Before running the upgrade script, you should shut down the server. To perform an upgrade, follow the installation instructions. See Installation.
When using SSL, you need to turn it on for both the server and the agent -- otherwise the agents will not be able to connect to the server. If you are using the agent relay, ensure that SSL is turned on for all three components: server, agent, and agent relay. This rule also applies if using mutual authentication. |
If you are planning to migrate databases as part of the upgrade, see Migrate Server Database before continuing.
When asked for the directory to install the server, enter the existing server directory.
To upgrade the AnthillPro Server:
Follow steps 1 to 5 of the installation process.
When prompted, give the current AnthillPro server directory. For example: C:\Program Files\anthill3\server (Windows) or /opt/anthill3/server (Linux).
The installer will ask you if you want to upgrade the existing server. Type Yes to upgrade or No to exit the installer. Once the upgrade is under way, the installer will use most of your existing values.
Provide the Home directory of the JRE/JDK used to run the server, if different from the original.
If the AnthillPro server is installed as a Windows service: Input the unique name in the dialog box and click OK to stop and remove service (Windows service will be recreated, if desired, at the end of the upgrade process).
If more than one instance of the AnthillPro server is installed as a Windows service, make sure the correct service name is entered.
See also Install as Windows Service.
Once the installer is complete, you can start the server.