Version 1.2.1 iFix 001
This release contains the IBM(R) Rational(R) Functional Tester Extension for Terminal-based Applications v1.2.1 (Extension for Terminal-based Applications). These release notes provide installation and system requirements information and information that is not available from the online Help system.
Extension for Terminal-based Applications is a tool that creates test scripts to automate your host application test cases.
Through the use of terminal verification points and properties, as well as synchronization code to identify when the terminal is ready for user input, Extension for Terminal-based Applications provides you with a rich set of capabilities to test host attributes, host field attributes and screen flow through a host application.
Using Extension for Terminal-based Applications, you can
The following features are new in v1.2:
Character-level verification points are supported through the Test Object Browser, but not the through the Object Finder. To get to the character level, bring up the Verification Point and Action wizard, select the Test Object Browser from the drop-down menu, and expand the objects as follows.
Support for VT (Unix) terminal sessions is provided through the VT terminal types and corresponding code pages on the main window. Support is provided for several different popular VT types, from VT100 to VT420. Note that the term "VT100" is sometimes used as a general term for VT terminal support, while the actual terminal type that is needed might be a newer type of VT terminal. The FTE support for the VT100 terminal type exactly matches a VT100 terminal, including its limited character set, which might not be ideal for some applications. The VT default terminal type is the default type supported by the emulator, which can change from release to release. If you do not know which type of VT terminal you need, you might start by trying the VT default terminal.
If you will be using a UTF8 terminal session, make sure you select the VT UTF8 terminal type and a corresponding UTF8 code page.
If Program Function keys do not seem to work properly for a VT terminal session, try the following solutions:
The Keyboard Remap, Color Remap, File Transfer and Print Screen functions are supported through dialogs that are launched by buttons on the RFT toolbar. Each button has hovertext that identifies what it does.
If any of these features is used while recording a script, the focus may not automatically return to the host terminal. It may be necessary to click on the window or press the Alt+Tab keys to set the focus.
The Keyboard Remap dialog allows you to map Characters or Host Functions to individual keys or key combinations that are on your keyboard. To remap the keyboard, press the Keyboard Remap toolbar button and select the remapping category: Character, Host Functions, or Custom Functions. The Characters category contains individual text characters that can be remapped; the Host Functions category contains function keys that can be remapped; and the Custom Functions category allows you to create your own function by specifying the code point(s) to produce for the key or key combination.
You can remap the colors used to display different kinds of text, such as normal, protected, and intensified text. Be aware that while color remapping changes the colors with which the various types of text will be displayed on the screen, it does not change the value of the color property of the text used in verification points.
To upload or download files, you must first connect to a host system, then set the Defaults for the file transfer using the Defaults toolbar button.
The IBM Extension for Terminal-based Applications helps contain complete installation and upgrade instructions and system requirements for the Extension for Terminal-based Applications for Windows(R).
In the Eclipse 2.x environment, IBM for Java and Web v2003 (formally known as Rational XDE(TM) Tester) is a prerequisite for Extension for Terminal-based Applications. In the Eclipse 3.x and the Visual Studio .NET environments, IBM v6.1 is a prerequisite for Extension for Terminal-based Applications. Extension for Terminal-based Applications runs in an Eclipse 2.x or Eclipse 3.x environment on the Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating systems, and is integrated with IBM for Java and Web v2003 (IBM).
For information pertaining to the function and operation of IBM, please refer to the IBM Help System.
If you will be using Extension for Terminal-based Applications in the Visual Studio .NET environment, you must install Visual Studio .NET Framework 1.1 before you install IBM or Extension for Terminal-based Applications.
You must first install IBM, then install Extension for Terminal-based Applications in the same Eclipse-based studio environment.
To install IBM Rational Functional Tester Extension for Terminal-based Applications, first, ensure that your Eclipse-based or Visual Studio environment is closed, then insert the IBM Rational Functional Tester Extension for Terminal-based Applications installation CD and follow the instructions provided by the install program.
Once you have finished the installation, launch IBM. If you receive a message stating that there are updates pending, select Yes and the Configuration Changes window appears. Select the changes listed in the Configuration Changes window and then select Finish. You will then need to restart IBM.
If your current version of IBM has a Hotfix that is less than what is required for Extension for Terminal-based Applications, the install upgrades your version of IBM to the minimum required Hotfix level. If your version of IBM is already at the required Hotfix level or higher, the install for Extension for Terminal-based Applications does not change your version of IBM.
