To view the latest version of this file, see the release notes at
1.0 About this release
1.1 New in this release
1.1.1 Datapool,
reliability, error handling, and memory use enhancements
1.1.2 Availability of
IBM Rational Performance Tester for z/OS
1.1.3 Availability of
IBM Rational Performance Tester Extension for Siebel Test Automation
1.1.4 Rational
Product Updater cleanup function
1.2 Product fix history
2.0 Installation information
2.1 Hardware requirements
2.2 Software requirements
2.3 Using IBM Rational Performance Tester for z/OS
2.4 Licensing
3.0 Fixes in this refresh pack
3.1 Fixes
3.2 Problems and workarounds
4.0 Customer support
5.0 Notices and trademarks
This refresh pack is built upon Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) 3.3, which enables IBM Rational Performance Tester® to improve datapool editing, reliability, error handling, and memory utilization. In addition, this refresh pack includes support for z/OS, which you buy as a separate product, and fixes the problems listed in section 3.0.
This refresh pack is built upon TPTP 3.3, which enables Rational Performance Tester to provide:
This refresh pack supports z/OS. When you purchase IBM Rational Performance Tester for z/OS and update to this refresh pack, you will be able to use a remote computer that runs z/OS to add virtual users to your schedule run.
This refresh pack includes, as a separate extension, support for testing Siebel® 7.7 applications. Because the Siebel data correlation library runs only on Windows® computers, this is a Windows-only feature.
When you purchase IBM Rational Performance Tester Extension for Siebel Test Automation and update to this refresh pack, you will be able to test Siebel 7.7 applications. The Siebel extension requires a separate license fee that must be paid prior to use. To purchase this extension, log in to Passport Advantage Online at
The Siebel Test Automation (STA) framework, available only from Siebel, is also required. Please contact your Siebel Sales Representative to purchase or inquire about STA.
The following sections list the differences in Performance Tester when the Siebel extension is enabled.
The test generation preferences contain a new option: Siebel support. Click Window > Preferences, expand Test, and click Performance Test Generation. The default setting is Automatic (automatically detect and activate Siebel support). You can change the setting to always On or always Off.
The test editor preferences contain a new page: HTTP. Click Window > Preferences, expand Test, click Performance Test Editor, and click the HTTP tab. These are the preferences on the HTTP page:
The General page is unchanged from what is documented in the product Help. The Colors and Fonts page shows the color coding for text that has been substituted from built-in variables (see the next section, "Siebel test editing").
Siebel tests and standard HTTP tests differ primarily in how dynamic data is stored and substituted during test execution.
In standard HTTP tests, a data source (datapool variable, custom code, or a reference) is linked to a test value that it simply replaces at runtime.
Siebel tests contain an additional type of data source called a built-in data source, which contains variables that you can substitute for a test value. The replacement data is stored in a proprietary data structure called a star array. A star array stores both strings and their length in hexadecimal format (length_string) or integer format (length*string). Siebel substituters know how to substitute data and recompute the length as required. When you substitute from a value in a star array (highlight a length_string or length*string format value, right-click and click Substitute From), you are prompted to choose a Siebel substitution or a standard HTTP substitution. With rare exceptions, you should choose Siebel.
Siebel also requires some special run-time values in order to be replayed successfully. Automatic correlation should use these special "built-in variables" to handle most cases. However, you may want to do additional correlations.
To correlate a string with a built-in variable:
Select the type of variable and click either Next or Finish .
A content verification point verifies whether a specified text string occurs in the response to a request.
To add a content verification point to a test:
To create a user-defined string, follow these instructions after completing step 3:
Note that user-defined VPs can be used in any test, not just Siebel tests.
Rational Product Updater can now remove from your system any files that are outdated after you install a new update. You can use the Clean up function to significantly reduce the disk space that is used by the installed product, and to purge any outdated files. For additional information, see the "Removing outdated files" topic in the Rational Product Updater help.
This refresh pack includes the following fixes:
For information about installing IBM Rational Performance Studio Refresh Pack 6.1.1, installation prerequisites, installing from a command line, and setting up a local mirror of the update server, see the installation instructions at:
No additional hardware requirements are necessary to install this refresh pack.
You can install this refresh pack for use with IBM Rational Performance Tester 6.1.
Before you install this refresh pack, you must install
The Siebel testing features require the Siebel-supplied data correlation
library, which is implemented by the file ssdtcorr.dll (this file is provided
in the Siebel Test Automation (STA) framework). You must obtain this library
from Siebel and manually copy it on the local computer (where Rational
Performance Tester 6.1 has been installed), in this path:
The correlation library must be present on every computer that runs a Siebel test. However, you do not need to copy it to remote computers because after you install the correlation library on the local computer, it is automatically copied as needed to any remote computer on which you deploy a Siebel test.
