850) Migration from WebSphere® Application Developer V5.1.1 to V6.0 fails if the version string in the .websettings file is blank.
- (PK22785) When a Web library project is removed from the workspace and is still referenced in the Web project's .websettings file, a null pointer error occurs instead of displaying a message in the Problems view.
- (PK20477) When checking out a project from CVS, the version of the .j2ee file is automatically upgraded.
- (PK21111) Tag library descriptor (TLD) files located in the WEB-INF directory of a Web project are not detected.
- (PK21202) Importing a Xythos EAR file fails.
- (PK23249) Some preferences set on Dynamic Web projects are not saved.
- (PK20981) When publishing a Web module that references a non-existent Web library project, a null pointer exception occurs.
(PK23096) When the class loader policy on a JSF application is set to PARENT_LAST, the application does not start. (PK21380) On a JSF input field, clearing the option for client-side validation does not remove the validation attribute from the inputHelperAssist tag. (PK24548) When using client-side state saving, transient components cause failures. (PK20710) When Shift_JIS=Cp943C encoding is set, certain DBCS characters used in a JSF form are displayed as garbage characters. (PK23698) Pressing the up or down arrow key When a JSF inputText field with a date picker and prompting enabled receives focus, pressing the up or down arrow key results in either a JavaScript error or nothing happens. (PK20238) If the context root of the JSF application is “/", then images for JSF components do not display properly. (PK20552) In a JSF page, when using an inputText tag of type Date/Time with a helper enabled, the component does not display correctly in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 if the enclosing HTML has the CSS text-indent property set. (PK21994) Using rich text area JSF components causes warnings that the page contains insecure items when it is run on a server using secure sockets layer (SSL).
(PK23511) If you enter double-byte characters as an input parameter when testing a Web service, the characters are corrupted when displayed in the Console view. (PK10490) When testing a Web Service that has a method that returns double-byte characters in the Web Service Explorer, errors occur. (PK13413) When generating an EJB from a skeleton EJB Web service, errors occur in the EJB deployment descriptor. (PK17857) When generating a Java client proxy, the proxy code fails to compile due to unresolved class references. (PK19605) If you the soap:binding style set to "document" in your WSDL file and set the operation style to "rpc," then you will get errors when you run WSDL2Java. (PK20743) When generating a Web Service, complexType elements defined with simpleContent elements are treated as simpleType elements. (PK18149) If a binding is added to a WSDL file using the WSDL editor, the binding is created incorrectly.
- (PK18727) Include statements containing JSP fragments shows inconsistent behavior.
- (PK13182) Messages output from WebSphere Application Server V6.0 in the Console view are not consistent with the contents of the systemout and sytemerror logs.
- (PK19815) User libraries added to the classpath of a WebSphere Application Server client launcher are not resolving correctly, resulting in NoClassDefFound errors at run time.
- (PK20022) The WebSphere V5.1 runtime is missing file sas.jar, which can cause build path errors.
- (PK21059) If you have deployed an application to WebSphere Application Server V6.0, you will get error beginning "Error: MBeanServer cannot find MBean with ObjectName WebSphere" if you change profiles and try publishing the application.
- (PK22523) If you delete profiles that you have created for WebSphere Application Server, then the deployment page of the Application Deployment Descriptor Editor will not open.
- (PK21282) When an activity diagram was imported from IBM Rational XDE™, the notes and synchronization bars were removed.
- (IC48661) Associations moved across models when models were imported from Rational XDE.
- (PK20191) Stereotypes of subunits were not added when models were imported from Rational XDE.
- (PK22960) Existing profiles were not used when models were imported from Rational XDE, unless they were re-imported.
- (PK21287) Activities and control flows in activity diagrams were misplaced when models were imported from Rational XDE.
- (PK19719) Invalid view in XDE diagrams caused null pointer exception errors when models were imported.
- (PK21284) Text inside activities was truncated when models with activity diagrams were imported from Rational XDE.
- (PK20331) Multiplicity was not properly transformed when models were imported from Rational XDE.
- (PK24826) "ProfileBase" was not applied for imported profiles.
- (PK17151) Visibility of J2SE getters/setters were not generated correctly.
- (PK20189) An error message (Transformation terminated) popped up when the language/regional setting was set to the German language.
- (PK23987) Static and final modifiers were not generated for attributes of Java™ interfaces.
- (PK09918) Web publisher created broken links for root model packages referenced in another model.
- (PK21484) The intermediate XML file for web publishing did not contain the information for associations between model elements.
- (PK21741) Pre- and post-conditions lost context when they were manually sorted or moved.
- (PK16841) Class diagrams were not correctly updated after class names were refactored.
- (PK22405) In communication diagrams, message numbers didn't change as expected when messages were added or deleted from diagrams.
- (PK20646) Information about unresolved references was missing.
- (PK22203) When merging models, the merge results are incorrect.
- (PK04769) When you select File > Fit to page, the print output is not as expected.
- (PK07173) Images are not rendered correctly when scaled during printing.
- (PK22965) An unresolved reference adornment is added to the OwnedElement association of a component and its owned element and members.
- (PK05564) When creating an enumeration, the attributes are not listed in alphabetical order.
- (PK13849) An association class cannot be selected using CRTL+A, and its relationships cannot be copied and pasted.
- (PK15819) Closing and re-opening class diagrams causes the layout of qualifiers on composition association relationships of class diagrams to change.
- (PK21004) When adding a parameter in the Add Finder Descriptor Wizard, an error message "No Types available" is displayed if you click Browse.
