'''Database Port''': 11366 |
'''Database Port''': 11366 |
'''Database Port''': 11366 |
'''Database Port''': 11366 |
= AHP: AgentRelay⢠& Distributed Web Ports = |
= AHP: AgentRelay⢠& Distributed Web Ports = |
== Distributed Web (3.6.*/3.7.*) == |
== Distributed Web (3.6.*/3.7.*) == |
'''Web UI''': 8081 ''(or '''8443''' if SSL is selected)'' |
'''Web UI''': 8081 ''(or '''8443''' if SSL is selected)'' |
'''C'''ontent '''A'''ddressable '''S'''torage |
'''C'''ontent '''A'''ddressable '''S'''torage |
'''Derby Database Port''': 11388 |
'''Derby Database Port''': 11388 |
'''Web UI''': 8585 ''(note that this defaults to unsecure; no SSL default)'' |
'''Web UI''': 8585 ''(note that this defaults to unsecure; no SSL default)'' |