If you want to upgrade your version of IBM, you can get the latest fix from IBM Rational's support web site.
From IBM, you can launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications while recording a script. If you wish to launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications while not recording a script, use IBM's Application Configuration Tool, or in the Eclipse environment, add the launch icon button to the toolbar.
To add the Launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications icon to the tool bar in the Eclipse environment, select the tool bar using mouse button 2 and select Customize perspective.... The Customize Perspective window appears. Select Others and then select the check box next to Extension for Terminal-based Applications Toolbar and select OK. The Launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications icon should now appear on the tool bar.
If you are reinstalling both IBM and Extension for Terminal-based Applications, follow the instructions provided by the install program.
If you have modified your configuration file and you are reinstalling Extension for Terminal-based Applications and not reinstalling IBM, you must remove Extension for Terminal-based Applications from the applications list in the Application Configuration Tool. To remove Extension for Terminal-based Applications from the applications list in the Application Configuration Tool, select Configure -> Configure Applications for Testing... from the IBM tool bar. The Application Configuration Tool window appears.
In the Application Configuration Tool window, under applications, select Extension for Terminal-based Applications . Select Remove, then select OK. This removes the terminal application from the list.
After reinstalling Extension for Terminal-based Applications in the Eclipse environment, if the Launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications icon does not appear on the tool bar, select the tool bar using mouse button 2 and select Customize perspective.... The Customize Perspective window appears. Select Others and then select the check box next to Extension for Terminal-based Applications Toolbar and select OK. The Launch the Extension for Terminal-based Applications icon should now appear on the tool bar.
You will need 120 MB of available disk space to install Extension for Terminal-based Applications.
Extension for Terminal-based Applications does not have any system requirements for memory and processor speed above what Eclipse or IBM already require.
For additional information on IBM see the documentation available at the following IBM web site: <codeph> <codeph>
GSKit provides two main functions. It provides Secure Socket Layer (SSL) TCP/IP connections using public key encryption/decryption methodologies and it provides key management functions.
If you are interested in using GSKit, please install it from your installation CD. For additional information about GSKit, please see the GSKit documentation also located on the installation CD.
If your data transactions require enhanced security, please install the Global Security Kit (GSKit) toolkit included on your installation CD.
Workaround : Use the .conn file when making multiple connections.
Workaround : Change the title bar value of all TFrame objects to a regular expression. From the Private Test Object Map window, click on the top level of the second TFrame tree, under the recognition tab, right click on property .captionText and accessibleContextaccessibleName to convert the string value to a regular expression. Then remove any string value following IBM Extension for Terminal-based Applications, and add an asterisk ( * ) at the end of this string. If necessary, perform the same change for the first TFrame tree.
Workaround : Select the Help button in the WSED shell first, then select the Extension for Terminal-based Applications Help button.
Workaround : There is no workaround for this. While it may not be visually appealing, it does not cause any technical problems.
Workaround: Ensure that the IBM Extension for Terminal-based Applications windows are not at the exact same pixel location on the screen. Move the IBM Extension for Terminal-based Applications windows (drag them to a different locations on the workspace) so that they are not at the exact same pixel location. The IBM Extension for Terminal-based Applications windows can overlap.
Workaround: There is no workaround for this.
Workaround: Go back into the Preferences window and reenter your default connection configuration directory.
Workaround: After uninstalling Extension for Terminal-based Applications, go into the IBM Application Configuration Tool and remove Extension for Terminal-based Applications from the list prior to reinstalling Extension for Terminal-based Applications. Once you have completed the reinstall of Extension for Terminal-based Applications, you will then need to go back into the Application Configuration Tool and reenter your changes to the Extension for Terminal-based Applications default configuration.
Workaround: When you install a IBM hotfix, you need to disable and re-enable the JREs within Eclipse. To do this, select Enable Environments for Testing icon from the toolbar. In the Enable Environments dialog, click the Java Environments tab for each JRE that appears in the list of Java environments, highlight it, click the Disable button, then the Enable button.
Workaround: Do one of the following:
Workaround: Do not install both GSKit and IBM Personal Communications on the same workstation.
Workaround: The equivalent information can be found in the Extension for Terminal-based Applications help documentation, under:
Workaround: Resize the Extension for Terminal-based Applications window so that you can see the keypad.