- (PK20027) If you have the value of reentrant set to true in the ejb.xml source file, when you open the deployment descriptor editor reentrant is not selected on the Bean tab.
- (PK20165) When adding a container managed persistence (CMP) field to an Entity Bean, you cannot add additional fields if 31 fields are already defined.
- (PK12579) When using the Add relationship editor, foreign keys show on the wrong side of the relationship.
- (PK20036) When editing relationships in an EJB, cascade delete is selected on the wrong bean.
- (PK22335) When adding a container managed persistence (CMP) field to an existing EJB, you cannot add additional fields if 63 fields are already defined.
- (PK17757) When deploying an EJB, if the EJB project has separate source and output folders, then a RMIC RC=1 error occurs.
- (PK18654) When incrementally deploying an EJB, generated stub classes are not updated because the remote method invocation compiler (RMIC) does not run.
- (PK19560) Using an aggregate function in EJB query language (EJB QL) causes errors when generating SQLJ deployment code.
- (PK20562) Files generated by the EJB deploy tool are not being flagged as derived.
- (PK23108) When deploying an EJB, the remote method invocation compiler (RMIC) fails to run if EJB deployment code folder is a path variable.
- (PK12623) The EJB Relationship editor incorrectly shows the foreign keys on the wrong side.
- (PK18255) If you check an EJB project into a source code management (SCM) system, the value of the EJB deployment folder is not preserved when the project in checked out and loaded into the workspace.
- (PK19986) EJB query language (EJB QL) generates invalid SQL for string "TRUE=TRUE."
(PK22824) Dragging and dropping JavaBeans™ to a JSF table causes errors. (PK18452) Modified content is lost when using a nested template that has two or more content areas are defined in a parent template's content area.
- (PK20317) The help topic for Importing a Project Interchange file does not mention the check box in the wizard for "Include derived files."
- (PK22455) When editing XSD files in the XML editor, the delete key does not function properly.
- (PK19914) Error occurs when connection to DB2® on z/OS® due to the JDBC driver returning the host name with trailing spaces.
For information about installing Interim Fix 002 for IBM Rational Software Architect Version, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at
For hardware requirements for this interim fix, refer to the installation instructions.
This interim fix can be installed on top of Rational Software Architect Fix Pack updated with Interim Fix 001.
When you install the Rational XDE Model Import (XMI) Interim Feature, Rational Product Updater (RPU) will automatically select Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer Version Interim Fix 002. If you roll back Interim Fix 002, RPU will automatically select the XMI Interim Feature for roll back. If you have a previous version of the Interim Feature installed and you roll back the Interim Feature, you must also roll back Interim Fix 002. If you do not have an earlier version of the Interim Feature installed, you can leave Interim Fix 002 on your system after you roll back the Interim Feature.
When you have an installation of IBM Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer that skips over version, a version of the Business profile is missing. When a model is loaded in the skip installation that uses the Business profile from Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer, the following message is received: Package with url "http:///_ugVzYGmlEdmm3PVmRkZgQA.profile.uml2" not found.
Upon loading a model from a pre- iFix002 Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer installation that has the Business profile installed, the tool will automatically fix the problem described above without modifying the model. Once this model is saved in Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer iFix002, the offending entry in the model file will be changed to use the appropriate pathmap.
To maintain backwards compatibility from Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer iFix 002 to previous versions of Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer for a model that has the Business Modeling profile applied, you need to take the following steps in the pre- iFix 002 Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer installation. These steps define a pathmap to the Business Modeling profile on-disk, which is referenced by the Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer model.
- Click Window > Preferences.
- In the Preferences window, expand Modeling and click Path Maps.
- On the Path Maps page, click New.
- In the New Variable window, in the Name field, type IBM_PROFILES; then click Folder.
- In the Folder Selection window, select the <RSA_INSTALL_DIR>\rsa\eclipse\plugins\\profiles (where XXX is a version number) folder; then click OK.
- Click OK.
You are now able to open a model modified in Rational Software Architect, Rational Software Modeler, or Rational Systems Developer iFix 002 with the Business Modeling Profile applied in your pre- iFix002 installation. (PK23110)
If you are adding or editing an EJB that is part of an EJB inheritance and you select Cascade delete on the Relationship Roles page, then there is a problem with CMP fields disappearing. This only affects CMP fields associated with relationships between two beans, at least one of which is part of EJB inheritance.
This problem has been fixed in the current interim fix. However, if you are a non-root Linux user, may may continue to experience this problem after a root user has installed the interim fix.
To correct the problem, delete the .eclipse file from your home directory (for example, /home/user name/.eclipse).
Important: Deleting the .eclipse file can cause you to lose workspace preferences and the location of any plug-ins that you manually installed.
If you run a project on a Portal Server Attach server, an error dialog is displayed after the operation with the message:
Server Error
Error received while starting the server
The server named WebSphere Portal v5.1 Server Attach @ localhost did not start correctly. Check the Console for error messages.This error message is being thrown incorrectly. It can be safely ignored and will not affect the functionality of run on server to a remote portal server.
When you contact customer support, the support representative will require the versions of the installed products or interim features on your system.
To determine the versions, complete the following steps:
- Start Rational Product Updater:
- If the product is running, click Help < Software Updates > IBM Rational Product Updater.
- On Windows operating systems, click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main menu and click Programming > Rational Product Updater.
- On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main menu and click IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater.
- Click the Installed Products tab.
For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the product support page for Rational Software Architect at
For product news, events, and other information, visit the product home page for Rational Software Architect at
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