
Installing a uDeploy Server

The following is a basic walkthrough of a typical installation of the uDeploy server.


  1. Navigate to Supportal and log in.
  2. Click on Products>uDeploy>Latest Version (preferably)>Server Installer.
  3. Save it to a remembered location.
  4. Extract the downloaded uDeploy .zip file into a remembered location.

Windows Installation

  1. In a command prompt, navigate to the folder that was created when you extracted the .zip file.
  2. Locate the install-server.bat and execute it.
  3. You will be prompted for the following:
  • The directory where the uDeploy Server will be installed.
This is the directory that the server folders and files will be installed to. If a location is specified that doesn't exist, you will be prompted to create it.
  • The home directory of the JRE/JDK used to run the server.
Where you have the JRE/JVM installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\Java\"your JDK version"
  • The IP address on which the Web UI should listen.
This is the IP address(es) that you can connect to the UI at. The default is all the IPs assigned and available on the host machine.
  • If you want the Web UI to always use secure connections using SSL?
This option will determine if you will have to use SSL to connect to the server UI. Keep in mind that you will need a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority that your choice browser will accept or you will receive a warning that the certificate isn't trusted. Microsoft Internet Explorer will prompt this warning every time you connect to the UI. Most other browsers will only prompt the first time, but will display a portion of the URL in red text to remind you that it doesn't trust the certificate. The default answer to this installation prompt is yes.
  • The port on which the Web UI should listen for HTTP/S requests.
This is the port that will be used for web connections. Ensure that the port that you are assigning is not in use by another application. The default port for HTTP is 8080, and HTTPS is 8443.
  • The URL for external access to the web UI.
This is the URL that will be used to connect to the UI.
  • The port to use for agent communication.
The default port is 7918.
  • If you want the Server and Agent communication to require mutual authentication.
This is a security feature to help ensure that the agent hasn't been compromised. You'll need to configure shared keys on the server and agents. For instructions on how to configure mutual authentication, click here. The default answer for this is no.
  • The database type to use.
uDeploy supports most databases, including Mysql, Oracle, Sqlserver. Derby is the default embedded database, and should only be used for evaluation purposes only! To see how to install using other databases, see below.
  • The database username.
The default is "uDeploy".
  • The database password.
The default is "password"
4. The server will then be installed with your chosen specifics.
5. You will be prompted to determine if you want to install the Server as Windows service. The advantage of this is that the server will continue running even after the current user logs off, and will run using a "System" account instead of a particular user, or can be configured to run under a specific user dedicated to the service. The disadvantages are that