The Siebel-supplied correlation library depends on the Microsoft C++ runtime
library, which is implemented by the file msvcr70.dll. The Windows computer on
which you want to run a Siebel test might contain no C++ runtime library or may
contain a different version. In this case, you must obtain msvcr70.dll
from the Microsoft Web site and copy it into the siebel
with ssdtcorr.dll. This ensures that the file will be automatically copied as
needed to any remote computer on which you deploy a Siebel test. Although this
procedure is not necessary in some installations, putting a copy of msvcr70.dll
into the siebel
folder ensures that you will not have to worry
about it being missing if you add an additional remote computer in the future.
You must have the following software installed on your z/OS system:
The following sections explain how to use Performance Tester for z/OS. You must:
Have the system programmer set ASSIZEMAX to 2147483647.
Place the following export commands in the .profile of the user ID who will be starting Performance Tester for z/OS:
export RASERVER_HOME=install_dir/IBM/AgentController
export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:install_dir/IBM/AgentController/lib:java_install_dir/bin:java_install_dir/bin/classic:xml_parser_dir/lib
export PATH=$PATH:install_dirIBM/AgentController/bin
Set the _BPX_SHAREAS environment variable to NO:
export _BPX_SHAREAS="NO"
pax -ppx -rf ibmrac.os390.pax
pax -ppx -rf ../../tptpdc.os390.pax
extattr +p install_dir/IBM/AgentController/lib/*.so
To stop the z/OS RAC, issue the following command:
Performance testing of Siebel applications requires a license for the IBM Rational Performance Tester Extension for Siebel Test Automation. This extension can run only on the Windows variants supported by IBM Rational Performance Tester and IBM Rational Performance Tester for z/OS; this extension does not run on Linux or z/OS.
IBM Rational Performance Tester lets you run up to five concurrent virtual users on Windows, Linux, or both. To run more users, however, virtual tester pack licenses are required. For example, you can run Performance Tester with up to five virtual users without a license, but to run ten virtual users, you must purchase a license for a virtual tester pack supporting five or more additional virtual users. Licenses come in sizes of 5, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, and 100,000 virtual testers.
A virtual tester pack license is not divisible; only one user can use a particular virtual tester pack at any given time. For example, user A and user B cannot split a 50 virtual tester pack to each run a 25-user test. Rather, the 50 virtual tester pack license lets single user run a test emulating up to 50 virtual users.
A virtual tester pack license is additive; a single user can combine multiple virtual tester pack licenses to run a test supported by the combination of those licenses. For example, a single user can use two 50 virtual tester pack licenses to run a test simulating up to 100 virtual users.
Running virtual users on the z/OS operating system requires a license for IBM Rational Performance Tester for z/OS. IBM Rational Performance Tester for z/OS lets you run an unlimited number of virtual users on the z/OS hosts for which your have purchased this license. Additionally, this license lets you run up five concurrent virtual users on Windows and Linux for the purposes of test asset development.
This section lists the fixes of note, as well as the workarounds for some problems, in this refresh pack.
This refresh pack fixes the following problems. If a problem has an APAR number, this number is listed.
This section lists the workarounds for some problems.
Under certain conditions--especially if your schedule is set to stop after an elapsed time or has been stopped by clicking Stop in the Performance Test Runs view--the Summary report might show users in an active state after a test completes.
If a Summary report shows active users, but you think that your test has completed, check the Overall tab. If the Overall tab says that the test has completed, disregard the user status shown in the Summary report.
In the 6.1 installation manual, Installing IBM Rational Performance Tester, the section "Installing license keys on Linux" is incorrect. This section should read:
To install license keys on a Linux client, create the file $HOME/.flexlmrc
containing a line with the computer name or the IP address of the Rational
license server. For example, add the lines
to the .flexlmrc file.
The .flexlmrc file must be created in the home directory of every user on the
target system who will run more than five virtual testers.
If you are running Performance Tester on Linux, you must set the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME environment variable in order for the Rational Product Updater to display detailed information correctly.
To set this environment variable, add the following lines to shortcut_rpu (in the install directory, /opt/IBM/Rational/SPD/6.0 by default):
This problem affects other products installed on Linux via the Rational Product Updater.
When entering a value in the Java Virtual Machine heap size filed via Window > Preferences > Performance Test Workbench, the value was not preserved on Linux computers. An error is now reported that rational.sdp.ini is read-only. Change the file to writable before changing the preference.
To record with a proxy server you must clear the box Bypass proxy server for local addresses. However, when you are using the Help, you must check this box.
To locate this box, open Internet Explorer and click Tools > Internet Options
> Connections > LAN Settings.
An active z/OS RAC process will not be updated. z/OS RAC must be restarted to ensure the updates are available.
The product home page for Rational Performance Tester is For FAQs, lists of known problems and fixes, and other support information, visit the Support page on the product home page.
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