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Process for Hooking Up AHP to Customer Databases
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by Brad Galla â last modified Jul 25, 2011 10:29 AM
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This is a short guide that instructs how to take a database received from a customer and have anthillpro connect to it so that it can be used.
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Have customer send fresh dump of database via FTP or Supportal Ticket
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Set up instance of Database's application with Database and prepare for usage (open any ports needed to connect; etc.)
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Install the version of anthillpro server that matches the version they were using with their database
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One method for finding this is analyzing the DB_VERSION table in the database.
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Use derby as the installation database; we will change this afterwards
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Install an agent that matches that version of the server (if necessary).
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Download/obtain the driver for the database type that was being used and copy it to the %SERVER_HOME%\lib\ext directory
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For example, if using Oracle, you could be using (ojdbc5.jar)
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Modify the %SERVER_HOME%\conf\server\ file with the following values:
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install.db.url=[[database's url connection string]]
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install.db.password=[[database user's password]]
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install.db.driver=[[database driver's terminology name]]
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Example for oracle: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
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install.db.user=[[database user's username]]
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install.db.type=[[type of database installed]]
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Example for oracle: oracle
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Modify %SERVER_HOME%\conf\spring-server\base.xml file and change any occurrences of:
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url to [[database's url connection string]]
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username to [[database user's username]]
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password to [[database user's password]]
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Modify %SERVER_HOME%\conf\server\ file by changing line 42:
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realdriver=[[database driver's terminology name]]
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After making the modifications above, navigate to the anthill installer that you downloaded and extract the archive somewhere where you can access the files contained inside it. Grab any *.xml files that pertain to the database type (subdirectory would be the database type...for example 'oracle' for Oracle) and place them in the %SERVER_HOME%\conf\sql directory.
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Place the database driver in the new anthill installer's lib\ext directory (create it if it doesn't exist) prior to running installation.
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Run the upgrade on the %SERVER_HOME% directory so that the old server gets upgraded.
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Start the upgraded server and proceed with the auto-agent upgrade through the UI to continue using anthillpro.
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If you should notice any errors listed in this procedure please immediately report them to citing a link to this page. Thanks.